Tuesday, April 9, 2019

My 'start today' was nothing special

Hi all.

I'm the cliche lurker. I have been for the last few months. But I had a pretty significant SV and wanted to share. Apologies for the wall of text!

I am 27, 5'6 and in October last year my starting weight was 105kg (approx 230 pounds). I had no idea what my weight was for the longest time. I was always the 'fat friend' and had convinced myself I was okay with it. I avoided scales and had tried a few half assed attempts over the years to lose some weight but never really committed. I had all the usual excuses too. "I can't stick to diets." "I don't like the idea of gyms" "my schedule makes it too hard".

I knew I had gained over the last year or so. Clothes that I had bought recently were no longer fitting, and I had the general 'uncomfortable' feeling. October last year I fell sick and went to the doctor. Who made me weigh myself. I was generally pretty good at talking my way out of it but he insisted and I'm glad he did. Because the scales said 105kg. And this was after close to 2 weeks of not eating due to sickness before hand.

That number scared me. Terrified me actually. I knew I had to make some kind of change or else this would become my life and it wasnt what I wanted. That being said, I did absolutely nothing to change for the first month because I didn't feel 'ready'. But I was quite lucky, I had a friend who was currently on her weight loss journey who had 'fallen off the wagon' and was picking herself up. With her help and motivation and accountability I also started CICO in December.

I started logging everyday. I set myself a 1300 calorie limit. I started walking as often as I could. I researched high volume, low calorie meals, I gave up soda and dessert after every single meal. I've definitely slipped. And between Christmas and some holidays away with the girls I've had some pretty bad weeks. But I tell myself I have already come so far and a bad couple of days doesn't make all my hard work disappear. But giving up definitely will.

I was really struggling around the time I hit my 7.5kg weight loss. I felt like I should have been happy but I couldn't see the difference in the mirror. I am taking progress photos and measurements as well but I wanted to SEE a difference. My weight loss girl friend did the best possible thing. She dragged my feeling sorry for myself butt to the supermarket and started loading my arms up with bags of potatoes. And she didnt tell me what on earth she was doing until I was holding 7.5kg of raw potatoes and complaining about how heavy it was. There was something about seeing the weight I had already lost in front of me shook something loose in me. It seemed to click.

I am now 5 months into this journey. And I am 20kg down. I am currently 84.5 kg. My BMI is now in the overweight range, instead of obese. Clothes that were too tight are now too loose. But more importantly I FEEL better.

I really adamant about not thinking of this as a diet. I'm just changing my lifestyle and food habits to be healthier. Which means a 'bad day' doesnt mean I've failed, it means I overindulged. Which is okay once in a while. Its helped me stay out of the shame spiral.

I've been seeing a lot of 'start today' type posts recently. I think I just wanted to share that my 'start today' was December 3. There was nothing particularly special about that day. I hadn't binged the weekend before or emptied my house of snacks. I picked a day and decided it was time. Your 'start today' day doesn't have to be a big deal. Make a small change. Stick to it. Introduce another. Keep going. One bad day doesnt make everything before it disappear. But giving up definitely will. I have another 16.5kg to go my goal weight. Giving up isn't going to get me there. But the advice and support and will this sub has given me will.

submitted by /u/simmypenguin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2Vznb62

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