Sunday, July 3, 2022

Milestones are a funny thing

I (30/F/5’7) have lost and gained the same 60 pounds my whole life, depending on how depressed I was at the time.

I thought I lost it for the last time in 2019 after ending a bad relationship… then 2020, new bad relationship, pregnancy, and then COVID, I gained it all back and then some.

In 2014 (in a skinny mode I thought would be permanent) I had a breast reduction, which was one of the best decisions I ever made. My breasts have always been disproportionately large and hurt my back.

I discovered my love of the gym in 2018 which helped my weight loss, so I got extra fucked over when Covid shut all the gyms and broke all the good habits I had built. I ballooned up to 215 (a new high) and lost all my muscle gains.

2022 brought new jobs, ending my bad relationship, and a wonderful rediscovery as my identity as a single woman. I have been happier now than I have possibly ever been. I’ve been working out since March, and have gone from a size 16, to size 10/12. My scale has been plateuing at 202 pounds for the past 6 weeks, which is incredibly frustrating because I’m stuck sooo close to a milestone number. I’m pretty sure it’s because I lift weights pretty hard, my single leg press weight is 240, so I think I have probably lost more than 20 lbs of fat and put on quite a bit of muscle as I continue to lift heavier and heavier. But of course I care about the number. Not just for the mental morale boost, but because I am eager for my frame to carry less weight, my feet (high arches), really hurt when I walk barefoot, and I want less pressure on my knees so that I can run outdoors without worrying about impact stress on my joints. So it’s a little frustrating. Instead I am making efforts to notice other markers of weight loss and gainz to keep my motivation up. Earlier in the week I noticed that my lower half is shaping up nicely, but more importantly this morning, I realized that half of the bras I bought when I hit 215 are too big!!! I am so glad because obviously it’s less weight on my back and gravity is nobodies friend, so it’s such a releif physically seeing the difference and fitting back into some of my skinny clothes. I know that if I wasn’t paying attention these things would be easy to miss and I could despair at ‘lack of progress’, so I hope others take note of this hopefully know what other things to look out for. Really excited to continue on my journey, and I know that breaking the 200 number is just around the corner anyway!

Anyway just wanted to share my good news!

submitted by /u/valgme3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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