Sunday, June 23, 2019

I'm ready. 224 days till I hit my goal weight.

I just downloaded the lose it app. (correction: about 2 months ago lol) Starting at 170lbs (77kg) - 5'2 (160cm) - 25 year old Female. My Ultimate Goal weight is 100lbs. I know that a bit too much, so I'm okay with it being 110-115lbs but no more. I want to be skinny for once in my adult life, I want to be light and look the way I imagine in my head. Yes, I'm doing this for looks and looks only, I'm healthy right now but if I keep at it with the way I'm living I won't be for much longer and so that's another reason. But I mostly am tired of being alone, goddammit I want to lose my virginity so badly that I am basically doing this for the D! I burn no calories through exercise, so completely sedentary**.** I wanted to apply for internships, but I didn't. I will work from home, and try to study for the GRE this summer (applying to graduate schools) so this is sort of taking the time off. I have an entire summer to dedicating to turning things around. Here's my plan:

  1. Will post weekly on this subreddit. Here's me accomplishing that first step right there.
  2. Have my first therapy appointment next week. I am going no matter what.
  3. I will go swimming once or twice a week, depending on how I like the pool I try this week. (Wednesday)
  4. LoseIt says 1120 calories for a 2lbs a week weight loss a day. I can do that, easy. Heck, I can do 800 cals a day. Again, I know, that's a bit unhealthy - I'm doing it to get there fast, I'm doing this because I want to see results faster so I am motivated to continue and also I like the added pressure. I work better under pressure, and extremes.
  5. After I get down to 70kgs, I will sign up for a gym membership. Before that, I'll try to use the treadmill I have at home but won't force myself on it because I hate it.

I've also promised myself to reward myself for hitting goals weights:

GW1 - 70kg (155) - Buying myself painting supplies (not a reward, but this is when I'll start gym )

GW2 - 65kg (143) - Going to Acting Classes

GW3 - 60kg (130) - Buy myself new clothes, the stuff I actually like (maybe if I'm still single, and like someone, ask someone out? )

GW4 - 55kg (120) - Buy myself shoes (Yeezys to be exact, cause they are expensive AF where I live)

GW5 - kind of UGW - 50kg (110) - Trip abroad

I'll be saving for the last one along the way. The app says it'll take me 224 days, which means I'll have the body I want by Feb 2020. I'll be 26 by then, and hopefully doing something different.

How do I become a member of this community? I have nobody supportive in my life at the moment. I also don't want to hear the "it's unhealthy" "that's too much" kind of stuff, because I know and I've spoken with a doctor (who said it was safe if I ate a piece of chicken breast the size of my palm for the rest of my life! so maybe he wasn't the best person to consult. ) It's until I reach a point where I'm comfortable enough to move more, that way I can add in more calories and burn more. Right now, I can't even jump or do anything cause of my boobs. lol

Oh, and I've bought myself a water bottle that I carry around everywhere and am constantly drinking water. I'm cutting out fast food all together, except for very special occasions and I will stick to healthy options when eating out and I will ask for a doggie bag before I eat my food so I can eat only half of it. Another thing I'm going to do is to take pictures of my food and then make a food journal that way, and use that to calculate my calories as well. (I have a rough idea of how much everything is because I've been using LoseIt for about 2 months now to just track what I eat. I eat around 1700-2000 on average. I've gained weight 3lbs over the past month because of university exams and mindless eating. )

Ok... So, there are a lot of beginners posting on here and this must get boring. I'm gonna end it right here, and save this for myself, and I don't know what else I could/should do.

submitted by /u/TulaLuLaLeeey
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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