Saturday, December 31, 2022

Progress Update

About a couple weeks into my journey of getting back on track to my weight loss goals. Just recently started a job that involves heavy lifting and has me constantly on my feet. Also I bike on average 65 miles a week on my bike. So needless to say my calorie burn is very high. Best thing is also keeping my calorie count around 2,000-2,300. Might seem like a lot but with the amount of exercise it’s actually not bad. My main focus is to lose weight slowly and steadily. It’s much easier to reach a goal when allowing oneself time to mentally and physically adjust over time to a new lifestyle choice. My goal is 165 and I’m currently at 192. 27 more pounds to go but I know I’ll get there soon enough!

submitted by /u/cuddlypenguin7
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How do I get more protein?

I’m a pescatarian who is also dairy free and gluten free. How am I supposed to get 150g of protein while eating 1,500 calories a day?

I did the math and it turns out that (on a good day) I’m only eating 60 grams of protein. Today I had about 46g of and I don’t feel agitated or hungry but I know I can’t build muscle like this. I’m told muscle is crucial to the weight loss process.

I don’t like thinking about too much what I’m eating because too much of that can cause me to spiral (I have a binging disorder.) I don’t like eating three meals a day. I’d rather have one meal in the afternoon with some snacks and then a smaller meal a few hours later.

I like fruits and they make up most of my diet but I am willing to cut some out if anyone can suggest some ideas on how I can get my protein up without having to change my diet.

submitted by /u/heebergeeber
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We did it!


Me - 177 pounds Lost!
My Wife - 168 pounds Lost!

2022 has been an amazing journey of discipline and strength! We started our weight loss journey on the first of the year and have lost a combined weight of 345 pounds! I'm so damn proud of us! I've never been this thin in my life!

I'll spare you the details in this post except to say Keto + 20mins of aerobics + 10k steps a day. I have no problems answering questions in the comments or DMs.

Happy New Year Everyone!

submitted by /u/fragdemented
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What “unconventional” Weightloss foods are your favorite?

Hi there! If this is a common reoccurring question please feel free to delete but with a lot of people starting health journeys for the new year I thought it might be a fun and resourceful thread.

So I’ve been on a slow and steady Weightloss journey and have discovered a few things about my food preferences. I have a good friend who is starting his journey for New Years and we started discussing diet foods when he said to me “I just hate salads, and I’m not looking forward to eating salads for 6 months straight”

I told him I’m also not a fan of salads and really only eat them occasionally in the summer time. I get most of my veggies through SOUPS, stir frying, steaming/sautéing and raw snacking (where my baby carrot fans at???)

Please note: I’m not saying salads are bad or that I don’t like them, I just prefer other types of ways to get my veggies in, I have found salads don’t keep me full for a long time but soups do!

He seemed surprised and expressed he hadn’t thought about soups and stir fry as being healthy or good ways to get veggies in. There’s obviously ways you can make those things super unhealthy but it’s really easy to make them healthy, especially soups where I can add a scoop or two of unflavored protein powder.

But that poses the question, what other “unconventional” types of food do you all use for weight loss?

submitted by /u/ConfusedMidwesterner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have utterly failed

I'm 35M, 5'8" tall. My starting weight was 172, just a bit into the overweight range. Tomorrow morning I leave for a trip to the Bahamas. Two months ago I decided to set myself a goal of losing ~10 lbs to trim a little off my gut for the beach. I've been wanting to lose this weight for a while now but I felt like this deadline would be a good motivator, rather than doing something like starting on new year's with a vague deadline-free future.

I set myself a 750 cal deficit. For six weeks, I logged everything in Cronometer. I weighed everything on a food scale where applicable. I went to the gym about four times per week. The weight started to come off slowly. Not 1.5 lbs per week like I hoped, but about 1 lb. I got down to around 167 lbs, so 5 lost. Not great, but making progress.

Then my dad died.

I know, I know, it's okay to stumble after a major event like that and I can't expect to stay completely focused. But in the span of the following single week, I gained all of it back. And not like "I had more food in my system so it seemed like more", but "the following weeks have shown that it stuck". So one of two things happened: either 1. my initial weight loss wasn't real, and it was just having less mass in my GI tract, and somehow all my careful logging was for naught, or 2. in that last week, I ate 4000 Cals per day, every day, to gain it back. I didn't even feel like I was binging. I was just eating normally and not bothering to care about my goals.

So then I thought "okay, well I have two more weeks before the trip to lose a bit again". As of this morning, my total weight loss is... drumroll... zero. Absoutely zero. I'm exactly where I started. The entire past ten weeks of being hungry, careful logging, weighing, working out, all a total waste of my time. And this isn't the first time this has happened.

It's extremely frustrating to feel like my body wants to be this weight, where if I don't actively fight against it for the rest of my life, I'll always weigh this much. Worse, the "anchor weight" that I reset to keeps gradually increasing. Ten years ago, I weighed 152! And that was without dieting or working out, I just at less, naturally. I even managed to get into the 140s for my wedding. Then a few years later it was 156. Then 164. Then 168. Now it's 172. Every time I lose a bit, I eventually lose track of focusing on my weight to get back to the rest of my life, and I spring right back to where I started in less than half the time it took me to lose it.

Sorry for the wall of text.

submitted by /u/-Tesserex-
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The scale says I haven’t lost weight but my clothing says otherwise

I’ve recently begun new workout routines after I had fallen off the wagon pretty hard due to a bout of depression. I’ve been back to the gym at least 4 times a week for the last two months and have seen a difference in my calorie burning as well as endurance.

I’ve felt great with the new weights and changes to my routines but when I checked the scale after all these weeks, it says that I’m 225 lbs when my body feels like it should be less than that. I don’t know if it’s toning or change in muscle mass but my jeans feel looser and so do the sleeves on most of my shirts.

I want to get my weight down to 110-140 because readings show that that weight range is appropriate for a woman my height but I am also a curvy body type with a long torso so maybe the reading might be off? I don’t know.

I’m trying to make myself healthier and prevent obesity as it runs in my family but seeing that stupid number on the scale after what I’ve done just makes me feel worse. I could use some advice on how to not feel down on myself or what else I could do to keep moving forward in my weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/BlackCatPrincess145
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Arm weights

I am beginning my weight loss journey. I have a couple areas I really want to focus on and those are my face, my stomach, and my arms. I was wondering if you can do anything to help loose weight in your arms such as wearing arm weights while exercising? Do these actually help or do nothing? Also would they make you bulky? Lastly, is cardio to best workout to burn fat? Should I focus on burning fat before I move on to lifting weights or does it not matter? And please give me any other tips for a good gym routine because I am very new to this :)

submitted by /u/Practical_Ad4734
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Friday, December 30, 2022

I got a fit bit!!

I am so excited because I decided to get a Fitbit today. I am a teacher (I teach kindergarten) and received a bunch of gift cards to Target and decided to buy a Fitbit luxe. I do have a few questions if you have one as well.

  • In your experience is the calories burned pretty accurate compared to your CICO and weight loss?

  • Are there any things you wished you knew when you first got it?

  • Is Fitbit premium worth it?

I use the Lose it app and I have already connected my Fitbit to it. I am not sure how many in this community have a Fitbit so I’d love to hear your thoughts!! Also just a little side note. It’s Winter break right now, but I can’t wait to see how many steps I take in a day when I get back to school!

submitted by /u/CommercialSea9084
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Statistics and a retrospective on a 14 month health journey after making it to One-derland

I realized back in November that I had a chance at breaking into the 100s if I had a good December. On my last scheduled weigh-in of the year, I made it. I don't remember when is the last time my weight started with a one. It must have been middle school, before I was even 13 years old.

Started this process back in late October 2021 to improve my health. M31, 6'2", 344 lb -> 199.6 lb. Thought it would be interesting to look back through my Apple Health and see by what other metrics I've improved.

Blood Pressure

On November 5th, 2021, my blood pressure was 129/91. This was after a week on 5mg of Amlodipine, so it was even higher a couple weeks earlier but I don't have those numbers. Nov 5th was my first day on 10mg of Amlodipine. I was 30 years old and needed blood pressure pills.

Today I'm at 95/63 and have been off the Amlo for about two months now. This doesn't show all 14 months, but I like to look at the descending chart. Looks like success.

