Monday, April 5, 2021

I’m trying so hard but verbal abuse makes it harder.

I started my weight loss (initially in secret, which is nigh on impossible when you live with your parent(s) ) on the 16th of March this year. I have a parent who takes after their own father (my deceased grandfather) and sometimes is a wonderful parent, and at other times is endlessly verbally abusive, sometimes hits at or slaps me. I’m not saying it’s so bad I end up in hospital or anything like that, but it almost always leaves some form of red swollen area or sometimes even a few bruises, I’ve had the things I’ve bought with my own money (possessions) smashed, thrown, dented or even destroyed over the years, I used to retaliate but as I’ve gotten older I do not believe in violence of any kind, and whilst I may verbally retaliate, I will never physically retaliate because it goes against my own philosophies. I’m 26 y/o and can’t afford to rent anywhere. Two friends of my family lent me the money for my first car in 2019 and since then I’ve earned my own wages since doing my degree and paid to keep my car on the road, as well as paying a small food contribution each month to my parents as I can’t afford anything more to live in their home. So to simplify: it was either the car or renting somewhere and I needed the car to get a job so I went with the car. In some ways I have since regretted this as I am essentially trapped where I live.... anyway that’s not really why I’m in this thread. I started my weight loss journey weighing 79.5kg / 175.267lbs on the 16th March this year. I’m 26, (F), 5ft 4”. I have since lost 4.7kg / 10.362lbs through exercise 3 - 5 times a week (15-30 minutes of intense aerobic exercise, because I was the most horribly unfit person imaginable and didn’t do ANY exercise at all prior to this, at least not since I was a child) and careful and considered calorie deficiency. I kept it initially secret from my parent as they are always verbally abusing me, calling me “fat” followed by another rude word, “fatty”, and other really unhelpful comments, and I knew my motivation would BOMB with them around knowingly seeing me work hard. I’ve been furloughed from work for three months and during this time worked hard to gain an additional and new qualification besides my degree so that I can hopefully leave my job and do one that I enjoy more and hopefully earn a little bit more money. (I have since been offered a temporary summer job in this field starting in June I believe, I’m waiting on final details and contract to come through). My parent was not furloughed but I was suddenly told they had taken 2 week holiday leave so the last two weeks have been a mixture of spending “nice” time with this parent and also utter hell, endless verbal abuse because I’m not the tidiest person and often leave my things around the house, or wash up a bit later than this parent would want me to. Basically, we do not agree on hardly anything. When we get along, we are fine, really close even, but this parent switches very very quickly. They use me a lot to help them with their technology issues even though I don’t know anything particularly about the field. I’ve worked so hard to lose this weight, it’s not much I know, but I find it so much harder without any support. They use the money I give them to buy the healthy food for me that I ask for, (which is supportive, yes) but if I have one of my rest days of not doing any exercise because my body is telling me I need to rest, this parent calls me lazy/useless/a slob, just because I feel tired and need to have a rest day (aka no exercise but confining my healthy eating plan). I don’t know, I just needed somewhere to vent I guess. Thank you so much if you took the time to read this.

submitted by /u/shedreamsofatlantis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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