Friday, June 21, 2019

UPDATE: Loose skin after losing 250+. A NSV and a visit with a plastic surgeon

Hi again!

Last week I posted some photos of my loose skin after a dramatic non-surgical weight loss of 250+. Your words were incredibly loving and encouraging and is helping me to move past my self-consciousness.

Some users requested updates and I have a couple. Both took place yesterday and it was a bit of a whirlwind of emotions, let me tell you.

I went and had my body fat percentage checked early on in the day. I had it done in August of 2018 and it sat at 27.1% Not so bad! I went back yesterday, less than a year later and only nine pounds lighter, and it's now 23.5% I am incredibly happy with that. My ultimate goal is to be in the 20-22% range and I'm almost there!

After that I made my way to my first ever plastic surgery consult. I had a lot of emotions riding on this. I figured from this day forward marks the first day of the rest of my life. I even bought a friend with me, one who has been a very big part of my journey the last few years, because of emotional it all is for me.

Turned out to be not what I expected. During the physical examination doctor said he really only deals with cases more extreme than mine, and that I'm "not that bad". There was hardly any Q&A (he wanted me to make another appointment for that in two weeks) and he wouldn't be able to do my entire body, just my abdomen, and referred me to another surgeon and they would perform a joint operation.

Now, my disappointment was hardly the surgeon's fault and I understand that. This was just a consult to gather information so I really would've loved to have that Q&A session. My plan was to have the surgery out of state where my mom lives anyway. I also know that it's all relative but my loose skin is such a huge emotional part of my life that I didn't like to hear that it's not "extreme". How could it not be? I've lost over 200lbs! The surgeon said my skin elasticity has been "excellent".

Having a friend talk me down afterwards was a huge help, and so my search continues. I am now going to look more in the state where my mom lives and reach out to surgeons there rather than my local area.

submitted by /u/heyzeusmaryandjoseph
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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