Resting Heart Rate

On November 5th, 2021, my resting heart rate (averaged over several readings throughout the day) read 84 BPM.

I was having sporadic left-side chest pains back in 2020 and 2021. Knowing how fat I was carried with it a constant cardiac health paranoia which couldn't have made the situation any better. I never found out if it was acid reflux or heart palpitations, but any chest pain is scary. I event went to an ER once to get an EKG--the cardiologist said the results looked like I was "nervous during the test" and left it at that which to this day kind of freaks me out.

Anyway, 144 pounds later my resting heart rate reads 67 BPM. I haven't had that familiar pang of chest pain in months.


I don't have calorie stats for "the before-times," but I have something much more embarrassing. How about a whole month's credit card statement for Postmates and other fast food? Yikes. I was too fat to even bother driving to the fast food myself.

Back in September 2021, a day's worth of food might look like this:

  • Coffee with 1 cream and two sugars
  • One of these Toast Chee peanut butter cracker things
  • 1 Quarter Pounder, 1 Fish Fillet, and a 10 Piece Nugget
  • 1 can of Diet Coke
  • 1 bag of Smartfood White Cheddar popcorn
  • A whole box of dirty rice with some Polish sausage thrown in
  • Half a sleeve of Chips Ahoy with a glass of milk

Total calories: who the fuck knows

Since starting my weight loss I've held to 1300-1500 cals per day. I average around 1400. I started meal-prepping every week, combined with a meal delivery service so I wouldn't have to cook for both meals every day.

Yesterday, I ate:

  • Coffee with zero-sugar oat milk and Splenda
  • A slice of sprouted grain bread with a tablespoon of Nuttzo mixed nut butter
  • A plate of The Good Kitchen's Venison Meatloaf with Broccoli and Squash (shout out to this meal service, they're expensive but worth it)
  • 1 soft-boiled egg
  • 2 tablespoons of Hummus
  • 1 mug of Vanilla Chai tea with a splash of zero-sugar oat milk
  • 1 1-pound bowl of Lentils and smoked pork stew
  • 1 banana
  • 1 mug of unsweetened hot chocolate + splenda

Total calories: 1355

If I've learned anything through this process it's really how to balance a diet correctly. There was a lot to learn, and a lot of places to learn from. My palate expanded drastically--I used to not eat basically any vegetables, now I'll eat almost any cooked vegetable you can put in front of me. I still have trouble with raw leafy greens, but baby steps.

Special shout-out to J Kenj Lopez Alt's youtube channel. I learned a lot about being comfortable with cooking from his videos, and I adapted a few of his recipes for my mealpreps. More important than recipes is learning how to make home cooking a simple and stress-free process and his videos are fantastic for that.

Don't want this to sound like an ad, but I took a chance on The Good Kitchen's delivered meal service and I've been a very happy customer for over a year. Cooking for 14 meals a week is daunting, but cooking 7 meals a week and supplementing with a meal service is a lot more manageable. Their food is very tasty, very convenient, and very healthy. Also very expensive, but I decided that I would pay anything to reach a healthy weight and that my health should be a priority in all things, even financially.

Cholesterol and More

For these, the screenshots tell the tale. In every way I could get better, I got better.

My doctors told me for years that I had borderline high cholesterol. My non-HDL is down almost 20 points.

I was never officially pre-diabetic but still, my glucose is down 60%. I think I didn't fast for the first reading which is why it's so high, but whatever, reductions like that are still nice to see.

Triglycerides are way down from High Range to Normal

So anyway

Yeah. This journey's not over. Despite all I've lost already I never quite nailed down an exact goal weight--I was always operating with a general "lose weight" mentality, not a "get to X pounds" mentality. I suppose around 180lb might be the start of maintenance.

Outside of weight-loss, I have a dire need to start exercising. I lost all this weight through diet but I should really start doing some cardio for circulatory health and eventually weight training for definition. That will be the next great challenge--to maintain weight through the extra hunger that exercise can cause. But I'll get there. I've learned and done too much already to go back now.

Here's to 2023.

submitted by /u/Seref15
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Balanced on the edge of a knife

I get this overwhelming feeling that hitting my goals is both impossible and inevitable. It feels like a damn about to burst. The destruction of the flood will wash away disbelief, self-sabotage, and guilt. It leaves hope, good habits, and a healthy substantial change in my intrinsic motivation.

I have lost about 95 lbs, and the next 15 lbs will bring me under 200 lbs, over 100 lbs lost, and then reaching my benchmark loss of 110 lbs lost. I reached that goal in 2018 and then gained back 45 lbs. I'm so close to this mark. Once reached, it's all new territory. And I am looking forward to walking in the wild and experiencing new goals again!

I am a goal setter and achiever. I love the personal sense of fulfilment I get from reaching a goal. Most of my goals are non scale goals. Reaching this crux has brought up a lot of insecurities around the number on the scale again and I'm really struggling through the emotional swamp left after the last flood.

So, I'm starting off the year with similar benchmarks and a new scale for success. No more scale goals as my primary focus. I enjoy fitness and enjoy meal planning and mostly struggle with dessert calories and frustration induced snacking.


Physical - Consistency: Maintain a fitness routine all year Eat in a deficit until weight loss goal reached


Spiritual - Into the Wild: Explore and adventure more often with Rosie! (My corgi/heeler, see my profile for posts with pics), camping, hiking, drive to walk different parks as it gets nicer, beach or mountain trips, family visits, puppy play dates!


Mental - Learn a lot of new things: Start a physical hobby, like maybe Kali or kickboxing Learn to code, database work brings me peace. Work on social skills and rebuilding friendships.

Anyone else like to separate types of goals or their focus from the scale?

submitted by /u/arylea
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Thursday, December 29, 2022

favorite gadgets for your weight-loss journey

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who got cash or gift cards for the I thought we could crowd-source a little list in the comments of our favorite/most useful tools we've purchased to help us on our mission! If you recommend a particular brand/model feel free to include links. ☺️ Of course, money can't buy you weight loss, but it can make things a little easier or more fun.

I'll start:

Obviously I have a food scale on the way.
Also ordered a few kitchen staples (magnetic measuring spoons, rubber spatula, tongs, etc) to replace old worn out items so cooking is less frustrating.
I've had it for a while, but I absolutely love my Garmin watch (primarily got it for hiking but wear all the time to track steps and sleep).

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Aspen_Pass
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SW 550 12/2021/ CW 349 12/2022

Just thought I share some motivation to others who are wanting to get started or are at a point we’re they just need the small urge to continue doing good with your weightloss, diet or even lifestyle change. Anything is possible. I have been able to achieve this years goal by just changing completely my food intake, daily exercise & staying committed to my lifestyle change. Back in 2011 I was 550 then had dropped down to 220 by 2015. Then slowly gained all the weight back through the years & making excuses for myself. After not being able to physically play for long periods of time with my son last Christmas of 2021 I told myself I would get down to 350 by the end of the year. I tried getting a dr to help me but they took me as a joke & used that to push myself to my weight loss journey for the 2nd time. Best of luck. You got this & don’t give up on yourself. The results are well worth it.

submitted by /u/tohniie
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Struggling to maintain my motivation to continue my weight loss journey

Hi, i am 17 and i started losing weight on may 4th 2020, I was obese my whole life and i hated myself, and i decided to make a change with my life, I was 15 years old, 5'5 and 256 pounds. I knew i had to change. I had never been so motivated for something in my life, i was on point every single day and i did it the right healthy way 3 mile walks every day lots of water eating good food in a healthy caloric deficit, i got advice from my sister who had lost over 100 pounds in the past. Now i have lost 65 pounds and weigh in at 195 5'8
In March 2021 i somewhat lost my motivation to continue, i haven't really gained weight from that time, I'm always around 190-196, but i still have that urge to finish what i started and achieve what i set out for myself back then which was around 160 pounds. Ive been starting my calorie deficit and going strong then one thing leads to another, school, my first ever job, and I'm back to eating over the limit, not exercising and just staying the same, I'm sick of it, i want to become the best version of myself and i want to become even more confident with myself, i just don't know how to maintain that motivation or get that same kind of urge to remain consistent no matter what like i did before. Any tips would be amazing to hear and don't be afraid to be harsh because chances are, i need to hear it, thanks!

submitted by /u/Daisukin
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My weight loss dilemma…help!

