Friday, September 30, 2022

I don’t understand?

Advice wanted.

So I’ve always been a heavier guy. I put on weight really easily and have to work really hard to get it off. I’ve always worked out and have gone through stages of being relatively fit then very quickly unfit.

I recently did this again when Christmas rolled around, I was doing studies, moving to another state and then I broke my foot which stopped my from working out for 6 months (requiring surgery & physical)

So about 2 months ago I decided I unfortunately just don’t have the genetics to half ass this anymore and decided to commit fully. I started working out 5 times a week, eating healthier then I’ve done in a very long time and actually committed to counting my calories. I’m 180cm tall, in my early 30’s and weighed 106kg at the time. With my fitness pal and a couple online calorie calculator I could see that if I consumed 2200 cal a day I’d be in the medium to high weight loss category if I worked out constantly.

For the first time every I was consistent with calorie counting! I’ve dieted and worked out hard in the past and had great results. However I decided to weigh myself today and I’ve actually gained 2kgs!!!! Like what the actual f**k!??

And I’ve been tracking my calorie for over very carefully for over a month now as the first month I was not really committing but still dieting and exercising consistently. How is this even possible? Should I be on even less calories? The foods I’ve been eating at all high protein? I’ve been drinking at least 3L of water a day and doing 4 days of weight training and one day of cardio.

Please any advice would be great cause I have no idea what the hell is happening!?

submitted by /u/BigMac9129
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For the 1,000,000th time, eating less does not mean I have an eating disorder

Seriously whenever people ask what I’m doing about my weight (not in a rude way just a curious way), when I feel like sharing I’ll tell the truth because I hate lying, and say I’m eating less. I then always no matter what get a shocked and concerned reaction, as if I just told them I’m shooting heroin or something. I got this so much I now make sure right after that I say “I’m still eating 1,600 calories a day, giving myself treats every now and then”, etc. but by then it feels like I’m defensive (which I am since I don’t want people to have that impression of me) and they believe me even less and give me the “yeah… right…” look and nod.

The thing is when people ask I want to share! I have been bottling up these good vibes from my weight loss so far and whenever someone asks I just want to share because I feel so good, but then I get this crap…

Can someone reassure me (or be honest if I’m wrong) and tell me, do I sound like someone with an ED?


  • eat three meals a day

  • my calorie limit is 1,680, I usually end up between 1,400 and 1,600 though

  • weigh myself every couple days (maybe 3-4 times a week)

  • never purged

  • I’m losing weight for health reasons to try and reverse a condition I’ve got, sure I look and feel better with lower weight but that’s just a sprinkle on top.

  • I lose about 4-6lb a month (SW 245, CW 225, H 5”4, female, zero exercise)

Like… I don’t get why everyone attributes eating less = must have an eating disorder.

And now whenever someone asks and I share with them, before i finish I make sure to say “I still eat a bunch just not crazy portions, I’m still eating”, but I think that just makes them more suspicious. I can never win.

Does anyone else deal with this? Any ideas?

submitted by /u/snow-covered-tuna
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Im at my goal weight but i still need to lose more fat, give me some advice please.

Hello reddit, Im a 25 year old male who is 175 cm tall and weighs 70 kg, my weight loss journey has come to an end last month, i wanted to lose a little bit more to get to 10-12% body fat, im curently at around 14%, so i should be cutting more but i feel so drained from having this calorie deficit its affecting me way more now than before, i feel light headed, way more hungry and my weightlifting has started to hit a wall, not enough energy to keep proggresive overload. So i started to eat at maintanance for about a month and my lifting has improved a lot i put more weight in all exercises and also i can keep doing it more in 1 week because my recovery also has improved a lot, and i started to think, what if i keep eating at maintanace for 6 months and lift weights, will this be a good idea to drop the last 5-8 pounds of fat by gaining muscle at maintanance or is a bad idea and i should just take a 3 months maintanance break and after do again a full cut?

submitted by /u/Arachnid-Popular
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - October Sign Ups

Hello lovely losers!

It’s almost a new month. October looms! Let’s welcome spooky season in with some goals!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Let’s break down what goes on here, shall we?

This is the sign-up post to outline your goals, weight loss, self-care, creative, whatever keeps you going.

There will be a daily update post for you to post how your day went, you can use whichever daily post fits your time zone if that’s an issue too.

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress, don’t forget that.

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported and cared for. Leading by example, here I go!

2000 calories a day (lose two pounds this month):

Exercise 5 days a week (strength work/tbar swings 3 days a week): X/X days.

Write stuff: So nebulous. I'll fine tune it a bit for tomorrow. Next month is Nanowrimo so I'm tempted to shelve the project until then.

Today's gratitude list: Today, I'm grateful for -

Random to do list item I want to conquer today: Sometimes this one gets weird.

Enough of that boring stuff, how about you all? What does your October hold?

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What effects does alcohol have on your weight loss?

I have been on a weight loss journey all year and I am nearly to my goal now, but I am seeing some parts of my body that I still dont like, and possibly cant change. The big ones are loose skin and stretch marks. As much as they suck, living with those things is insignificant compared to the positive change weight loss has had on my life.

But I am noticing that, while other parts of my body are becoming toned as I go further, my belly is still quite big. And I think maybe I know why. Alcohol.

I struggle with alcohol abuse. I know I need to stop, and I have tried, but that is a whole other issue. I have been drinking a lot this past year. As you know alcohol carries a LOT of calories, so I account for that in my CICO. Working out is my favourite thing to do when drinking so when ever I drink, I make sure to count those calories and burn them off right then and there with a couple hours of exercise.

Even if the net CICO from this is zero, would alcohol still effect my body and weight loss? Basically I am asking is beer belly a real thing? (I drink rum, not beer)

submitted by /u/newfnewfnewf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can i achieve big pecs after weightloss?

Im going on my weight loss journey and I’m wondering , if i was to put extra focus on my chest(not saying i wouldnt hit other places) and make it stronger and bigger while losing weight simultaneously. Would i have big/noticeable pecs when I’m done? I have a pretty good idea of what i want to look like when I’m done.

Right now w 5”10 CW 280 GW 185. I know some people just hit a lot of cardio and just watch the weight melt off. I don’t want that for myself , i want to do alot of weight training so when i begin to exit the weight loss train and start to enter the body recomposition stage of transformation ill have a good muscular foundation. I dont want body builder physique, i just refuse to look scrawny after a ton of weightloss.

