Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I lost it yesterday with my friend and became that horrible skinny friend. πŸ‘ŽπŸ»

Hi there

So I have a friend, who I’ve been really good friends with for around 4 years. He’s very overweight (400lbs). I’ve lost around 90lbs altogether. Taking me to around 140lbs. I am in a healthy weight range.

He is always digging me out in social situations and I feel always trying to show me up about my weight loss. He will make comments about my appearance and about my eating. Which is fine for the most part. It doesn’t normally bother me hugely as I can see where it comes from & normally feel if it makes him feel better about himself telling me I’m too skinny then who cares.

Yesterday I was having a particularly bad day. I had to go to a friends birthday dinner, didn’t feel like going but I went. When I got there, I felt like he really laid into me. He kept commenting on my legs saying how they look like chicken legs and telling me how I shouldn’t lose anymore weight, telling me he thinks I have an eating disorder (not in a concerned way) and going on and on about other things to do with my weight. This is in front of other people, in a public space and I just wasn’t in the mood for it.

I didn’t shout at him but I told him to shut his fat face and that he’s boring me & why does he need to try & show me up all the time? You don’t see me telling you how fat you are at dinner or ever. So just shut up you fat tw**.

He left earlier than planned & then sent me a lengthy text about how he doesn’t think we should be friends anymore because of how I treated him and how he has self esteem issues and how I’m basically the bad person, not him.

I shouldn’t have sworn at him or called him fat. I’m not particularly proud of that but it’s unbelievable how someone can treat you that way and as soon as you give them a taste of their own medicine you’re the bad person 🀷🏻‍♂️. I don’t have the greatest self esteem as it is. His comments rub off on me. Just because I’m slim now it doesn’t mean I don’t look in the mirror and think I look like shit.

We used to be such good friends and hang out all the time. He’s one of the funniest people I have ever met. He was there for me when I came out and supported me hugely and it makes me sad I have lost a friend due to trying to better myself πŸ‘ŽπŸ».

submitted by /u/wgs12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2OYNvnu

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