Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Feeling defeated before I even begin. Where do I start when it comes to diet?

A few weeks ago, I had a general physical with my doctor and he (gently) pointed out that I should lose weight and get more exercise based on the results of my blood work (high cholesterol, fatty liver, etc.). This wasn't a shock, but it definitely brought me back to reality regarding the way I've been living for the past few years.

I've had an immense amount of stress in my personal life during the past 5 years and diet/exercise/healthy living just took a back seat. I didn't/don't have the skills to make it work for me yet, while dealing with my "life." My father died, I became a caregiver for my mother (w/o any family support), went to grad school, etc. It's been a mess. I just gave up trying to eat healthy and my diet became a lot of fast food and sugary foods (a latte for breakfast, ugh). I'm not proud.

Anyway, after the appointment with the doctor, I realized that I really have to make some changes. The unhealthy inactive way I'm living is totally unsustainable for my future health and wellbeing. The problem is, now I don't know where to begin.

I'm "good" at researching (I'm a librarian by trade), but after reading about all types of diets. I still feel like my head is just spinning. Everything I read is contradictory, everyone is out to make a buck, etc. CICO is really the only thing that makes sense!! But then, ugh, "95% of diets fail!!!!" is everywhere!! I'm not a bad cook, but when it comes to cooking I'm not a "creative" thinker and definitely need recipes and rules to follow. I feel discouraged when I see advice that's just "eat more veggies," "eat more legumes!" I think to myself, "okay, but... how?" what meals should I be eating, exactly? I got "in trouble" on a Facebook group for the Mediterranean diet (which seems to be a good start towards less processed, whole foods) for asking for breakfast ideas. Breakfast is the meal I struggle with the most and I just am already feeling so discouraged. Like, I'm not allowed to ask for advice anywhere.

I asked my doctor for a referral to a dietician, which he obliged. He also referred me to an "exercise specialist" (I'm still not sure what that is). However, I had an appointment with the local health region (I'm located in Canada, so it's a bit different than the US) and after meeting with the "gatekeeper" nurse for those programs. For some reason, I'm feeling discouraged before I even start. I thought they were going to offer more support, but I don't think they will. I felt saddened when the nurse asked me who I have to lean on for "support" and well, the answer is no one. I've been so busy with grad school/getting established in my field (which sucks during covid), moving, and being the sole caregiver for my 75 year old mother, that... I don't have anyone to rely on. She seemed to judge me for that answer, almost as if I won't be able to become healthier if I don't have a pack of people cheerleading for me. Then I think to myself, well... who am I getting healthy for? Is it just enough to become healthier and lose weight for myself? I don't know. I just feel overwhelmed.

I'd greatly appreciate any advice on how to make baby steps to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. I just feel so alone and like this is going to be impossible. I feel like I'm trying my best to start, but it's not going to be good enough.

submitted by /u/dorleacs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3sxiut6

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