Also please note i am by no means saying any of my goals are easily attainable. But will i attain them? No Doubt in my mind. Anyways let me know , is it possible for me to at least have a big chest by time I’m finish.

submitted by /u/Notchampa
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what can i do to stop acting on cravings?

i’ve tried things like having a barley sugar lollie instead of like a small meal. and i’ve also tried having a cup of tea (english breakfast with milk). the tea one works, it fills me up. are these good ideas or do they suck and not help with weight loss. what should i do? i also have adhd which is contributing to why i find it so difficult to stop acting on cravings and i always overeat and dinner time.

submitted by /u/greekmanontinder_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Just want to tell someone- 38f, SW265 CW193, 6’0” tall

Hi all, I’ve browsed around here in years past, but wandered back today and just wanted to share where I’m at with someone.

Last year in August, I weighed 265 lbs. I felt I was depressed and finally spoke with a doctor about it and turned out to be diagnosed with ADHD and depression. Since then, my whole life turned around. I should have known how much mental health would impact my physical health!

I hit 193 lbs today. I’m 6’0” tall, so this is getting reasonably close to my ideal weight. I’ve lost 26% of my body weight! I’d really like to be around 170, but I’m fine taking time to get there slowly. All of this has been due to calorie restriction and making a few better choices in higher protein options vs carbs, but not starving myself or going extreme on Keto like I have in the past where I’d get a “quick” 20-40 lb weight loss then gain it all back and more.

Anyway, just wanted to share, hopefully it is motivating to others. Taking so long to get here probably sounded like forever if I had thought about it back then, but now I’m so glad I went slowly!

Big hugs and much love to everyone on their journey to take care of themselves ♥️ I’m so proud of all of you!!

submitted by /u/PrincessWiggleButt
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this weight loss journey completely and utterly destroy my sanity

I dont know what to do, or what am i supposed to feel anymore. Done this done that, avoid this and that. All the advice, all knowledge, all struggle, all methods, every single days of me starving asf and keep pushing to another day,

I weigh in for the first time since my journey 8 months ago, SW 235, CW 231. I feel my soul leaving me....

I do everything correct. Cico, fasting, exercise, none of that produce results. I keep eating lower and lower and lower and it still not working.

"Oh you must be underestimate your calorie intake"

Do you wanna know what i eat everyday (exclude sunday) ? My first meal is a lunchbox full of fruits at 1pm and dinner is half a pack of ramen (300 calories each, 1/2 is 150) and some rice. This is my total main diet from all these months since starting. I count everything ! Meanwhile all my roommates who are skinny asf eat 3 meals a day and i see them, which if i have the same diet as them i would probably weight 300 lbs by now.

I go to all different weight loss subreddit, and i see the meals post on there and they are waaaay more than mine. My day to day diet would be considered an ED food by many people.

And then i go to subreddit like r/fatlogic, who tells me that im doing it wrong, and i keep doing it wrong. "Theres no way you dont lose weight in calorie deficit". Well, i promise you i ask the same questions. I told that im a whiner, pathetic, cico is everything and i must have secretly eating 2000 cal on one witting without realizing.

"I lose tons of weight from dieting, so why cant you"

I feel like I'm getting gaslight, oh my god do i sometimes cry over the thought that i need to even lower my intake for tomorrow so i could hopefully loseit. I hate my body so much

submitted by /u/-Marbella-
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I'm so ashamed

I am 15f and I am around 173cm (5'7) and last I checked I weigh 95kg(209lbs) and im trying to lose weight before christmas.

I can't talk about my weight or struggles because I am ashamed ,embarrased and worried that I will be judged, i have been eating 1500kcal each day and ive been trying to exercise every morning but i have never made any progress in my previous weight loss journeys.Any time i'd tell my parents that I'm trying to lose weight or on a diet they would sort of just brush it off or kind of ignore it and I find it really demotivating I would appreciate any advice to help me have a successful weightloss journey

submitted by /u/Disastrous-End5546
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Gym Routine Advice

Hi all,

I (155kg m) decided a while ago that I'm fed up with being overweight, and have recently started acting on it. I'm trying to eat less and trying out some little tricks like drinking more caffeine because it's a metabolizer, and I've eventually made it into the gym at work.

I still live with my parents so I don't get much of an input on what I have for dinners, just how much of it I have, and I've lost almost 10 kilos in the last 2 months.

I was hoping someone could help me refine my gym routine so I can maximize weight loss to hit my goal of 100kg by next summer.

At the moment I'm doing 15 minutes walk/slow jog to warm up, then going from 15kg to whatever I can max out on a chest press and back down again, then 15 minutes on and off boxing a bag, then the same weight method on leg press, then finishing off with a 15 minute walk/cycle to cool down.

I've talked to a few colleagues who also use the gym and they've all said a combination of CV and weight training gets the best results.

I appreciate any advice you guys can give, and hope I'll be posting back here with good news next year.

submitted by /u/owenhathbigpp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to use the gym, but I don't know how!

I've just gotten really serious about my weight loss journey after trying and giving up repeatedly. I go to the gym 3 times a week, but I always stick go the treadmill and elliptical.

I know I can lose weight doing cardio, but I've heard it's easier to lose weight when you lift weights! Problem is, I don't know how to build a workout routine. I've Googled it, but I'm still confused.

Thank you in advance for any information!

TLDR; How do you build a workout routine at the gym?

submitted by /u/GymKitter
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Just feel like I can’t start over again

Hi all. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I have tried to lose weight on and off since age 13. Sometimes it works, but it always comes back. Now I weigh 260 pounds as a 5 7 person and I desperately want to lose weight, but it seems like it is just hopeless. So many years of yo-yo dieting! And so many people say it isn’t even possible to permanently lose weight. I genuinely want to know if there is any hope for me. Please, please be kind or don’t comment. I’m at the end of my rope.

I deal with emotional eating due to trauma and have suffered from a binge eating disorder for most of my life. I am also a transgender man, so losing weight in my chest is basically necessary for me to exist in my body in a way that feels okay.

I tried a dietician and she was really weird to me about me being trans, so I gave up. I feel so stressed out and tired from work that I find it difficult to eat well or exercise. I feel as if I need to figure out how to make slow changes in my life, but I don’t know how. I feel like weight loss isn’t possible for me and I just want to know if any of you have been able to do it despite challenges with mental health or ESPECIALLY gender dysphoria.

