Wednesday, April 7, 2021

When does being fit and healthy start to feel good?

Sorry for the length - but basically it's been 9 weeks and I feel like literal shit all the time.

I'm posting this because I need to know when those positive feelings will kick in. You know the ones that healthy and athletic people are always talking about. How a consistently healthy diet and working out give them more energy, better sleep, better overall mood, keep your mind sharp, etc, etc.

Ill start off by saying that I (31/F) haven't exercised in 10 years, and then a little over two months ago began to hit the gym hard. Long story - but major mental shift happened and I'm leaning in.

I hired a personal trainer and have been working out 4 days a week for over 9 weeks now. Each session is two hours. 15 min elliptical warm up. 1 hour weight lifting. 45 min stair master to finish.

My trainer has been helping me with figuring out food, as I know "abs are made in the kitchen". I take a picture of everything I eat to show them in order to make sure I am doing it right, and drink almost a gallon of water a day. I started using a calorie counter and am learning about macros, all in the hopes of achieving my goal of losing 25 lbs by end of summer/early fall.

And basically every moment has been exceedingly unpleasant.

Physically I'm exhausted and grumpy. I feel heavy - like my body is made of stone. I move slower. I've had to visit the doctor 3 times for major issues with constipation, nausea, migraines, fatigue so bad I had to stay home from work once or twice, and my hormones have gone crazy and so I've had to go on birth control to manage. I generally have little to no energy at all times, and do not feel good before, during, or after I work out. I honestly feel best (which is not great) when I have a day of rest. When I can just lie down and not move.

Mentally I'm in a fog and dizzy half the time. I feel unattractive and bigger that I've ever been before, even though I've been receiving compliments from friends and coworkers on my weight loss (so I'm objectively noticeably smaller). It's the oddest thing.

Honestly - in the last 10 years of eating whatever I wanted and never going to the gym I've had little to no issue with energy, a positive mood, and solid self esteem. I've always pretty much felt great and liked the way I looked, and enjoyed being active but only if it looked fun. Ex. Walking a new city for hours on end, riding ATV's, surfing, archery...whatever. but not like going to the gym to build muscle/lose fat active. I was a generally happy person.

Oh, and as for weight loss, I've lost 7 lbs in 9 weeks. Trainer says its normal and good to go slow so that it stays off, but its not the most encouraging thing to feel terrible and see almost no positive results myself.

Anyways - I just need to know when being fitness and health focused starts to feel worth it? This shit is awful.

submitted by /u/quandomenvooooo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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