Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Diet advice

Hello all, About two months ago I started my diet/exercise journey and I have reached a point where I am unsure what I should be doing.

A little backstory. I am a 31 y/o male. 6 foot 4 max weight was 254 and current weight is about 215. I have a fairly thin frame I can post pictures if need be. I haven't had any serious exercise in over a decade besides walking and occasionally bike riding. My current job is me at a desk most of the day I probably get in a out 5k steps a day. My current workout routine for the last two months involves weight training for about 1.5 hours 5-6 days a week. I also do cardio 5-6 days a week which is anything from running 1-3 miles to a mixture of sprints and body weight exercises. Typically 20 min of cardio.

Now to the good part, my diet. Typically for the last 2 months I have been on a 1500 cal a day diet. Trying to keep my macros at 25% fat, 200g of protein , and how ever many carbs to fill the rest. Most of my protein comes from one whey mix with almond milk, tuna, turkey, or chicken breast. Fats comes from eggs or occasional dairy. Carbs are from occasionally having breads or pastas but I try and limit these and typically on Fridays we do pizza night where I allow myself one to two pieces of pizza and manage my calories elsewhere to stay around 1500. I only drink water and I drink about 4 liters a day. I am at the point where my weight loss seems stagnant but I am also putting on muscle. I have some belly fat I would still like to lose and really I think my ideal weight is somewhere around 205-210.

My question is or what I am seeking advice on is should I be consuming more calories with the amount of exercise I am getting? I am worried I am burning muscles when I want to be gaining. I want to lose this belly fat but am finding it impossible no matter how much abs or cardio I do. Any advice is appreciated and if anyone needs any more detailed information please let me know.

Also I get around 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

submitted by /u/Clickar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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