Also, let me get ahead of y’all and say this before it becomes a problem: You really don’t need to be mean to me for being transgender. I promise you don’t. You can move on and do literally anything else. I’m really nervous to post this so please don’t kick me when I’m down. :/

submitted by /u/ArgonBoy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First Post

So I started my weight loss journey about a month ago weighing in at 277 pounds. The heaviest I have ever weighed in my life. A few years ago I went through a women's health issue and it caused me to gain more weight to my already unhealthy weight. The issue was solved then covid hit and life happens. I am 37 years old and decided that if I want to try to have a child on my own I need to do everything possible to healthy, and even if we cannot have children I could be healthier. My husband and I decided that it was time for a change so talked to our Dr. and got a referral to a weight loss specialist. I had my first appointment on 09/13 and instantly felt understood and supported by the entire staff there. They didn't just through medicine at me. They use a prong approach med, diet, and exercise. As of this morning 09/29 I am down to 266.5 pounds. I have not seen this weight since before 2019! I know this will be a tough road but it is worth it.

submitted by /u/lnrocks85
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stuck at a weight loss plateau

Hello everyone. My girlfriend(23) is trying to lose weight for the past few weeks. She cut sugar completely from her diet. Initially she started with 1000cal diet and started losing some weight. Now she is stuck at 147lbs and its been the same for the past two weeks even though she reduced the calorie intake to 700 and added 30min cardio. I know its unhealthy to reduce it to such a drastic amount but we don’t know how to proceed further or break this plateau. Now we are afraid to cut calories further. Any advice is appreciated. Some background on her lifestyle. She used to eat a lot of sweets and used to be 171lbs or overweight her entire life. Only now she started losing weight. She has very low physical strength and never been to gym. Her current diet usually contains eggs, fruits like orange pomeg with some carbs like bread n rice

submitted by /u/harryofrivia
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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Went off the rails and gained 24"

(35/f/5'2"/224 lbs)

It's truly amazing to me how such a drastic change can take place without me being fully conscious of it.

Some backstory- I have always been overweight, but in 2018 I started exercising regularly and eating well. I lost 30 pounds and felt amazing.

I just found my measurements from February 2020, just before everything everywhere went crazy. I am 8" bigger in my bust, waist and hips for 24" gained overall. Two new feet of me. Hot damn.

The positive changes I'd made became a COVID casualty. At the same time the pandemic hit, my then-fiance got stuck in the States while visiting. I was a teacher and taught through the pandemic hell. Got married. Entered the immigration nightmare. Then a career switch. I just generally found myself focusing on everything other than taking care of myself. This year I ran into

I knew I had gained 40 lbs, but that didn't quite hit like realizing how many inches I had added.

The last few weeks I have been trying to make changes- more movement, strength training three times a week, getting up to move more during my workday. When it comes to food I have a complete mental block - our diets are fairly decent and the changes I need to make aren't crazy - I just find myself unable to focus and remember to track calories and such.

Guess I'm just generally struggling with focus. Maybe this inches revelation will help. What do you guys do when you're weight loss/health building "bleh"?

submitted by /u/Holiday_Toe_193
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There's always something else: feeling frustrated. Feel like a freak

I've been on keto for a few years now. I got to point where I was making it work for me, eating fast food but substituting bread and tortillas for the low carb versions. I was able to lose enough that I'm the lowest weight I've been in my adult life.

Thing is, I have a B-belly. I was looking up info about that specifically and find out it's also called a hormonal belly and is affected by hormonal imbalances in the body. Suddenly, I have to also consider so many new things and, though I've been losing weight, I've still been doing everything wrong.

Ok, I know I haven't been doing everything "wrong". But it's frustrating that weight loss is still this medical mystery that's still being researched. New information is going to continue to come to light that'll result in what I'm doing now not being enough. And even then, these new revelations result in new guidelines that result in my being limited even more.

I already hate so much that I can't eat how my peers do. I hate turning down food. I already felt like a freak, and now this.

Ever since finding out all this new info I've been trying to figure out how to make that work too. In the meantime I'm eating like I used to. I feel my pants getting tighter. I'm so disheartened right now.

submitted by /u/Shouseedee
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Weight loss changed my life but my mother is discouraging it

Hello everyone. I (15F) have been overweight for a long time - I think since I was maybe eleven. I’ve always been “big boned” - sorry I don’t know how to say it in English, but my ribs and bone structure are generally bigger. I am 5’4 and for most of my life have fluctuated from 142 - 152 pounds. But around a year ago I decided to change that and started reading tips and working to lose weight. It worked and I have done amazing, I am now around 98 pounds and my goal is to continue to lose until 85 - 90 then maintain (i guess i’m lucky i don’t have loose skin, maybe it’s the time). But my mother has caught on and is very upset. She noticed that I skip most of my meals (I do intermediate fasting and eat around 800 cal a day for six hours in the morning) and work out a lot (i try to take a 10K steps a day on our treadmill but it’s easy for me). she also said i never eat sweets anymore but i just feel uncomfortable when i eat sweets now. it’s very frustrating because my dad is supportive of me as he also lost lots of weight but my mother is frustrated with me. what to do to help her understand and not worry?

submitted by /u/AdBitter4772
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A month ago I posted about my biggest jeans being too tight. Today they fit comfortably!

No dramatic weight loss or anything as of right now. I’m not using scales, just counting calories. There is no visible difference yet. BUT..

The weather’s getting colder where I am, and I’ve been wearing leggings and more stretchy pants the past few days to avoid having to face the jeans. Today, I just decided- fuck it, I’m going to try them on because it’s been a little over a month of making healthier choices. Last time I did this in the middle of august, I was huffing and puffing trying to button them, squeezing my stomach in.

They fit! And it was so weird because it wasn’t like the strain-muscles trying to button them…they buttoned like regular pants. When I was walking to class, I wasn’t even aware of them. I just walked. Like a normal human being.

I definitely won’t be changing my wardrobe to smaller sizes any time soon but it’s nice to feel normal :)

submitted by /u/autumnssong
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Altering my diet for further weight loss

I’m a 5’8, 154 lb female. I’ve been on a rather strict low carb diet for a month. I eat 1600-1700 calories a day and weigh my food using kitchen scales. I was able to lose 3,3 lbs this way but I want to speed up my weight loss a little bit. Exercise-wise, I try to go jogging every day for 30-45 minutes.