I’m trying to lose weight. 5”7 at 176lbs so a little overweight.

Mentally, I can do 1500 calories a day with about 60-70g protein but if I do that, then I’m between meals, my stomach makes a bunch of stupid noises and it’s really embarrassing. I work in a small quiet office.

So I eat more and then I don’t lose any weight. I have to pick between not losing weight or being embarrassed.

Help!!! Lol

submitted by /u/Streetperson12345
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How to Make a Healthy Charcuterie Board

There’s no question that charcuterie boards are currently all the rage. While it’s certainly not a new idea—in fact, charcuterie style eating dates back to the 15th century in France, according to—social media has blown this trend up. Whether for the holidays or just an everyday get-together, a classic charcuterie board is a great way to entertain.

While these delicious spreads are a ton of fun, they’re not necessarily known for being terribly healthy. After all, Oxford Languages defines charcuterie as “cold cooked meats.” A charcuterie board is traditionally known for featuring a wide variety of cured meats and cheeses.

But that’s not to say that you must be resigned to certain choices. There are certainly ways to boost the nutrition power and make a healthy, low-calorie charcuterie board with ingredients that you and your guests will still love. Here are a few of our best tips.

5 Delicious Mocktail Recipes You’ll Love

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Step 1: Make wise low-calorie cheese choices.

a variety of cheese on a charcuterie board

Cheese is pretty much a staple of the charcuterie board and probably not something you want to skip entirely. But you can make smarter cheese choices in order to keep your board healthy. Look for reduced-fat versions when you can. And remember—like everything else, it’s all about moderation. A little bit of your favorite cheese is not going to derail your diet. It’s only when you go overboard that it starts to become a problem. If you have a favorite cheese, work it into the board but when you go to load up your plate, just limit how many pieces you take.

Step 2: Load up on fruits and raw veggies.

a variety of vegetables and dips on a charcuterie board

One way to increase the health power of your charcuterie board is to make sure it’s amply packed with fresh fruits and raw veggies. Grapes that are still on the vine make a lovely and colorful addition to any board. But you can also chop up any of your favorite, seasonal fruits to add to your display. Rainbow carrots, mini bell peppers, radishes, cherry tomatoes and sliced cucumbers are charcuterie board essentials.

Be sure to include a variety of healthy dipping options for your veggies including low-fat dressing, hummus or maybe even peanut butter. Use your imagination and get creative! After all, one of the things that makes charcuterie so much fun is the chance to try some new things. Having lots of fun dips will make it easy to eat more of the healthy choices. You might even add some yogurt dip for the fruit!

Check out these 20 healthy dip recipes for the perfect quick and easy appetizer! >

Step 3: Choose whole grain crackers.

a spread of cheeses, crackers meats, and grapes on a charcuterie board

The crackers or mini bread slices that are often found on charcuterie platters can create a carb loading dilemma. It’s very easy to quickly fill up on these less-than-stellar choices.

You can make healthier cracker selections like whole grain or whole wheat options which will add more fiber to your board. Look for cracker or bread choices that contain a whole grain as the first ingredient. You can also look for some sprouted seed or nut crackers for a gourmet, crunchy twist!

If you want to go the extra mile, you could even tackle making crackers on your own. These Sweet Potato Crackers or these Pumpkin Cranberry Crackers would make excellent additions to your platter. Making your own components allows you to be in total control of the ingredients you eat.

The 7 Best Exercises for Weight Loss

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Step 4: Don’t overload the board with meats.

Shrimp on skewers with garnish and lime

Cured meats often make up a large portion of a traditional charcuterie board. The problem with many cured meats is that they are typically high in salt content and contain nitrates. To make your board healthier, limit the number of cured and deli meats you feature and try to use low-sodium options without any added honey or sugar.

Even better, replace them with a healthier choice. In place of salami or pepperoni, perhaps use some deli-style smoked turkey. Or maybe you can include some lean proteins like grilled shrimp or blackened grilled chicken, sliced in thin strips. Again, get creative and think outside of the box.

Step 5: Pack it with additional protein.

a close up of appetizers which include cheeses fruits and nuts

In addition to some healthier meat choices, you might also consider making your charcuterie board protein-packed with some healthy choices like hard-boiled egg slices or nuts. You could even consider adding some roasted chickpeas.

At the end of the day, the choices are yours. There are no hard-and-fast rules to charcuterie boards that you have to follow. In fact, one of the best aspects of creating a board yourself is the option to get creative and make it truly your own. When you’re in control of the ingredients, you can make sure that your board is delicious and nutritious.

Lose weight with a convenient meal delivery service. Get started with Nutrisystem today! >

The post How to Make a Healthy Charcuterie Board appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Trying to get back on track!

I guess it’s called a weight loss journey for a reason!? I am a 27 year old male! I started this journey last year. I was almost 300 pounds (287). With consistent working out and changing my diet and having discipline the lowest I saw was 217. But unfortunately when the summer came, I started to integrate certain foods back into my diet such as breads. I stayed stagnant with my weight due to the consistency of my working out. Then when school started back up, I started to bring other bad habits such as sweets back into my diet! And at my internship my supervisor always has candy and other treats and when offered my no’s started turning into ok, I’ll have a little bit to now just taking the bag of candy, pouring it into a paper towel, or taking more than one piece of a brownie. I am on winter break at school however, the holiday season has been rough! And now that this season is closing out, I now know I need to get back on my trajectory to weight loss! I got on the scale this morning and had a reality check. I am at 250 pounds. I started giving myself a pep talk and giving myself words of encouragement! I just feel like I lost my discipline. I forgot to add when I started this journey my university was still pretty much online. So I didn’t have to deal with the stress of commuting. I also didn’t have an internship. But has anyone ever gone through this? I could sure use some motivation? How did many of you not stress eat? I know what to expect next semester in terms of my classes/internship. I still would like to hear some other perspectives! So sorry for the long post! Just could use motivation!! Thank you all!

P.S: I am still at home and my mom and sister love to eat and order out.

submitted by /u/95xander
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How have or how do you intend to mark the achievement of your weight loss journey?

The birth of each new day, is a reminder that I am edging closer to my goals. During my working out this evening, it got me wondering how would I mark closing of one goal while opening doors to others?

Each person’s journey is unique. For me, I’m thinking of covering up scars with a tattoo sleeve involving the story of St. George defeating a dragon. I have tried and failed countless times in the past to sleigh my weight loss dragon. I can’t specifically say why I think I will be successful in this latest effort. However, I can say I’m not stopping this battle. I’m in the midst of 8 consecutive weeks of working out. I’m starting to see results. I have a jawline, who knew? 🤣

Now, I feel healthier and more focused on achieving my weight loss goals. Sure, I’ll still have more battles/goals/dragons to fight but have a permanent reminder that I can vanquish one gives me confidence to press forward to defeat any obstacle in my way. I can’t waste time lamenting how I should have done this in the 4th grade. My focus and resolve is now.

what did you do? Or what are your plans to commemorate your goal(s)?

submitted by /u/HMSRathbone
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Weight loss in your 30s vs 20s

Hi there, I (F32) have a problem to get myself started on a weigh loss journey.

In my mid twenties I lost about 15kg within 18 months give or take and was able to keep it for a time. But long story short I let myself go, especially during pandemic.

Now when I try same things I did before I don't get same results or no results at all.
I got back to doing cardio 3 times a week (2 times swimming and 1 spinning class- going to add another soon) and keeping my daily calorie intake in the range of 1200-1500. In first few weeks not only I didn't loose any weight but gain 2kg. I know my metabolism is slower now but this is very discouraging.
Is there something I should change or keep in mind at least?
Is age that much of a factor in weight loss or just I might be doing something wrong?

I would appreciate any tips/advices.

submitted by /u/lupacana
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need advice!

Hello. I’m 16.1 years of age, 5’5 feet (165cm) and pushing to 160 lbs (73 kg). It has now been 2 years of my weight loss journey and it’s been nothing but a cycle. I would lose 8 pounds then gain all of it back.

I struggle to limit myself to drinking juice and replacing it with water and lower my appetite for junk foods but it has been so hard. I feel so bad for myself and did went through some tough times because of my weight. I’ve been doing home workouts and intermittent fasting since my parents forbid me to walk on parks or go to public gyms.

