Wednesday, April 10, 2019

SV: 5 inches down on the Belt

The holes were a bit wonky in the middle but 9kg/20lbs down and 9/20 more to go, it's nice to feel the belt shrinking. From the hole at inch 5 to the hole I had to drill today.

Started tracking calories in February after weighing 103kg/227lb, which at 183cm/6ft tipped me over to an obese BMI since the last time I weighed myself at 100kg about a year prior. When I was 16 at 178cm/5ft10 and 80-85kg/176-187lbs I was a little overweight and had been throughout my teens, but I promised myself I would never let myself become obese so seeing that 30+ in the calculator was a kick in the ass to do something about it.

For me I'm not a binger or a stress eater, I'm a snacker. I'll eat small amounts of food very often, ranging from crisps to chocolate to peanuts to crackers. After setting 1900kcal as my daily limit, keeping track of what I'm eating has really done wonders as it forces me to be conscious of what I'm eating. I've had a few days of indulgence going to 2500 - 3000 like on my niece's christening or after a tough assignment left me needing just a big ol' greasy pizza but I've averaged 1700-1800 for a few months now and it's really been working out.

My weekly Wednesday weigh-in puts me at 93.5kg/206lbs, halfway to my goal of 85kg/187lbs. When I get to 85kg I'll decide if I want to lose more. This first stop is still inside the overweight band as I am quite large in general (unironically big boned) and I'd like to see how I look and feel before mentally committing to more weight loss.

As it stands I can't really offer much advice to people who struggle with binging or anything. My secret really has been eating way more vegetables since to me 500g of stir-fried celery, onions and red, peppers is as good as anything from a takeout. Put down a light bed of properly prepared short grain rice and I can eat that for dinner everyday, be stuffed to the gills and it comes at like <300kcals, or bump it up to 600 with some chicken breast for protein. Having a daily limit really helps since if I eat 1700 in chocolate and crisps I just resign myself to some toast for dinner and suffer my lapse of discipline until the next day. It also has helped to focus more on my weekly goal rather than daily, so long as I end up at less that 13300kcal per week I haven't failed, I just borrowed the extra 400kcal I had on Monday from Wednesday and Thursday.

submitted by /u/PhonicGhost
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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