On average, I eat 110g carbs, 85g fat and 90-95g protein a day. I’ve been thinking of replacing my dinner with a protein shake, would that work? Or should I do something else? I feel like I need to lower my carb intake and focus on protein instead.

submitted by /u/ManualOrgasm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm 18 and weigh 285 lbs.

I recently started running around a highschool near where I live. Each lap is around 8 minutes with minor running. Recently I've been struggling with trying to keep consistent running. Tips on running will be greatly appreciated. Aswell I recently got a new gym membership as the old one was canceled. So tips on exercises would be greatly appreciated. Last of all I eat to put on some muscle, just enough to be noticeable.

Ps Subreddits for dieting, recipes for weight loss, tips on weight loss, building muscle will be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/w0ogly1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

As a man in my mid forties, I am starting to feel like weight loss and healthy habits are a matter of life or death.

I have created a blog to help hold myself accountable and possibly inspire someone along the way! I make nothing from my blog. It truly comes from the best of intentions. I want to share advice and help anyone else on a journey along the way. is where I have been sharing my day to day challenges along with anything that I find helpful. The power of community is something that can help motivate and inspire. By blogging each day, it motivates me to reach for my personal goals as well. I'd love to have you stop by!

submitted by /u/RChild77
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Weight loss YouTubers

Hi there! I'm trying to lose weight and have been my entire life, it's so annoying especially because I feel insecure to talk about it with anyone. All the different view points and advice just ends up confusing me so I prefer to just do things my own way. But I do wish I could find more fat women on youtube who are documenting their weight loss, showing what they eat in a day, and discussing mental health struggles/binge eating disorder. I'd really love some recommendations, I think following people who are on the same path as me will help me to stay on track. <3

submitted by /u/Belatryx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm just confused

I had gained about 15 lbs earlier this year when I switched to a desk job for only a month and a half, before getting a very physically demanding job that has me walking 15k to 30k almost every day. Eating habits have just about stayed the same since before the desk job. How have I not seen any weight loss progress. It's just stayed the same fluctuating about 2ish lbs.

I can give more details if I need to clarify anything. I'm honestly legitimately confused.

Also also any advice is welcomed and appreciated.

submitted by /u/missmadrabbit
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Healthy meals while recovering from an injury

Hi all, first time posting here! I’m a 21F currently on a weight loss journey.

I was recently injured, and as a result I can only stand for short periods at a time and cannot twist or bend well. As a result, the last couple of days I have not been eating the “best” meals, as I am typically someone who enjoys cooking and doesn’t typically stock up on prepared meals. I’m not a picky eater, but I don’t want to halt my progress if I can help it! Does anyone have any go-to meals that don’t require a lot of effort? Thanks in advance for any responses 😊

submitted by /u/ImaginationWorried11
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Such a Proud Hubby

So in April, my wife, let's call her Mongoose. Inside joke. Anyway in April, we decided to start a weight loss change in our lifestyle. I (43m) started at 236lbs. Mongoose (35f) started I believe around 160lbs. In June we decided to add weightlifting to our plan. We got a trainer to make sure we were doing it right. Today we got our second measurements. I could not be more proud of the progress my wife has made. She's stuck with it even when she plateaus, when the cravings hit, and when she didn't want to go to the gym. So today she's down to 123lbs!!!!

I want to make clear that she has been, and always will be, the most beautiful woman. I am eternally grateful that she chose to be with me, and I will love her no matter what. I think the reason she is even more stunning to me now is her confidence. She wears things that she used to avoid, and she wears it well.

So that's pretty much it. Just wanted to take a moment to share how proud I am of my Mongoose. Love you!!!

submitted by /u/Cerebus_of_Fenris
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What's your regime like? Both for weight loss and muscle gain.

Hey guys,

so I started my weight loss journey 4 months ago, and I already see huge progress. I'll admit, I haven't been solid on my diet sometimes, and I think it's because it's very mundane/boring (also because I'm very inexperienced when it comes to making diets), hence why I'm making this post.

I'm trying to look for good advice on what a good diet should be (both for weight loss and muscle gain.) If you would be down to tell me what your diet plan is like, that would be awesome. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Leafs_Benek
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone sought therapy for their relationship with food?

Hi all, hoping this is the right place (feel free to direct me elsewhere).

I’ve been trying to lose weight for a while, and for health reasons I have been trying especially hard for the past 6 weeks. This has felt like the most serious attempt I’ve had in a long time.

But I really struggle. I know what I need to do and I know where I’m going wrong but I just can’t seem to change.

I know I have a problem with boredom and stress eating or just general comfort eating. I’ve fallen out of love with my job which has led to both boredom and stress and I’m just generally not in a great place currently, so I fix it with food.

Ironically I know that losing weight and eating healthily would help some of these issues - I’ve been single for a while and I think some of it is weight related but also when I am doing well with my weight loss I do feel a sense of achievement so I don’t fully understand why I’m self sabotaging!

Anyway it would be good to know if anyone has gone to a therapist specifically to discuss their relationship with food and if they found it helpful. If anyone has also found themselves in a similar situation any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

submitted by /u/atemythrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to Get Better Sleep: 6 Habits That Are Disrupting Your Sleep Cycle

You know to pass on a late-night latte if you have any intention of falling asleep at a reasonable time. You’re also pretty good about limiting yourself to one episode on Netflix, instead of binge-watching into the wee hours of the night. However, what you may not realize is that there are plenty of other sneaky habits in your nighttime routine that could be standing in the way of restful sleep.

A consistent sleep schedule and getting good sleep is important for lots of reasons: According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, it helps to keep your body healthy and mind refreshed. It improves mood, reduces stress and decreases your risk for health issues like diabetes and heart disease. Plus, it can even help you keep your weight loss on track. To get the most out of your shuteye, make sure you avoid these six sleep-sabotaging habits!

5 Ways Sleep Deprivation is Affecting Your Weight

Read More

1. You Facebook before bed.

Man looking at a smart phone late at night.

You intend a quick check but end up in a rabbit hole of posts and pictures. Not only will you lose much-needed sleep to endless scrolling but the mere act of tapping through your smartphone to scan social media or logging onto your laptop to send a late-night email keeps your brain on high alert and your body wide-awake. Plus, the light from the screen may also hinder the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps you get a more restful sleep. “Blue light can also reduce the amount of time you spend in slow-wave and rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep, two stages of the sleep cycle that are vital for cognitive functioning,” says the National Sleep Foundation.

