Thursday, September 5, 2019

4 Years Later - Progress Pics

Hi all,

I've been coming to this page for a long time, but have never posted anything until now. I'll try to keep this brief:

Progress Pic

I started law school in 2015 weighing in at just under 300 pounds. I had just moved back home to Chicago after undergrad and decided I wanted to make my health a priority. Something I failed to do during my four years of college. I had attempted to lose weight previously, but would always fall back into old habits. This time, I decided to start out by making some small adjustments rather than changing everything all at once. For example, if I was getting a macchiato from Starbucks I would use skim milk instead of the 2% default. I might walk to class rather than take the bus. I really just wanted to get myself moving. Eventually, these small, healthier, choices started to snowball into larger, healthier, choices. I began counting calories and entering all of the data into My Fitness Pal. I would make sure that I got at least 10,000 steps in each day. I didn't restrict myself from any food entirely, but I was much more conscious of what I was putting into my body. Some nights if I wanted pizza for dinner, I made sure that I allotted for such a meal (calorically) throughout the day - perhaps I would have a yogurt for breakfast and a salad for lunch. I started going to the gym, running a few miles at a time. I would take spin classes with friends and maybe a yoga class on the weekends. I took progress pictures throughout my entire journey, and each time I was able to see a change, however minor, my desire to continue would grow. Take pictures along the way. I didn't realize how motivating they could be. My weight loss journey has not been a linear one by any stretch of the imagination. I slipped up more than once, but always got back on track.

I graduated law school in May of 2018 around 180 pounds. All in all, I lost just about 110 pounds. Today, I weigh 165 pounds, the goal weight I had set for myself my senior year of undergrad (2015). My weight loss journey has taken 4 years so far, but I'm not done yet. I'm not sure that I ever will be. I'm now working towards toning my body, cutting body fat, and focusing less on the number on the scale.

A few things I've learned over the years...

  1. You will have setbacks. Get back up and keep moving forward.
  2. Take progress pics! They will motivate you to continue your journey.
  3. Diet is important. Exercise is important. Don't sacrifice one for the benefit of the other.
  4. Reward yourself when you've earned it. Maybe you're down another 10 pounds so you buy a new article of clothing.
  5. Rather than "dieting" you're changing your life, and prolonging it. We've got one body, give it the love and care that it needs.
  6. You can have fun while exercising. Go for a walk with friends, hit up a spin class, ride your bike, walk to/from dinner. It doesn't have to be so monotonous.

TL;DR - started out at 300 pounds. 4 years later and I'm down to 165 pounds. Made small changes at first which gradually grew to big changes. Focus on what works for you and get back up after a setback. I focused on a caloric deficit and counted my calories. Not done with my weight loss journey, but looking forward to the next chapter.

submitted by /u/rbrill9213
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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