Now that it is almost 2023, I want to change my mindset and would love to hear y’alls advice on what helped you guys to stay focus on the weight loss journey. I would also like to know what else I can do to stay active when I’m stuck home. Thank you.

submitted by /u/dxiinahh
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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

8 months of weight loss.

I forgot to report in last month. I'm 276 pounds. I was 314 pounds 8 months ago and around 340 a year ago. I've gained 7 pounds over the past 2 months. I'm not happy about it and I've known that my motivation has been on a steep decline. Honestly though? I'm happy that it was only 7 pounds. 3.5 pounds per month? This is nothing compared to what it could have been and I was almost able to maintain my weight. This just makes me want to get back into it as we start the new year. Even without remaining strict, I was able to not let myself get too out of control.

Hoping to report back near the end of January having lost some weight! Starting now because procrastination is something I'm way too good at and I hope to fully be back into it by January 1st.

submitted by /u/imaginarykiwi69
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Cutting on a ~1400-1600 calorie deficit

So I was on keto for roughly ~2.5 months. I decided to go out of it a month ago because I’m traveling abroad and have decided I can’t keep up this regimen any longer.

I never plan on going back on keto but I am still in a calorie deficit. I never did reach my ideal goal weight and physique on keto.

It was a constant up-and-down process that just became super frustrating.

Now that I’ve transitioned from keto to a regular calorie deficit. I am so much happier, I get to enjoy the foods I once enjoyed without completely restricting myself.

However, I’m worried now that I may be losing too much weight. I’ve read that a healthy weight loss is somewhere between 1-2 pounds. I’ve read other articles regarding that could be healthy but couldn’t find it conclusive.

My maintenance calories sit roughly between 2000-2100 based on multiple tdee calculators.

I’m currently at a calorie intake of ~1400-1600. Sometimes I stay at 1400 and on other days I got a little above.

Since my initial start about a month ago I’ve lost somewhere between 6-8 pounds. I currently weigh 172 pounds and at the start of my transition from keto to a regular calorie deficit, I was at ~179.

The reason I’m a little concerned is that I lost roughly 3 pounds when I weighed myself on the 23rd.

I do not want to lose all of the muscle I’ve retained from my huge weight loss at 280 pounds.

Any suggestions or tips would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/BagHolding420
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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Feeling Out of Control while Home for the Holidays

I (F, 20s) began my weight loss journey just about a year ago with exactly 110 lbs to lose in order to get to a healthy BMI. I honestly didn’t have any expectations and went in without a set time frame because I wanted to focus more on building long term habits than getting the weight off fast. I am very happy to say that I’ve lost just under 45 lbs. I am thrilled and even though I have a long ways to go I feel better already.

This leads to this week, where I’ve found myself home for the holidays at my parents place. I don’t know if it’s the location, the time of year, the fact that I’m not at school and have more free time, but I’ve been experiencing sort-of-binges (?) for the first time. I’m typically relaxed about holidays and celebrations and try not to restrict, so for Christmas itself I didn’t worry about calories.

But in the few days before and after the holiday itself I’ve been eating like I normally would all day and then feeling a compulsion to eat literally everything in the late evening. I don’t overly restrict (I haven’t even been fully calorie counting, just ballparking) so I don’t know if this is some psychological response to being on “Christmas” vacation or what but it’s driving me crazy.

I experienced the same thing over thanksgiving break but didn’t worry too much because that was only a couple of days and I was back on campus eating healthy (with seemingly no cravings for unhealthy foods!) right away.

I know that I’ll go back to my normal routine when school starts again but if my weight loss is location-dependent then it obviously isn’t sustainable. It’s like my mind and cravings are totally different when I’m home. Has anyone dealt with this kind of thing? How do I adjust my brain to understand that my new, healthy routines apply everywhere?

submitted by /u/Snoo-21358
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Im struggling to just start

I have been a yoyo weight loss/weight gain person since I was 7years old. Im 27 now and I am the heaviest Ive ever been. Female 5’4 at 210lbs and I hate it. This is the worst Ive ever let it get but for some reason I cant just get my butt in gear and head back to the gym and eat right. Idk what has happened to me but I dont know why I dont just start trying again. I really dont want to be this weight anymore. I know it’s going to be hard and that’s the scariest part. Its a struggle.

submitted by /u/workingonfixing
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Best country to travel to for liposuction?

Hello I’m a 31 yo female, H163cm, W75kg. I’m in Australia and have been successfully losing weight slowly over the years but have now become stagnant. I am interested in doing liposuction for the final stubborn KGs that I’m struggling to lose in my weight loss journey. I’d like to travel abroad since lipo is so expensive in Australia.

Does anyone have any recommendations of the safest, cost effective country to travel to for lipo? Also would love to hear any stories if you’ve done this yourself and had good/bad experiences. Am also interested to know how long the procedure and recovery is?

And if you have specific recommendations to a particular doctor or clinic I’d love some advise there too!

submitted by /u/charliechapli
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Why have I started to lose weight since I stopped drinking coffee?

I was a three to four cup of coffee type person every day but I got sick and since then haven’t been in the mood for coffee. I have insulin resistance so I was eating low carb and fasting but weight loss has been extremely hard for me. During December I was definitely not eating low carb and was scared to step on the scale but low and behold I actually lost weight. The only difference was I wasn’t drinking coffee so anyone have any reasons on why I would lose weight by not drinking coffee? For reference I only drink it with a tablespoon of heavy cream and no sugar or sweeteners.

submitted by /u/amm_4
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Weight Loss, Self Compassion, or both?

Ive struggled for a long time with restriction that ultimately leads into spouts of binging/ overeating. Im finally eating three normal sized meals and all thoughts of food/binging are gone. The problem is the scale has jumped higher and is staying there, so its clear Im in a surplus. Im worried if I work on my goal weight Ill be right back to obsessive restriction and ultimately binges. What is the middle ground here- do I get to live in “peace” without food chatter/ restriction or do I keep attempting to lose weight which I seem to bomb each time. Is weight loss with compassion for my history with restriction possible? Does anyone have any advice on this? It feels so good to not think so much about food lately and feel fed/ satisfied, but im worried Im going to keep ballooning. Stuck!

submitted by /u/kiltenns
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A novel way to visualise daily weight loss?

I've been quite steadily plodding along with weight loss this year. I started at 73.3kg and have lost around 12.5kg. This is not a big number compared to a lot of people on this sub but I've come up with a neat (gross?!) way to visualise it for myself.

As I said, I've lost around 12.5kg and I did this over the last 365 days. That means I have lost about 35g per day, this is about equivalent to one rasher of bacon per day. Imagine peeling one rasher of bacon off your body every day. Crazy!

There have also been some nice NSVs along the way: - you know that stretch you do at the gym, where you pull your foot towards your buttock to stretch the thigh, well there was a revelation for me when my foot actually touched my bum. Usually my big thighs would stop it bending back all the way! - a pair of trousers I bought second hand online which didn't even fit over my hips now fit comfortably - my running is back on track. It's no longer an effort to convince myself to do it, instead I plan and look forward to my Sunday run all week.

I'm going for another 6kg (171 bacon rashers) and then I'm going to see how I feel.

By the way, I'm from the UK and I'm thinking of British bacon. Bacon might be a different size elsewhere.

submitted by /u/MossyDinosaur
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Monday, December 26, 2022

Meal Delivery Services

I'm sorry in advance as I'm sure this has been covered ad nauseum here but I've only been on this sub since I started my weight loss journey a couple month ago (down 20 lbs so far!).

I haven't tried a meal delivery service since the early days of those kind of services. I think my wife and I used to use something called Nutrisystem or something like that. I'm only really familiar with Blue Apron and Hello Fresh out of the current services.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

submitted by /u/FoxInBusinessSocks
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i need some support regarding my weight loss journey, i feel like i wasted an entire year and all i wanna do today is eat my comfort food and lay in my bed,

so i lost 20kgs last year, and i hit the 93 mark in jan 2022. since then, ive been yoyo'ing, but i still hit the gym and do my workouts which resulted me gaining 4kgs of muscle and losing around 6kgs of fat, i do look different, but not as much as id like in a year.

now its december, im so upset at my progress and what i couldve had or shouldve done, ive lost alot of people and i feel like im spiralling. i genuinely feel like going to the supermarket now instead of the gym, buying some of my favorite comfort food and laying in bed today. and from tomorrow, i want to increase my calorie intake, eat 2000 (i currently do 1800 and its working) until the 1st of jan, i go back to 1800 and stick it out until my birthday, which is the 24th, have some cake, still stick to my plan after the 24th.

does that sound like a good plan? lol, i feel like i need to know someone is going through this too.

submitted by /u/Reckless_96
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Learning to stay hungry

24M, 282lbs.