Reduce your screen time by unplugging from all electronics at least an hour before bed—including the TV. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “The hour before bed should consist of relaxing activities that don’t involve devices with screens.

2. You skip your workout.

Person napping on bed in workout clothes to get better sleep.

Regular physical activity not only helps you fall asleep more quickly but it also plunges you into deeper slumber for a longer period of time. According to, “People who get the recommended amount of exercise are 65 percent less likely to feel drowsy during the day. That may be because exercisers fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and have higher-quality shut-eye than non-exercisers.”

One very important caveat: don’t work up a sweat too close to bedtime. Intense exercise can raise your core body temperature and trigger the release of hormones that make it harder to unwind and drift off to dreamland, says The Better Sleep Council. Save the heavy-duty exercise for at least four hours before bed; closer to snooze-time, stick to yoga or stretching.

Boost weight loss and improve your slumber with this before-bed exercise routine! >

3. You eat dinner late.

Man eating a late-night meal in front of laptop before sleep

Sometimes you can’t help it: a never-ending work meeting, unexpected traffic or extra innings at your kid’s baseball game may set your evening meal back. Eating a big dinner right before bed could leave you tossing and turning with indigestion and heartburn as your body works to digest your food—particularly if it’s heavy or spicy, says the National Sleep Foundation. Ideally, The Better Sleep Council recommends trying to eat two to three hours before you go bed. If unforeseen circumstances delay dinner, keep your last meal light.

The Importance of Good Sleep and Staying Healthy

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4. You sleep in on weekends.

A woman pressing the snooze button early in the day to get better sleep.

Grabbing extra ZZZ’s certainly seems like a smart idea. However, doing so may actually mess with your sleep cycle. Of all the advice you hear and read, the most important is to stick to a sleep schedule. That means going to bed the same time every night and getting up the same hour every morning—even on weekends. “Being consistent reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle,” says Mayo Clinic. So, how much sleep do you really need? The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours each night for adults and seven to eight hours for older adults (65 or older).

5. You sip a nightcap with the evening news.

Two women having popcorn and wine in the evening

Alcohol may make you tired, but a glass or two of wine won’t help you sleep soundly. The effects of alcohol on sleep are well known. Research shows that drinking alcohol before bed keeps you from reaching the deep, restorative stages of sleep, says Instead, patterns will more closely resemble a resting state, resulting in waking up tired and bleary-eyed. recommends avoiding alcohol within three hours of bedtime.

6. You lay awake in bed.

Person lying in bed, unable to get better sleep.

You fluff and re-fluff your pillow, adjust and readjust your blankets and get all kinds of frustrated. If this happens a lot, you may start to associate your bed with anxiety and not being asleep. “It helps to have a healthy mental connection between being in bed and actually being asleep.  For that reason, if after 20 minutes you haven’t gotten to sleep, get up and stretch, read, or do something else calming in low light before trying to fall asleep again.” says the National Sleep Foundation.

10 Tips to Boost Your Immune System

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The post How to Get Better Sleep: 6 Habits That Are Disrupting Your Sleep Cycle appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Monday, September 26, 2022

Buying new cute clothes because you can finally fit in regular brands or waiting to buy cute clothes until after you’re done losing weight because they won’t fit later on?

24F 5’7 SW:338 CW:252 GW:150

Hi so I’ve been exclusively wearing plus size grandma clothes like sweaters and loose tshirts with leggings since I was probably 15 and I’m finally approaching a size where I can fit into more typical brands. I have truly not worn anything that is not a hoodie or leggings with some kind of loose baggy shirt and then a flannel or cardigan (even in 80+ degree heat) since I was a teenager due to how terrible plus size clothing options are and body image issues. I’ve recently realized I could definitely fit into better brands and probably not despise the way I look in other types of clothing. The issue is up until this point I’ve been buying very cheap clothes while losing weight and sizing down because I know I won’t be in them for long and (hopefully) I won’t be able to wear them in the future due to more weight loss. I obviously don’t want to waste money, but I also honestly just want to start looking nice and not hating all of my clothes for once. Any advice? (The goodwill/thrift places in my area are god awful I check frequently but I live in a fairly rural area with slim pickings lol)

submitted by /u/catofthecanalsx
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Fixing loose lower abdominal / crotch skin?

I am 30 and have been pretty skinny my whole life, but i’ve been noticing a lot of loose skin on my lower abdomen and crotch area. It’s getting pretty embarrassing when i bend over and look at that area. pic here

Any suggestions or solutions for this? I’m open to trying anything and also interested in why this is happening without having dramatic weight loss. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Rykerp94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to not feel guilty about wasted time?

I’ve been wanting to start my weight loss journey for so many months now and I’ve been telling myself I’ll start tomorrow everyday.

But now when I really feel like starting it, I feel so guilty about all the time I wasted and tell myself , if I started then, by not I would be thinner. And it just makes me feel terrible .

How can I feel better? I know it’s my own fault for not starting earlier but I just feel terrible about it .

submitted by /u/throwaway12335142
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 pounds down feeling worse than ever

I'm a quarter way through my weight loss journey, a little more maybe.. anyway, my issue with it is how I feel about my body now, I finished a 40 hours fast and took a shower I saw myself in the full body mirror, I hate what I see.. I been in this journey without failing badly for a month I still eat a lot of junk food and only do cardio for an hour a day rn this last month I lost 13 pounds and lost 17 lbs during the summer break, I'm starting to get more serious about this weight loss but I really hate my body right now, will this pass? Have you experienced this during the road? I have been 220lbs and 99lbs but this is the first time I really feel lost, I just don't like my body not even a little bit, I'm 179 right now and only 5'4 Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/irritable_weasel
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6 Portion Control Tips for Weight Loss and Healthy Eating

When it comes to losing weight, it isn’t about just what you eat … it’s also about how much you eat.

Of course, certain foods and nutrients can help you feel satisfied and control your appetite: healthy fats from nuts; fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains; protein from eggs, beans and meat. That’s why many Nutrisystem meals and snacks are loaded with both fiber and protein.

