Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Data dive into my personal journey with weight loss + my insights

25F, 5’9”, HW: 260 SW: 250 CW: 235.6, GW: TBD

Recently realized I could restore all my previous Lose It! app weight data, going back to the beginning of 2019. I put together a spreadsheet (I am a nerd, lol) showing the start and end dates of my previous weight loss attempts, along with starting weights and pounds lost. I then calculated data such as days per attempt, body weight % lost, lbs lost per week, etc. If an attempt ended before a month, I didn’t calculate some of the metrics - as someone who tends to lose a good 5-ish lbs effortlessly at the beginning of an attempt (water weight), metrics for short attempts don’t really make sense. You can see an image of the file I put together here: https://imgur.com/a/53IPpql

Some things I learned from this exercise:

  • Yes, I am a nerd

“Negative” data: - 50% of my attempts ended before a month and were therefore pretty insignificant data. 36% ended before 6 weeks, and 7% (only one) attempt was kept up after 3 months. My record high is only 93 days of tracking weight - My “most successful” attempt was in the spring of 2019 where I lost 31 lbs in a period of 93 days. However, this attempt was plagued with disordered eating, negative self image, and bad mental health. This was a very difficult period for me and I struggled with my “diet” every single day. I was eating very very low daily calories then binging randomly with friends. Clearly the attempt was not very successful as I’ve only gotten bigger and bigger since - Over the last 3 years, I have lost a combined 181.4 lbs. Thinking about this was really interesting to me. It shows a pattern of yo-yo dieting, inconsistent effort, and starting weights that climbed higher and higher

Positive insights: - The fact that I have lost 181 lbs in this time period shows that my body is capable of losing weight. I CAN do this. It is not impossible for me to lose weight, I’m not one of the people who are doing everything right but the scale doesn’t budge. I have the ability to do it, my issue is consistency - The current attempt I am working on has been 45 days. It has honestly felt pretty easy. I am working on losing at a slower rate, fitting normal life activities into my days, fitting “unhealthy” foods into my diets, and working on a routine that feels normal, sustainable, and achievable. Realizing that I am already almost at the halfway point of my previous “most successful attempt” gives me a lot of hope - it’s honestly felt fairly simple. It’s slower, healthier, includes a focus on therapy and mental health, and more. In that prior “successful attempt”, by 45 days I was already struggling severely - I now know my biggest trigger is consistency and can work through strategies to combat reasons I have fallen off in the past - Therefore, I feel like I CAN keep up my current plan and smash my personal best records! I CAN keep up this journey for more than 93 days, I CAN beat my number of pounds lost and body weight % lost. And once I do that, I can keep setting new records

Quick note: I recognize my current rate of losing 2.25 lbs per week is a little high - again I want to emphasize that I have been at this only 6 weeks and lost a high amount of water weight quickly. Per Happy Scale my current rate is continuing to slow, now is at about 1.8 lbs/week. My calorie intake goals are to lose 1 lb per week, with the goal to add to this with additional activity, eating 0-300 calories under my limit if my hunger is low, etc. So far this is working well!

Not sure if anyone else will be interested in this post, but thought fellow data-minded people may find this exercise interesting!

submitted by /u/username304211
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/o59KtNg

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