Hi, I am new here and I have recently made weight loss my priority. I am already pre-diabetic with cholesterol off the charts and very low self esteem. 5-6 years ago, I was around 200lbs and did not have any of the current problems esp with confidence. Now I am at my peak and look really bad and heavy. I have all the obesity problems now with a bmi of 38.6.

I apologise in advance for not having gone through all the posting guidelines and wiki, since it is so much. So I came directly here. But I have a basic idea of weight loss now after years of doing research.

I have tried lots and lots of diets, keto, paleo, worked with nutritionists (5-6 small meals in a day), gym and all. But I have pinned down my biggest problem to be my appetite. I eat so much in one sitting. I never feel full even with one good meal meant for one person. I usually eat for 2 people in one sitting. So I am thinking the key for me is to eat less and learn to live with having little food in my stomach. Just wondering if it is possible to lose weight like this and looking for some motivation I guess. Thanks.

submitted by /u/StateSimple4231
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Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition

I turned this program on today because I was cleaning and wanted something on that I could listen to and mostly ignore. This show is just reinforcing toxic diet culture ideas. It might be helping 20 people a season--at least in the short term--quite a bit. But look at the cost for millions of viewers. They come into this desperate, morbidly obese person's life, take away all their junk food and put them through a harrowing workout. Then over the course of a year, they give them weight goals to hit with the promise of some non-food reward to motivate them. Invariably the person fails at one of the weigh ins (which proves that even after educating them and giving them the promise of free skin surgery and amazing non-food rewards, it's still not enough to "fix" them), at which point they're berated for not trying harder. Generally, they do lose a staggering amount of weight (at least the contestants that they show. Who knows if there are others who give up altogether). Then they get skin surgery and a final reveal party. Everyone is happy, the end.

Even though I'm so so happy for the people who lost weight, I got so mad at some parts of the show:

  • reinforcing the idea that all a person needs to lose weight is to be educated on how to eat healthy and how to workout. No mention that the mental part of weight loss is the most important part. A LOT of overweight and obese people have been dieting for most of their lives, know exactly how to eat healthy and workout, and have still never succeeded in the long run. Why do you think this is? Because of this very toxic diet culture which this show is perpetuating!

  • reinforcing the idea there's "bad" food these people just shouldn't eat.

  • reinforcing the idea that weight loss has to feel like a punishment. In the third episode I watched, the young obese man was doing water aerobics at the beginning of the show. The trainer berated his workout, saying it wouldn't get him any closer to his weight goal. I hated it.

  • blaming the contestants for lack of willpower when they invariably fail at some point during the year. Yeah of course they failed! You've done nothing to address the issues in their lives that they struggle with. You haven't taught them any substitute methods to deal with stress. All you've done is take away their favorite foods and given them hard, punishing workouts. How do you expect them to cope on bad days. Eating and working out are only a small part of weight loss. The big part is the mental work.

Even without changing the format of the show, they could make simple changes to the script to make the show less toxic.

  • Change the script when throwing out the junk food. Instead of making it sound like "bad" food, they could focus on all the healthy foods they're bringing into the house and show the obese person choosing to throw away the food they don't care for, perhaps saving some of their favorite foods to eat in moderation.

  • instead of the trainer berating the man for doing water aerobics, he should praise him for taking steps toward his health, and offer to show him some strength training exercises to incorporate

  • instead of making the first workout look like a punishment, they could have the same workout but show the contestant really enjoying pushing themself

  • when the person starts struggling with their eating or workouts, the trainer could show more empathy and not telling them they failed because they lost willpower. They could show them some tricks to get into the gym even when a person doesn't want to. They could show them going to therapy to help deal with their issues. The can teach the person meditation. They can show the person how to go out and indulge, but moderate it so they don't fall into "fuck it" mode

I worry that all these contestants will regain their weight since they were never taught the mental part of weight loss. Furthermore, I think this show perpetuating harmful ideas about weight loss will keep millions of viewers from learning how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

submitted by /u/moncul1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating “as many” green type vegetables as a snack?


I have been wondering, how would affect my weight loss if I ate many vegetables as a snack?

I am on a calorie deficit for the last 2.5 month and transformed from 86kg to 72.5kg (1.74 of Height) (Yes I know it means my diet is bad and not correct and should be slower but let’s not discuss it on this specific topic please)

But lately I began to get more hungry for snacks, so I often take take here and there around the day instead of just waiting for the next meal.

Now, I do love the “healthy” green vegetables, and if we look at their calories, that’s over 20-30 per 100g, so if I wanted to really enjoy now, I’ll gladly want to eat over 1kg of those only as a snake(total of 300 calories) that’s not include the normal meals)

Can I really allow myself that? Because I know calorie deficit is needed, but how will I keep lose weight if my body receives so much of “weight” of those food per day, I mean that’s 1KG only from snacks.

Do we speak here about only temporarily water that will be easily lost with body fluids, or those veggies can actually make me gain weight?

I really love those veggies! I’m able to make them sweat by zero calories types of sauces, sweeteners(no oil at all) so it can help me a lot, especially evading those once in a while random “eating disorders” attacks that I am depressed and eat everything I want and then instantly regret it.

Thank you

submitted by /u/israelscat
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weight loss/fat roll question.

Please delete if this isn't on theme for this sub. Im just unsure where else to ask

I had a c/s 20 years ago which left a scar. My weight gain meant i had a large muffin top roll over the scar. Now that i am losing weight (10kg down) and the muffin top is shrinking, (and it is mid summer here) im finding im sweating alot and the area where the scar is has become quite irritated. The scar itself is badly chaffed and quite sore. Ive never had this kind of thing happen before. Im asking advice from others who may have experienced this. How do I stop the irritation. It sweats or at minimum gets hot, all the time. Currently im folding a clean handkerchief daily and shoving it in there. Which seems to help keep it drier. But its not really an ideal solution as it can shift or fall out. I keep the area clean. Its not infected, luckily i noticed before it got incredibly bad. I have s GP appointment on the 5th and i will discuss. But until then, any suggestions? Thank you for taking the time to read this. Im trying so hard in the weightloss. Just a wee bump in the road so to speak

submitted by /u/Kissmyfibro
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Starting this weight loss rodeo again

First time posting in this sub but I think it’s long overdue.

I’ve been many shapes and sizes my whole life but for the majority of my 30 years in this world, I’ve been overweight, now fully obese at just about 300 pounds.

I’m a father of two young children and have a stressful job but I know those are simply excuses to delay the inevitable act of getting in shape.

This isn’t to say I haven’t lost weight before. About 12 years ago, I lost about 120 pounds (going from 255 to 135) over about 2 years, primarily due to intermittent fasting and running. But I gained all of that weight back after starting my career (I was only a college student when I lost the weight) and it’s only gotten worse from there.

I think the tipping point was from a few days ago when I lost my breath keeping up with my toddler, running around the house. It reminded me of my dad - also obese - losing his breath running around with me when I was a child.

Anyways - not sure about the decorum of posting these long-winded updates in this sub but I’m looking forward to starting this journey and catching my breath once more 📉

submitted by /u/No-Zookeepergame7943
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[Progress] Found this pic from my mom's old hard drive

[F20, 5'11, sw96 kg, cw74 kg]

Before/after pic

This is the one. I think I actually dug up the picture I have when I was at my heaviest.

