Thursday, April 4, 2019

Breaking a Plateau?!?!

Hello loseit friends!

I have lost almost 30 pounds since the beginning of Jan 2018 by simply watching what I ate. I have not begun to exercise yet.

Recently, over the past 3 weeks, I have been completely stuck at 241.9 pounds--every time I weigh has been 241.9. Yesterday morning I woke up and weighed myself at 238.9. I was ecstatic--my plateau finally broken! I ate totally sensibly the entire day yesterday, stayed at my calorie goal, and went to bed. When I weighed this morning I was back up to 241.4!!!!!

I AM SO FRUSTRATED AND UPSET!! I really try not to weigh myself daily but when I was losing weight at a steady clip I was able to stay motivated. Now that I'm doing everything right and I am not losing I am wanting to binge eat greasy food every day. My clothes are definitely not feeling smaller, my engagement ring is not any looser, I am not losing inches. I truly am just maintaining.

About me: F27, 5'7", SW 268 CW 241.4 GW 165. I work an office job where I am on my butt for 8 hours a day but I walk on my hour lunch. I also have a FitDesk under my desk and I use it for about 40 mins daily as long as it doesn't bother my office mate (which sometimes it does, and I don't use it on those days). My TDEE is about 2100-2200 calories (estimate) and I eat between 1500-1600 calories a day. This should be AT LEAST 1 pound a week, roughly, but is not. I try and watch my sodium intake, I don't usually eat heavy meals before bed, and I take a spoonful of Metamucil every morning in my water to stay regular.

Someone please tell me what I am doing wrong, or other things I need to watch for to break this plateau! I am a bigger girl, there is no reason that I can think of for my weight loss to stall this much--its not like I am at 18% bodyfat and close to my goal weight.

submitted by /u/KillerQueenFit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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