Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Weight Loss Stalling - Advice?

Hi all,

Wanted to preface this with my stats-

5’6” Male Current Weight: 155.6 pounds Starting Weight: 160 pounds (about 3.5-4 weeks ago)

Calorie intake: 1710 per day (150c,50f,165p) Exercise: 5 days/week Cardio: 5 days/week (3 mile mornings runs)

What’s going on:

I’ve been eating at a strict deficit (food scaling my portions) while training for strength and doing a lot of cardio, to the point where I’m constantly exhausted.

However, despite all of this, my weight loss has completely stalled for the last two weeks. 14 days ago I weighed 155.4, I fluctuated between 154-155 for two weeks and ended up right back to 155.4 again this morning.

My deficit/cardio combo is for 2 lbs/week yet I’ve stalled completely and have had 0 pounds in over two weeks. Any ideas on what could be causing this? I’m confused on what steps to take.

TLDR: on a strict 2lb/week cut/exercise regime with accurate food portioning, but weight loss stalled for over two weeks now.

submitted by /u/theyoungsums
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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