But even “good” choices can sabotage your weight loss progress if you eat too much. For example, two tablespoons of almonds provides filling, healthy fats and about 70 calories. On Nutrisystem, that amount counts as one PowerFuel. But if you snack mindlessly on them, the calories in almonds add up: One full cup of whole almonds is 828 calories.

This can be the difference between eating an amount that helps you stay full, energized and on track with your weight loss versus an amount that causes your “healthy” snack to lead to weight gain.

The problem: We’re really bad at estimating portion sizes, so we have trouble controlling them. Studies show that when we don’t measure, Americans correctly guess the size of a portion only about half the time. And we’re especially bad at estimating portion sizes when it comes to snacks and sweets.

That’s why portion control is the cornerstone of Nutrisystem: The meals and snacks we send you are perfectly portioned so you know exactly how much you’re eating, and know it’s an amount that’s helping you progress towards your weight loss goals.

But when it comes to your grocery add-ins and Flex meals, portion control is essential. Use these six tips to keep all your other portions under control and stay on track.

1. Measure and store foods in healthy portions—before you’re hungry.

almonds in measuring spoon

When you’ve got an appetite, you may want to grab something and eat it—fast. Measuring out portions in advance can help you be sure that those two tablespoons of almonds don’t balloon into a half-cup or more: You can simply grab the bag or container where you’ve pre-measured the snack you want, and you’ll know how much you’re eating.

This can be especially useful for foods that you know you tend to binge on: If you buy a block of cheese and know you tend to eat a bunch of it when you’re feeling snacky, flip it over and look at the nutrition label when you get home. If it’s got 16 servings, cut the block into 16 servings right away, then put those in containers or bags. Or if you tend to grab a bunch of sandwich cookies, consider pre-portioning the entire package into servings as soon as you get home. That way, when you do snack, you can grab a serving that you know fits your plan.

The Nutrisystem Grocery Guide can help you determine what those healthy portions should be, so you can load your cabinets and refrigerator with pre-portioned snacks and ingredients that fit your plan. You can also chop up some non-starchy vegetables which are unlimited foods—like cucumbers, carrots and bell pepper slices—so you’ll have tasty, pre-prepared snacks that you can eat in big portions.

All this snack prep has a bonus: Research shows that more time spent prepping food in the kitchen is highly correlated with eating a higher-quality, nutritious diet—and with better health outcomes!

2. Buy pre-measured portions.

Nutrisystem white cheddar popcorn

Don’t have time to pre-measure everything? Take advantage of pre-portioned options. Smaller bags of chips and crackers, 100-calorie packs, or other pre-portioned foods can help you keep track of how much you’re eating.

Nutrisystem IS a big help here: Our snacks, like the Chocolate Chip Cookies and White Cheddar Popcorn, are already pre-portioned, so you can eat the entire package and feel satisfied while staying on plan. No measuring needed.

3. Use your hands to help.

palm of hands

Sometimes the serving size on a label—or even the amount listed in the Grocery Guide—can be confusing: How much salmon is in three ounces? How much tuna is in a half-cup?

If you don’t have a food scale or measuring cups/spoons handy, you can use your hands or common household objects to help you estimate the proper portion size. Check out the infographic below for some common examples:

portion size examples

4. Don’t eat directly out of a full-sized bag or box. Use a plate or bowl.

bowl of crackers

If you can’t eat from a package where the whole contents is equal to one serving, don’t eat out of the bag or box. It’s tough to know how much you’re eating, and easy to be carried away … as anyone who’s lounged with a bag of chips can tell you.

Instead, measure the portion onto a plate or into a bowl before you sit down to eat. That way, you won’t have to rely on your willpower to stop—you can clean your plate and know you’ve eaten a healthy portion that fits your plan. 

5. Pair a salty snack or sweet treat with an unlimited food.

Peanut Butter on Celery

If you love eating in large quantities, try pairing a healthy portion of a salty, sweet or fatty food you crave with another unlimited food, such as carrot sticks, slices of cucumber, green pepper slices or broccoli florets. These foods are unlimited because they’re filled with nutrients your body needs without many calories. By combining these two types of food on a single plate, you’ll get to eat some of the food you love, and eat the volume that will fill you up.

6. Figure out what you’re really craving. Eat a portion of that.

Hand reaching for cookie in jar

If there’s a food you’re really craving—like a favorite ice cream, or a chocolate chip cookie, or a cheese-flavored snack that always hits the spot—Nutrisystem dietitians say you can actually go overboard eating other foods trying to avoid your food craving all together. You know the feeling. You really want a cookie, but you end up picking at other stuff—a pretzel here, a cracker there—and never really feel satisfied … but you’ve piled up a bunch of extra calories.

The solution, our experts say, is to give into that craving … with a controlled portion. If you’re really craving a specific food, measure out a portion that matches the Grocery Guide guidelines, and really enjoy it. That’s the beauty of Nutrisystem’s program: No food is off limits when eaten in the right portion. So savor that healthy portion, log it in the NuMi app, and stay on track to your goals!

The post 6 Portion Control Tips for Weight Loss and Healthy Eating appeared first on The Leaf.

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Why must people always make comments about weight loss!

I get the usual "you've lost too much" or "you're going to stop soon, right?" from time to time mixed in among the usual comments on my weight loss and how it's improved my look. (imo it really has, my frame was meant to not be obese, also my face doesn't need the extra width/roundness) I've come to terms that people accept it's open season to comment on weight loss, people who would never in a million years comment on someone's weight gain.

With that in mind I got hit from a new angle over the weekend. I was eating dinner at a restaurant with some family. At the dinner my wife had food leftover and asked if I wanted any. I mentioned that it wasn't my cheat day (and my large meal was 1200-1400 calories already). Didn't think much of it until the next day when a family member pulled me aside and asked if they had overheard me correctly that it wasn't my "cheat day". They asked if I was still working out. They then proceeded to inform me that so long as they were active or had an exercise program they could eat as much as they wanted anytime even "stuffing themselves" and never gain weight and that they were just surprised I couldn't and had to ask me about it. My response was along the lines of "isn't that neat" or something.