I rarely take or post pictures of myself, but Imma do it today. Been about 3 years. Not much and it's a slow change, but I am actually pretty proud of how far I've come. To be honest, I won't say I feel like a completely better person after weight loss like I have imagined; well, maybe a bit better physically, but mentally I am still that same girl: self-conscious, insecure, camera shy, stresses herself out all the time, panic about food, scared of loneliness but at the same time afraid of companies... I know self-love is a long journey, and I'm nowhere close to that goal. But hey, looking at these pictures, I think my hard work kinda paid off! Compared to some of you amazing people on this sub, this may not be that many pounds loss at all, but I hope through this post I can kindly remind everybody: don't forget to catch a breath, and look at how far you've come. I know I'm slow, but I will never stop until I've reached my goal, even if that takes months or even years.

That's all, thanks for reading. Merry Christmas dear stranger, I love you.

submitted by /u/SeaworthFanta
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just wanted to vent, remove if not allowed

i’m 17F, 5’11, and i weigh 220 lbs. i’ve been overweight for nearly a decade. i was 8 years old when i started to put on weight and even though i was young i still remember the moment people started to treat me differently. i was bullied a lot growing up and my mom has been on crash diets since i was little which did not help my eating habits at all. most of middle school and early high school i hovered at 180-190 lbs but during covid i became extremely depressed and put on (estimating here) about 40 more pounds. my weight loss journey technically began in june 2022 but i then figured out that i was not tracking calories properly and i also went on vacation with my friend’s family for 10 days so it was difficult to accurately track. in august 2022 i started to take counting calories more seriously and i went from sedentary to walking 7-8 miles a day (around 15k-17k steps for me.) i don’t know what my start weight was and there were points where i lost control and binged but now my clothes are too loose for me and i see other small changes (for example, i can comfortably wrap a towel all the way around my body now!) i am very happy about that and it’s all thanks to the advice from this sub. however, i still feel extremely discouraged most days. for one thing my mom is on an extremely restrictive “carnivore” diet where she eats only meat and dairy (basically she took keto to the extreme) and she is very critical of everything i eat. i try to eat a variety of foods with plenty of protein and i still enjoy sweets just in much smaller amounts that fit into my calorie deficit. every time i eat anything it’s endless criticism about how i’m killing my gut and “you’ll be fat forever if you eat carbs” (??????) hearing that kind of stuff from my own mother all the time has made me even more insecure and increases the guilt every time i eat. she also doesn’t “believe” in CICO and thinks it’s specific food that makes you fat so she makes snide comments every time i eat things that she doesn’t approve of. she’s also a huge advocate for fasting multiple days in a row. i know the things she says are not true but being around this commentary 24/7 is hurting me a lot. another thing is that i feel like i’m still eating too much even when i eat in my deficit. i use loseit and i put somewhat active for my activity level so i don’t overestimate my exercise calories but even when i eat below my deficit i feel so guilty and so bad about myself. my current deficit to lose 2 lbs a week is 1,718 calories. i have my step count integrated and it gives me about 300 bonus cals when i do the usual 7-8 miles, i don’t eat back any of those. there are a lot of times when i try to go down to 1200 even though i start to shake and have migraines/brain fog when i restrict that low. it’s a constant cycle of feeling like i’m not good enough and that i will never be successful unless i barely eat. it’s hard to exist in this body and i can’t even look at myself in the mirror anymore. these last two years have been the hardest for me and i feel like in a lot of ways my weight has made high school a miserable time. i want to get this weight off before i start college next fall so i can feel like i finally have a fresh start. if you read this far, thank you, i appreciate this community and i feel like nobody else understands

submitted by /u/throwaway7273832
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Starting for all the right reasons🤍 but could use some advice (issues 1-3)

.. as a step towards getting my life, health and financials in order. And maybe just more balance.

Between 2nd and 8th of January I'm starting, this time for all the right reasons (blood flow, liver, general overweight, risk of diabetes, general balance in life and blood sugar levels - health basically).

Posting here for accountability and I also have some issues to discuss regarding my plan.

I have a history with eating disorders and BED especially. I can go weeks at probably 5000-8000 kcals/day desperately trying to fill a variety of needs (career-, financial-, emotional stress) which I have worked a lot on throughout this year and is currently working on.

Now: 208 lbs at 5'11" Goal: 175 lbs (ambitious) - 182 lbs (preferable) Duration: 6 months

Plan: 2000 kcal for the first 2 months (I'm fairly active), then around 2500 kcal for the next couple months (can train more) and then eventually stop counting and stick to routines and well-thought food choices.

Issue 1: Skip "sugar" completely or attempt moderation? Or just stay clear of the worst (cake, chocolate, shortbread, flapjack, scones, cinnamon rolls)? It's social events and sharing good food experiences with friends and family I find difficult if I'm completely off sugary foods.

("sugar" meaning refined and in abnormal amounts in relation to food type, e.g. sugary cereal v oatmeal with raisins)

Issue 2: Always eat breakfast in the morning or have the choice to wait if I'm not that hungry? I feel like being allowed to wait is a more balanced alternative even though it might increase the chance of overeating later in the day/evening.

Issue 3: Parties, I am going to attend parties and drink alcohol for the social benefit (not because I want to or think it's fun). Should I stick to low-calorie beer and 1 night food meal for instance?

In the end I'm trying to remember the bigger picture, that weight loss is not linear and going over the limit one day or some days does not mean I should go completely off the rails. I have 6 months and it should suffice. If I can somehow manage this and also regulate my emotions in a healthy way, then I think I might have shot at this. I've also signed up for a mindful eating course to prevent overeating.

I just really want this to work, but I'm also scared that my completely insatiable periods will occur again. I'm so ashamed and I've spent so much money on them.

submitted by /u/_Knodl
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What am I doing wrong? How much weight fluctuation is normal?

I've been actively trying to lose weight for 3 weeks now. I wasn't weighing myself the entire time but I know my starting weight was about 275lbs. I'm a 6', 30 year old male. I started by just going to the gym when I could and doing mostly cardio and a bit of strength training. I was seeing decent results but my work schedule was going to be very busy and I wouldn't have time to go regularly so I decided to start intermittent fasting and have been doing 16/8. Intermittent fasting has worked really well for me in the past.

That got me results very fast. I would say that I was my "starting weight" of 275lbs on December 10th and by December 17th, when I got a scale and started weighing myself almost daily, I was 267lbs. On December 19th, I was 263lbs, then on the 22nd I was 266lbs and then on the 23rd I was 262lbs. I've been on holiday for the past 3 days and was eager to actually get back into the gym so I went on the 23rd and 24th, both days I did an hour of decent cardio and an hour of strength training, both times while I was fasting. Both days I ate fairly well, not so great yesterday because Christmas, but maintained a calorie deficit of 1000 on the 23rd and 600 on the 24th. On the 24th I weighed myself at 265lbs and this morning I am 268lbs.

I get that weight will fluctuate and I know that I could've done better on my diet but I don't understand why that in the past 2 weeks, the 2 days that I did the most were the 2 days that I gained weight. I also weigh myself while fasted every morning after I use the bathroom so that should be pretty consistent. I knew that I would probably not maintain the rapid weight loss that I started with but I didn't expect it to plateau and go back up so quickly. There were definitely days in the past few weeks where I was just fasting and not working out where I ate worse/more and only saw my weight go up a pound or two.

What am I doing wrong? I feel so disheartened that I just undid weeks of work somehow.

submitted by /u/SomeTakeItQuiet
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Saturday, December 24, 2022

I’ve lost 10 pounds and i still look awful in pictures

I got ready for Christmas party with my family and i was feeling so happy because of the weight I’ve been losing. Once i started taking pictures I realize i still look so fat and i felt awful! I need to lose 20 pounds more to be on my ideal weight. I feel so sad and disappointed with myself after seeing the pictures. I hate how i let myself gained all that weight during the pandemic. I hope I don’t give up and keep pushing myself on my weight loss journey

submitted by /u/mandy_br
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(SV) So, umm, I stopped trying to lose weight and now I’m down over 20kg/44lb. (SW: 135kg*, CW:115*: GW:80.. and yes the asterisks are important)

What kind of a headline is that?

Truthful, actually, and yeah i’m even shocked by this but i was hoping to inspire folks in a weird way because i seem to have done things backwards and they worked the way i wanted them to.

And yes I can’t claim this will work for anyone else, your mileage will vary, if this approach does not work for you it’s ok and it’s not your fault.

Between the Covid-19kg of weight gain and going on disability due to a severe low back injury that permanently restricts me, i was suffering when its came to body weight.

