Friday, July 1, 2022

It's time to commit!

I'm making this post mostly for myself, to cement the idea that I am committed to my goals, and so I can come back and look at them when I need to.

I've been overweight since I was 13. I've never made weight loss a goal in my life for a variety of reasons, most of which don't really matter currently. The large strokes are mental illness and a deep love of food. My mental health is currently stable and well managed, which is great, but I had a health crisis in December (got COVID and almost died) and the recovery has been slow. It was definitely one of those "oh shit" life moments where you take a good long look at your life and your priorities line up nicely.

Since December I was barely able to walk anywhere without getting ill, and in putting the focus on clawing my way through life plagued by constant migraines and brain fog, my not-healthy-but-not-too-awful eating habits went in the garbage and I ended up gaining quite a bit of weight, not sure how much exactly but enough to go up a pants size.

I finally found a good medication to manage my migraines and my worst long COVID symptoms seem to be going away (knock on wood) so I wanna use this spot as a jumping off point to continue improving my health, at least the things I have control over.

So! Today I woke up and the scale told me I weigh more currently than I ever have before, an eye watering kind of number for me to see, so today I'm making a change, June 30, 2022! I was gonna wait til tomorrow to start on a nice round day but why bother waiting, right?

Me today: 5'11", 29, NB AFAB, 270 lbs

GW: 199.99 lbs I don't care how long it takes, how many baby steps, how many backslides, I'm gonna do it.

submitted by /u/bass9045
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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