Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Anyone else hate it when family comment negatively on your weight when you’ve actually been losing it?

My dad keeps making hints about my weight. When I weighed 187 pounds, I remember he straight up said to me when he saw me at uni “I think we both need to lose a bit of weight don’t we?”. I said I know, I wasn’t actively losing weight at that stage but was planning to as I joined the gym. That was the first time (back in July) a family member commented on my weight gain and though I knew I needed to lose weight, it still almost made me cry because it was the first time a family member had mentioned it.

I’m now 175 pounds, and this is the most weight I have lost in one go and I’m proud of myself. I go to the gym regularly and though I don’t eat the healthiest (I’m at home, I tend to eat healthier when I’m at uni as I choose what goes into my cupboards and fridge, if there’s junk there I’m very likely to eat it) I’ve been losing weight at a gradual pace which is healthy. I went on holiday for 10 days and gained 3 pounds so I had to take a week or two to get back into the routine and mindset of losing weight.

I don’t think my weight loss is visible, I understand the first chunk of weight loss is water weight, I’ve actually noticed the weight loss in my arms more so than my thighs or waist.

My mum however would still make hints, to this day. She would make hints about healthier eating and calories, I even straight up said to her when it started to annoy me “look, just tell me I’m overweight, stop making hints it’s not doing anything for me, I’ve actually lost weight, did you know that?”. She didn’t respond to the first part but in response to knowing I lost weight she said “yes” but she seemed surprised, I don’t think she knew but she doesn’t like to admit when she’s wrong so I think she lied.

As I’ve been home and seeing friends, as a 19 year old I’ve been going out and drinking one too many. My parents claimed to have never gotten drunk in their lives so they do shame me for it despite me being a university student. I often get McDonald’s after a night out with my friends because, and this isn’t an excuse, if I don’t eat something substantial after drinking I more likely than not will be sick, and McDonald’s is usually the only place open. My mum has used this to berate me, saying she sees me eating nothing but junk food (she rarely sees me eat as she’s at work) and when I say what she says “McDonald’s”, which I’ve only had twice in two months. She berates me if I throw up from being sick, so whether I get a drunken McDonalds or not I’m going to be shamed by my mother, who isn’t healthy either, she’s eaten a multipack of 12 crisps in 2 days, I haven’t touched crisps since being home.

Sorry for going on a tangent, I’m just saying I wish my parents would be as happy with my progress as I am, and yes even though I still have some way to go, they know I go to the gym regularly, and 12 pounds weight loss is really good for a stubborn young adult aha. They only see a small snippet of my diet and routine and think they can judge me for it, if my diet was really that bad I wouldn’t have lost 12 pounds since mid july (with a 10 day holiday in between).

If you are a parent worried about your child’s weight, please be encouraging when they do lose weight, don’t shame them into trying to lose even more when they’re already trying.

submitted by /u/Faithyxox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Q3cZ7g

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