For some reason that irritated me more than I expected. I don't think they meant much by it beyond what they said, and this family member I know wants the best for me and cares but still. Yes, there was a reason I was fat and needed to lose weight and you weren't. Just like some people need to study more to get good grades and others just half listen in class and churn out A's. Everyone and every body is different. Obviously, when left to my own devices with no controls I go obese (even while active) and that person, from what they're telling me, under the same circumstances does not. Also, the way they phrased their statement sounds like they believe fat people are inactive and almost purposefully stuff themselves with food for fun. It's not like that. I eat because my body feels hungry or at least craves food, whether it should be or not, too many calories whether I need them or not, with or without exercise. I understand that for me, I'm going to have to exercise some amount of self control for life to be at a healthier weight. Thankfully, I feel like that amount of control is not that extreme.

Not that big a deal in the grand scheme, just thought I'd share it in a community that seems to get it's share of these types of comments!

submitted by /u/SnooRobots136
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lose It! app users: why is my calorie budget the same regardless of weight loss plan intensity?

On the page where it asks you to select a plan between relaxed, steady, accelerated, or vigorous.

I am 5’2” and recently achieved my gw of 115lbs from 125lbs! I chose a steady plan and had a budget of ~1300 cals per day with somewhat active as my activity level.

My ultimate gw is 110 but I planned on allowing myself to be more relaxed with the last 5lbs. However when I go to select the plan intensity, the caloric budget is the same (~1700 cals) for all options.

The only difference is the date at which Lose It estimates the goal to be reached but I don’t understand how that can be if it’s the same value for each plan. I’m new to weight loss so I don’t have a complete understanding on how the math works other than burn more calories than you take in.

submitted by /u/mopizzas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Seasonal Sips: 16 Healthy Fall Drink Recipes

From pumpkin to apples, cinnamon to sweet, these seasonal sips offer all the quintessential flavors of fall … in a cup! Cozy up to these 16 healthy fall drink recipes that are perfect for your autumn menu.

1. Pumpkin Spice Smoothie >

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb

‘Tis the season for all things pumpkin! This smoothie brings it on, full force. It blends pure pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice with real maple syrup, some sweet bananas and a little vanilla extract for an extra pop. Greek yogurt adds creaminess and satisfying protein, nonfat milk provides nutrients for less calories, and the entire tasty concoction contains only 195 calories. Click here for the full Pumpkin Spice Smoothie recipe. >

2. Sweet Cinnamon Latte >

Sweet Cinnamon Latte

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 Extra

We get it: you need your fall coffee drinks in the morning, and you need them fast. But. If you can spare just two extra minutes, you can turn that standard brew into a tasty treat. Simply combine one cup of milk with cinnamon and stevia brown sugar blend. Shake ‘til frothy, microwave ‘til warm, then pour over hot coffee. Top with an extra sprinkle of cinnamon and your cup of energy is ready. Click here for the full Sweet Cinnamon Latte recipe. >

3. Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate >

Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate

On Nutrisystem Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 Extra

Order an extra-large one of these at a popular coffee shop and you’ll sip over 500 calories! That is, quite simply, insane. However, make your own at home with this healthy fall drink recipe and you get all the same decadent flavor for a fraction of the calories. Warmed chocolate milk is sweetened with stevia and vanilla, fat-free whipped topping sits on top, and sugar-free caramel sauce with a pinch of coarse sea salt completes the cozy cup. All together it’s 136 calories. Click here for the full Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate recipe. >

4. Skinny Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew >

Skinny Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

On Nutrisystem, Count As: ½ PowerFuel, 2 Extras

Who says chilled coffee drinks are only for warmer weather? When you need an afternoon pick-me-up, this fall-inspired cold brew is the perfect pick—no matter the temp. That’s because it’s made with six simple ingredients, contains only 107 calories, and tastes absolutely delicious. Start with cold brew coffee over ice. Top with pumpkin cream made from a blend of milk, pumpkin puree, vanilla extract, maple syrup and pumpkin spice. Add a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice to the top and enjoy. Click here for the full Skinny Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew recipe. >

5. Creamy Apple Cinnamon Smoothie Bowl >

Creamy Apple Cinnamon Smoothie Bowl

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, 1 SmartCarb

You see apples and think pie, and rightfully so. There’s nothing like a slice of warm apple heaven on a crisp, fall day. But to help make the most of your orchard harvest, consider adding this smoothie bowl to your arsenal of apple recipes. It’s blended thick and creamy, with the star red fruit, of course, plus sweet bananas and a Nutrisystem Vanilla Shake. Cinnamon adds spice and fresh apple slices bring some crunch. Click here for the full Creamy Apple Cinnamon Smoothie Bowl recipe. >

6. Iced Mocha Latte >

Iced Mocha Latte

On Nutrisystem, Count As: ½ PowerFuel, 1 Extra

Not only does it sound too fancy to make yourself, but the mocha may as well scream too many calories. Understandable concerns, of which you need not worry; this version only contains 43 calories per serving, and the “making” part takes mere minutes. Combine coffee and milk, cocoa powder and sugar, and bit of cinnamon in saucepan. Let it cook over low heat for four minutes. Then pour over ice and grab a straw, guilt-free. Click here for the full Iced Mocha Latte recipe. >

7. Warm Mulled Cran-Apple Cider >

Warm Mulled Cran-Apple Cider

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb

All you need is apple and cranberry juice, two thin slices of orange, and three sticks of cinnamon to create this beautiful drink made perfect to sip by a roaring fire. Click here for the full Warm Mulled Cran-Apple Cider recipe. >

8. Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Shake >

Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Shake

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel

It’s super satisfying, packed with powerful nutrition … and it tastes like pumpkin! What more could you want in a perfect-for-an-autumn-morning shake. The Nutrisystem Vanilla Shake blends smooth with pumpkin spice and nutmeg, and you can drink to the last drip for only 134 calories. Click here for the full Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Shake recipe. >

9. Earl Grey Latte >

Earl Grey Latte

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 3 Extras

A classic tea, distinct in flavor and fragrance, meets the warmth and creaminess of a latte to create a silky, smooth drink that brings comfort with every sip. Made with earl grey tea and unsweetened vanilla oat milk, plus a little honey and vanilla extract, it’s pairs perfectly with a good book on a quiet afternoon. Try it first as is, then experiment with different combinations of teas, sweeteners and milk alternatives to make your own custom tea creation. Click here for the full Earl Grey Latte recipe. >

10. Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie >

Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 3 PowerFuels

Leave the Halloween candy for the kids! This smoothie gets you the flavors of your favorite treat, all in one very satisfying drink. Just blend a Nutrisystem Chocolate Shake, a tablespoon of creamy peanut butter, some unsweetened vanilla soy milk and ice cubes for thickness. Then slurp away your candy craving. Click here for the full Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie recipe. >

