Monday, April 8, 2019

[Update 1] The DEXA Bodyscan guy with Hyper Intensive Stage 2 Blood Pressure

As promised. I am back with an update.

Who are you?

I am the guy who posted this previous thread which generated some comments.

What is the TL;DR?

Uh, super unhealthy. Blood pressure jacked through the roof. 118 kilos at my heaviest, diet change at 115kg and a DEXA Bodyscan and full blood tests at 113.6kg.

What are your figure from the BodyScan?

Not good. 36 kilos of body fat at 183cm in height. Over 180cm2 of visceral body adipose fat around my organs. My triglycerides/HDL ratio is also 3.35.

You can read the Full DEXA Scan of a human body and my results HERE!

What was your vitals prior to the diet change?

OK. My BP has been high for two years. Really high. Especially the diastolic. Prior to the diet change my BP was

  • 160/110 for 9 days straight. It has been as high as 170 over 121 taken in hospital, at rest, for an unrelated matter.
  • My resting heart rate was 65-67
  • My blood sugar level was 6.8mmol for 5 days straight (fasted)

What have you been doing?

Well, its a multi-targeted approach. I am not a stupid guy and I can use academic publications as well as the next man. I have been doing the following based on personal research and the work of Dr Micheal Greger. We should get this out of the way early. I am NOT taking BP medication and I won't be. The evidence is shaky and the drugs numerous and require constant experimentation and can take 6 months to work. Not here to debate it. My choice. Doing this with lifestyle's working. See results below.

This is my daily routine.

  • Intermittent Fasting daily from 8pm till 1pm the next day
  • The fast is broken with rye bread, peanut butter and honey (the fibre stops the insulin spike) which is just delicious.
  • Meal 1 is whole oats with whole milk and I always add the following
    • Chia Seeds
    • Ground flaxseed and walnut
    • 1 tbsp of organic cacao poder
    • 6 blueberries, 6 black berries
    • All of these ingredients
  • Meal 2 is always based around dark green veg and cruciferous veg
    • Dark, leafy greens including spinach
    • Salmon (x2 days), Mushrooms (x2 days) or Lamb (x1 days) or Eggs (x2 days)
    • My own dressing of EV olive oil, turmeric, balsamic vinegar and tabasco
    • More chia seeds, more flaxseed

Are you snacking/supplementing?

  • 1 banana per day
  • 125g of pomegranate per day
  • 2 x pickled beetroot per day
  • Handful of nuts mixed

What are you drinking?

I drink homemade hibiscus tea with powdered beet extract and the occassional coffee and 2 litres of water flavoured with lemons and limes.

How do you make the tea?

Boil 100g of hibiscus flowers for 30 mins in 3 litres of water. Drain. Add 150g of beet extract. Boil until foamy. Sieve. Let cool. You have 2 litres of strong extract. Simply add hot water to 200ml you have a "tea". I drink this daily and sometimes as a mint tea bag.


Blood Sugar

My blood sugar dropped from 6.8mmol from 5.8 mmol (fasted)


My weight has dropped from 115.2kg to 110 exactly in 16 days. Since the bodyscan report it has dropped 3.6kg with strong dietary discipline and no real cardio. I have not fasted jogged since the DEXA scan.

Blood Pressure

My blood pressure has dropped from 160/110 to a low of 147/99! That is a full 13 and 11 point drop respectively. That is so massive, my best friend, who is a qualified nurse and studying for a Master's degree in Nutrition and Health demanded to check it himself. He did and he was blown away and wants me to keep a daily log as it is, in his words, statistically significant. He was a massive advocate of me getting on BP medication immediately. He is still recommending medication but he also admits tentatively...the diet might be working faster than the drugs could.

Resting Heart Rate

According to my FitBit Ionic, my RHR has dropped from a high of 67 a fortnight ago to a new low, today, of 57. It has actually been a cliff dive in the last 3 days.

OK. I get it. But why has your blood pressure dropped so significantly?

The sciency-bit

Right. I am just a guy on the internet so feel free to disbelieve any of this but I am also not selling any thing so maybe that gives it more credibility.

I prioritised every single food item in my diet based on the clinical evidence for lowering blood pressure. The gist is

If it is naturally purple; it will lower your blood pressure or contain nitrate to help your cardiovascular system

I eat beetroot, black berries, raspberries and pomegranate daily combined with hibiscus tea. In addition I have upped my fibre massively to my previous diet which regulates my blood sugar and let's me excrete waste products much better.

Lastly, I have cut out all salt or salt-added foodstuffs like crisps or packaged sauces.

The compound that drives lower blood pressure is called Queritin and you can rank queritin rich foods on the free Polyhypnol Database (a joint Canadian-French university project).

I will check in next week but thanks all. The summary is

  • 3.6KG weight loss in 7 days (includes some water loss since I was fully hydrated at the scan/weigh-in
  • 13 point drop in systolic blood pressure
  • 11 point drop in diastolic blood pressure
  • 10 point drop in resting heart rate
  • A much less worried wife
  • A much motivated me!
submitted by /u/JustAGuyWriting
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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