Sunday, September 15, 2019

Down 90lbs! Story + pics inside!

Pictures can be found here

My journey began on around January of 2018 and I would say I'm pretty happy with where I am now.Achieved through incremental changes, adding IF + OMAD + exercise + keto pleasure foods! haha

My Story:

I started around ~240lbs, but frankly I'm sure it probably a little higher.I got sick with the flu and visited the doctor's perhaps twice. I recall seeing that number on the scale and thinking I needed to do something about it.I also couldn't eat anything for two weeks after recovering from the flu except for vegetables and light foods.

By this time, I'd probably lost around ten pounds in water weight - I figured, "what the heck? Let's keep it going!". Thus, my weight loss journey began. I knew I'd have to make a lot of lifestyle adjustments, and I couldn't jump into everything all at once - I took incremental steps and integrated them!

I started with simply cutting out junk food. I decided to no longer stress/binge-eat on Doritos and McDonald's constantly.

I think felt a little better, and decided to start at least counting carbs. I was shocked to see how much I would eat, even when counting. I decided to not limit anything, yet, but figured I would at least get an accurate estimate. I tracked, on average, between 200-350g of carbs :( and thought, "how do I change this?"

So I then turned to at least trying to cut that in half and adding more proteins.

Continue this trend for a few months and I found keto as the next step for weight loss. Time to add fats!Again, I continue this trend for a few months, continually losing weight at an acceptable loss rate of around ~1-2 lbs per week.

I then had a bit of a relapse as I started my stressful graduate year in college, which is why you can see my weight go back up to around ~180 in the photos. But I thought, "no!", and learned different stress-coping mechanisms.

I then learned about IF and how it can help with focus, which I was desperately needed at the time - so much to balance in that final year. Obviously this community knows about its benefits, but for me, the suppression of constantly being hungry was a big deal at the time (before I knew about vital minerals and things) - I could focus on my work better!

Towards January of 2019, I took the last push of some ~40 pounds more seriously because I knew I was finally making progress. I then continued to integrate more of IF (i.e. changing from 16-8 to 18-6, etc.) throughout the months slowly. Taking on OMAD towards the end of college was quite nice, and I definitely wish I'd known about it earlier!

In any case, towards the end, I learned to transition to a keto/low-carb of around ~20-40g maintenance style which I'm happily enjoying.

The summary is that weight loss was a journey and evaluation of myself.

My motto would be : "I have struggled. I have achieved!"

Lipid Profile + Misc.:

My lipid profile was fun to look at from before and after!

Value Start Current
Triglycerides 178 70
LDL 97 170
HDL 30 60
Fasting Glucose 110 75
Blood Pressure 140/90 102/74

I hope my story can help someone out there remember that the final end is a result of making decisions one at a time and sticking to your guns! You can do it! :)

submitted by /u/formeinredditdo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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