11. Booze-Free Appletini >

Booze-Free Appletini

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 SmartCarb

Mocktails are the perfect alternative to their alcoholic cousins: fun flavors served in fancy glasses, for far fewer sugar and calories. And this appletini does not disappoint: it mixes 100% apple juice with chopped Granny Smith apples, lemon juice and a little stevia for a tangy take on a happy hour favorite. Click here for the full Booze-Free Appletini recipe. >

12. Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie >

Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel, ½ SmartCarb, 1 Extra

Set aside your fork. No need for a dish. The slurp-worthy twist on a seasonal favorite requires only a straw. It uses healthy ingredients like Greek yogurt, pumpkin puree and nonfat milk – plus cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice and sugar-free maple syrup – to create a decadent drink that tastes just like your favorite pie, minus all the extra sugar, fat and calories. Click here for the full Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie recipe. >

13. Skinny Pumpkin Latte >

Skinny Pumpkin Latte

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 PowerFuel

You’ve been counting down all summer and hallelujah the time has arrived. And the best part about this particular pumpkin latte is that you don’t have to feel even a teeny bit guilty on your first, second or even tenth sip. That’s because it’s flavored with pumpkin puree and fall-flavored spices. The sweet comes from stevia, and the milk and whipped topping are both nonfat.  Add some black coffee for a caffeine boost. Click here for the full Skinny Pumpkin Latte recipe. >

14. Almond Joy Hot Chocolate >

Almond Joy Hot Chocolate

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 3 Extras
Pure indulgence – that’s what this cozy cup of chocolate provides in every steaming sip. But the decadence doesn’t end there. Made with vanilla coconut milk and a few drops of almond extract, plus coconut whipped topping and a sprinkle of toasted coconut, the flavors combine to create a warm drink reminiscent of the candy bar you love. And the best part? Each serving is only 83 calories. Click here for the full Almond Joy Hot Chocolate recipe. >

15. Pumpkin Spice Smoothie Bowl >

Pumpkin Spice Smoothie Bowl

On Nutrisystem, Count As: ½ PowerFuel, 2 SmartCarbs, 1 Extra

Beneath the medley of chopped pecans, granola crumbles, pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries is a beautiful bowl of pumpkin delicious. The base of this fall smoothie  bowl is made from frozen bananas, nonfat milk, vanilla extract and, of course, pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice. You get crunch, chew and creamy smooth in each spoonful. And feel free to scrape the bowl clean; each serving is only 254 calories. Click here for the full Pumpkin Spice Smoothie Bowl recipe. >

16. Hot Toddy Mocktail >

hot toddy

On Nutrisystem, Count As: 1 Extra

Cozy up this autumn with a healthy twist on a classic Hot Toddy! To make it, simply combine honey, lemon juice and spices like cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg in a large mug. Top it with hot tea and garnish with a lemon wedge. Each serving is just 53 calories, so you can indulge guilt free. Click here for the full Hot Toddy Mocktail recipe. >

Looking for more healthy fall drink recipes and ideas? Click the link below for some healthy Thanksgiving cocktails that are perfect for the holiday season!:

8 Healthy Cocktails for Your Thanksgiving Menu

Read More

The post Seasonal Sips: 16 Healthy Fall Drink Recipes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Guy I‘m currently seeing sabotages my weight loss and acts like I have an eating problem.

I‘ve been seeing this guy since February (no contact in April and May due to personal issues on his side). I‘ve stopped smoking in April and started to focus more on my health. Then in May I finally weighed myself (F20, 77kg, 180cm) and I was in shock, because I expected to be 5kg lighter. Started to eat cleaner to lose weight and fix my digestive problems and my relationship with food, because I used to emotionally eat/ binge occasionally. I lost around 10 kg and am plateauing at 66,6 kg for like a month now. I‘m perfectly fine with this weight but I‘d like to become leaner (maybe lose like 5 more kg) before gaining muscle to eventually build a fit physique. Every time I‘m at his place he tries to make me eat large quantities of food and feeds me with cookies and other unhealthy stuff. He even tried to make me take half a banana bread home. I already told him that I‘m losing weight (and also that I‘m currently struggling). He says I‘m too skinny and that I have to gain weight, indicating that I‘m starving myself. I feel like he himself has a preference for curvier women (which I still am btw) and doesn’t want me to reach my goal body because it doesn’t match with his taste. I don’t know how to feel about this situation. Fyi he himself is really fit and works out almost every day (which allows him to eat the way he eats).

submitted by /u/AdLittle8373
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, September 25, 2022

What can I do to get past a weight loss plateau that simply does not want to budge?

So, I've successfully lost the 10-12 kgs (from 86 to 73 kgs) I've been trying to lose since forever. It's been a year, and I've successfully kept it off. I've altered my eating habits significantly, I went to a nutritionist and she gave me many tips on what to cut off and still have protein.

I still want to lose more. I want to get to 65 kgs. I've lost some weight recently, sure, but it has been like a month and I've lost like 1-2 kgs. I walk a lot, like 4 hours a day every day.

This isn't working out however, and I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Like maybe over charging my workouts.

submitted by /u/ThroawayX91
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question about heart rates and fat loss

Hi all, I know I'm posting here a lot today, and I'm sorry for that. But I just have a quick question. I was going to ask r/fitness, but those guys intimidate me. Lol

So, I have been walking daily or near daily for the past month. I try to walk as briskly as is comfortable and sustainable and I have noticed that my times have been dropping off which is cool. I have also noticed that my heart rate has dropped off as well as measured by my watch. When I started I was in the 120's typically. Now I'm averaging around 105 for the walk. Which is also cool, I feel like that definitely shows that I am improving my cardiovascular health!

But...I'm an over thinker. So now I'm worried that I will need to "walk harder" (run?) to keep seeing weight loss benefits. Not that I'm relying on only walking for weight loss, I also do CICO and stay under my calorie goal most days. I know you can't outrun a bad diet. I also know that walking is good for my health regardless of if it is actually helping with weight loss. But I admit I am walking in part to aid with my weight loss. So, if my heart rate keeps going down when I walk, will it still help my weight loss efforts, or do I need to keep upping my game?

submitted by /u/Overbeingoverit
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