I could not lose weight. This is a lifelong problem. I was obese by age nine and i’m in my early 40s now. Couldn’t lose weight but it turned out the weight it’s trauma related so of course it wouldn’t go anywhere unless the underlying mental health issues were resolved.

I considered bariatric surgery, though i was talked out of it by people who has this life altering procedure. (I kept this on the table in case nothing worked, and i’m not bashing anyone who gets this done. Apparently in my case nothing, um, worked so now it’s off the table.)

I considered talking to my GP about meds that off-label helped with weight loss, but in the end i decided against it.

At the peak in April, i weighed 135kg/298lb. I wanted to lose 20kg/44lb by year’s end. Eight months, that’s doable. Hard, but safely doable.

Thing is i really didn’t think about this until last Thursday. While i have been recording my weight regularly, i haven’t really thought about losing weight.

I weigh myself in as little as possible. Usually just a cami and underwear. Consistency.

I stepped on my scale on 15 Dec.

116.4kg / 256.6lb.

Not bad. 1.4kg/3lb in two weeks is doable.

Then I looked at my app and, umm.

I have a problem.

Actually, several problems.

The first problem is that I wasn’t at 135 in April.

I was at 137kg/302lb in April, 135kg in May.

I.. I did it!

I reached my goal! 20 kilos down!

But then there’s a second problem.

On Thursday 22 Dec, I went to my GP. With slightly more clothing on I weighed, umm.. 113.6kg / 250.4 lb‽

I’ve actually accomplished the goal twice: once in spirit (20kg down), once in letter (20kg down from 135kg).

Now the details:

As i mentioned, no medical intervention.

I also havent radically increased my physical activity. A little extra walking, maybe the stairs a little more (though that is getting easier with less mass pressing down on my knees and ankles). I will be doing more targeted physical activity soon to rebuild muscle but at the moment that’s not in the cards.

Diet and appetite have been the biggest change. My appetite has gone from insatiable, literally incapable of feeling satiety, eating until bursting, to something not really around much.

I do not experience nearly as much hunger.

When I’m hungry, i eat, and i both generally eat higher quality food and savour every bite.

For example, on Wednesday, i went to a Katsu shop and had katsu don ramen. I ate the entire bowl and two cups of good miso. Two nights ago, i made super tender chicken thighs with Greek potatoes and roasted broccoli.

This is important: this is not disordered eating per my doctor and per a therapist i consider a friend. If anything, I likely met, past tense, diagnostic criteria for binge eating disorder but no longer do.

Hunger isn’t being ignored; It’s just not present except when it is.

Main reason i can see is that my mental health in general has radically improved, Mostly i’ve managed to unf—- my head enough so that depression, anxiety, AuDHD, and several trauma disorders don’t hold me back from, well, just about anything.

And no, there’s no religious or cult or drug thing involved. I’m pretty much sober, though i’ve never had a substance abuse issue.

I’m certain i’ll be able to get to 85kg if not 80 by this time next year.

And i did it because, well..

Those who fail just try it. Those who succeed just do it.

I stopped trying to lose weight and instead just… lost weight.

If you are looking to get a kickstart on weight loss goals, can’t guarantee this will work but do get started on it before end of year. Don’t wait for New Year’s resolutions that almost feel like they are set up for failure.

submitted by /u/hacktheself
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Still see myself as overweight

Hey, just wanna see if anyone else has this problem. I started my weight loss journey about a year and a half or more ago seriously. I am 5’8 and I used to weight 210 when I started. Now I weigh around 160 (probably a little more right now because I am out of country with my fiancé). Everyone tells me I am skinny, but I every time I look in the mirror I just see how much fat I still have and that I need to lose more and more. I may just need to work out more than I am now so I see more definition. Just wanted to see if anyone else feels this.

submitted by /u/cripticss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 month progress pics! ~60ish pounds down, 100 more to go!

I’ve finally gotten my weight down below 300lbs! I started my weight loss journey, in September, and have been on a tight calorie intake of about 1200-1500 calories a day. In addition, I’ve been working out (a combination of weightlifting and cardio) 6 times a week for 90-120 minutes a day. Im not exactly sure what my starting weight was, since I never weighed myself until recently, where I discovered that I am currently 296lbs. Going off of my TDEE and the amount of calories I’ve been burning each day though I calculated it’s likely 60 pounds or so give or take. I’ve never felt better, and I’m looking forward to seeing a brand new me! (before and after pics)

submitted by /u/XAszee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm losing weight for entirely shallow and aesthetic reasons and it's going great!

I've bounced between being overweight and outright obese my entire life. I've been pretty decently fit for most of that time and I've always had good blood pressure, good cholesterol, etc. I've never had a health problem associated with my weight. I've never not fit in an airplane seat or broken a chair or anything like that. I've been pretty physically fit for a lot of my life and I honestly don't feel like my weight has held me back like that. I played sports in high school and I hike and camp both for work and leisure. I wouldn't consider myself as having an eating disorder or suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder and I feel like I have a pretty healthy relationship with food. I don't even think I eat badly. I eat lots of veggies, drink lots of water, get plenty of fiber, etc. Still, I'm fat and I just don't like the way I look. I never really did.

I know it's true that society penalizes women for not being conventionally attractive and I want to make it clear that I think that's bullshit and you shouldn't have to be conventionally attractive to be treated with dignity and respect. I've been treated like shit for my weight/appearance and I wouldn't wish it on anyone or condone it in any way. I'm not doing this because I want to fit a societal expectation or give into fatphobic pressure, I'm doing this because I wouldn't be attracted to me if I saw my picture in a dating profile and I want that to change. I'm tired of hating how I look in photos. I'm tired of getting dressed up and still not liking how my clothes look on me. I'm tired of being treated like a kid. I've got a round face and the extra fat isn't helping that any. I was mistaken for a colleague's teenage daughter recently and I'm 29! I'm just sick of it. I'm sick of it all and I just want to look like a hot adult woman for once in my life. I hereby admit publicly that I am shallow and doing this for entirely aesthetic reasons and I'm done caring about what people think of that.

It's been 7-8 weeks and it's going great! CICO is primarily my main method. I don't restrict myself from foods for weight-loss reasons, I just track eat what I want in moderation. I was already eating a plant-based pescetarian diet for mostly ethical reasons, but I'd recommend it for weight loss. Fish and shellfish are packed with protein and good fats and super low in calories. I also live like 4 hours from the ocean, so I have good access to lower cost seafood and I take full advantage of that!

I've lost 8lbs over the last 7 weeks (slowed down to eating 2,200 at maintenance for December because obvious reasons) but I'm going back to 1,500-1,700 calories (I'm 5'4" and pretty active) on December 26th and I'm hoping to lose 10lbs in January. LoseIt says I'll hit my goal weight sometime in January 2024 and I'm excited for it! I want to be skinny and hot and I'm going to be skinny and hot and nobody can fucking stop me!

submitted by /u/ScyllaOfTheDepths
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Walking in a winter Onderland!

Today my weight begins with a one! 😭 It hasn’t since middle school (I’m 31) and I’m just so proud of myself. I’ve been using keto and CICO, but I also got here by giving myself grace. I let myself have substitutes. I let myself enjoy the holidays despite the carb-heavy foods of my culture. I also stole many bites of my boyfriend’s food lol.

This is the largest, most consistent weight loss success I’ve had in my life (and with PCOS to boot!). I can’t wait to hit my first goal weight of 185.

Let this be your permission to enjoy the holidays. You can reach your goals while being kind and compassionate towards yourself. Everything in moderation.


submitted by /u/metaldeathtrap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, December 23, 2022

Why can’t I lose weight it’s so frustrating and hard UGH…

Says the girl who….

  1. Drinks wine or margaritas everyday.
  2. Orders door dash every night, sometimes twice.
  3. Eats candy and other junk foods regularly.
  4. Wakes up at 11am, eats a healthy breakfast then proceeds to eat nothing all day until 9pm when she has dinner only to trigger her appetite and start binging on snacks and frozen food till 2am.
  5. Doesn’t work out or when she does it’s low intensity.
  6. Did a bunch of drugs in college which caused severe weight loss and addiction and is wondering why the healthy route isn’t fast enough.
  7. Went through a traumatic experience and needs to understand that unhealthy habits were adopted to cope. And it’s ok if you gained 40lbs, what matters is you want to bounce back, you’ve been trying and trying, you’ve been seeking professional help, and soon those new habits you’re learning to adopt will show you results.

I’m 29F, 173 lbs and my goal is to reach 130 lbs. It took a year to gain all this weight, it’ll take a year to lose it. I constantly complain about my weight, so I’m calling myself out.

submitted by /u/TheGhostOfGiggy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

why do I have to eat so little?


Sorry for the long read

I have an issues when it comes to dieting. I'm male, 5'8, 160lbs. I've been on a weight loss journey for about 4 months. I now eat 1250 - 1300 calories a day. The first 2 months i ate 1500 calories a day and lost about 1lb per week. After that I started losing less weight each week so I dropped the calories to 1400. I started to lose about 1lb a week again after I did that. I know you need to adjust your calorie intake as you lose more weight, but I thought I would still lose 1lb a week on 1500, but I didn't. I dropped the calories again after little more than a month to 1300.

So my question is, why can't I eat more calories and still lose weight? I think someone of my weight should be able to eat more.

And I'm pretty sure i'm tracking the things I eat correctly.

I weigh everything I eat on my food scale. I weigh the banana without the peel, I weigh my iceberg lettuce I eat every day, I weigh the taco sauce I eat every day, I weigh the popcorn. I weigh everything. I drink sodas but with sweeteners instead of sugar, so almost no calories in that. I weigh myself every day as well.

I even calculate the actual calories from the grams of protein, fats and carbs that's on the nutrition labels, becuase sometimes it doesn't add up to what it says how much calories there's supposed to be in 100 grams of a product.

So it seems unlikely that i'm counting my calories incorrectly. I eat pretty much the same few foods each day, I like it and it's easier that way. Maybe not the healthiest but that's not my main concern for now.

With that said, I know the nutrionlabels can be off by 10-20% when it comes to a products caloric content.

My theory why i have to eat so little, is that i have lower muscle mass than the average person in relation to the body fat i carry. When i was 132lbs, I looked skinny-fat. My arms and upper chest looked very skinny, but I still carried a decent amount of fat on my body. That's still the case today. So when people see me, they think I'm skinny because of my arms and upper chest, but they don't see my stomach or my lower body, such as my thighs.


submitted by /u/beebaahz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wellbutrin, Metformin, and LDN

I’m about to start a combination of all 3 for weight loss along with PCOS symptoms. Has anyone been on all three? Did you see a decrease in your weight? I’m aware I still need to follow calories in/calories out to see change regardless of medication or not. I’ve been counting calories for about 6 months and the weight is still coming off SO slowly. I’d like to know if these helped the weight loss process for anyone.

submitted by /u/feet_fatale_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting ozempic in Canada

Has anyone had any luck with this? I would like to lose some weight and I really find i can’t get any thinner! I am a vegetarian. I est a lot of fruits and vegetables and focus on getting protein. I probably eat a bit too much sugar. I run 6km a few times a week. I would like to be leaner and this drug is really intriguing to me.

This is a drug for diabetes but I know that it has been fda approved for weight loss. I am 5’8 and shift between 140-150 pounds. Losing 20 or 30 pounds would be ideal for me. Thanks

submitted by /u/yayayayayayagirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Current Status

• start date 11/6/22

• age 32

• gender male

• height 5'8

• starting weight 328.8

• current weight 307.6

• goal weight 175

• what's your current plan? Intermittent fasting 22+ hours a day with a 30 min eating window 22+/30mins. I'll keep doing the Keto diet it's been working for me. I strive to drink at least 65oz of water a day. I try to sleep 6 hours a day and I weigh myself every day. I use the Fasting Tracker app to keep up with my water intake and weight loss progress and fasting times. I've lost 20.2 in 46 day and I'm curious to see what happens in the next 46 days.

submitted by /u/Necessary_Isopod2186
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hit 146lbs today!!

5’9” sw: 191lbs cw: 146lbs

After 1 year of diet/workout, and 3 months of CICO and daily exercise, i an officially 45lbs down.

I am about 5 lbs from my goal weight, but it feels monumental that I have been able to sustain such a weight loss, after struggling for years.

I used MyFitnessPal to track my caloric intake, and have averaged about 1610 calories in the past 100 days. Simply cutting out junk food, drinking more coffee and water, and making sure I dont binge eat at night.

Also did heavy weight lifting 5-7 days a week, on a split! Went to the gym for 1.5 hours a day, and sauna for recovery!!

Just took consistency, and even though there were times without motivation, consistency is key.

submitted by /u/esk8_one
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"losing weight won't make you happy" is the truth but not entirely.

What do you think? As the title says, I hate how this saying is thrown around way too much. After loosing 20kg (sw 98kg, cw 78kg) I can tell you that of course It doesn't solve all your problems or make you magically happy.

What loosing a large amount of weight does to your mood is that it first of all makes you feel comfortable. Its this inner equilibrium. When you're larger, existing is uncomfortable. Standing, walking, sitting and breathing all feel like you're a maximum capacity ballon. That feeling goes away.

The saying is the truth, but also a lie. The happiness people like to confuse weight loss with is that it doesn't heal their with longterm depression. The type of happiness you do feel is for example in clothes being a lot looser, or old items fitting a lot better. My personal favourite; unlocking new bone definition and tendons. I stare at my hands way too much, I feel the bones in my back and I look at how hollow my armpits are. Those things are the real small happiness moments that loosing weight brings.

submitted by /u/Worryaboutanything
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i am 165 lbs today !!

f/18 5'2" sw: 183 cw: 165 <3

today has been a great day for me :) i am officially 18 lbs down since i started tracking my calories and food intake in late july. i know it isn't a very monumental weight loss, but seeing the number on the scale finally be 165 was genuinely shocking. 165 is a number i haven't seen since the summer of 2018, i haven't weighed that much since i was 13-14 years old. everything is starting to feel a lot less impossible, i finally feel like i can do it this time. i finally feel like i don't have to be obese my entire life, that i don't have to struggle with chronic back and hip pain and awful digestive issues at eighteen years old. i can actually feel my collarbones and wrist bones again which is amazing, i honestly forgot they were even there lmao. and even though i've only lost a couple pounds shy of 20, my clothes fit so much better and so much more comfortably already. i can't wait to hit 20 lbs down, then 30, 40 and onward-- i'm actually going to do it this time!!

anyways, obligatory details on how i've achieved my 18 pound weight loss :)

- i use my fitness pal as a general guide. i try to stay around ~1200-1400 calories max per day, but i'm not as strict or disciplined as i could be. however i do count absolutely everything that goes into my mouth, even something as small as eating a piece of cheese while cooking is extra calories i have to take into account. what i mean by that is i count my calories when i remember, and if i go over my calories for the day i add in extra movement like going for a 30 minute walk + at home youtube workout videos (so all together, roughly 50 minutes of movement) i find that working out intentionally every other day has been far more successful for me than doing it everyday and i mentally envision going over my calories for the day for a treat (e.g. a pastry or a drink from starbucks) as a fair trade for extra movement. ("i can totally have this treat right now, but then afterwards i need to listen to some music and move my body to make up for it.")

- i try not to finish all of my food unless i'm really hungry. what i mean about this is i eat until i'm satisfied and then i wrap the rest of it up and eat the rest later. a lot of the time i'm having one meal twice through out the day which is a fraction of the calories

- i force myself to move *far more* than i ever had in my entire life. when i decided i wanted to lose weight, i also decided i wanted to be a lot more productive. so everyday i make myself get up and do some light cleaning, make my bed and do the dishes, wash the floors, etc. my home stays cleaner and my body stays far more active. i also have two lovely dogs and instead of letting them out into the yard i now bundle myself up to walk them myself every single day

- before i quit my job to focus on school, i was working in retail which is similar to what i said above. adding in any kind of extra movement throughout the day, even if it only burns 30-50 calories definitely adds up in the grand scheme of things.

- it sounds really cliche, but eating less and moving more has been behind all of my success. not letting myself be lazy and sit around and eat all day but actually going out, being productive and having a meal when its *meal time* instead of when i'm bored or want something to snack on while i watch youtube or play games has really helped me

i hope this helps :D

submitted by /u/mochamop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat