Sunday, September 8, 2019

Finally doing it right.

My mom was a fad diet supporter, so growing up I only ever lost weight through those sorts of methods. First was the cabbage soup in middle school, then the cereal diet in high school. She was highly averse to anything that required work, I had to beg for years until she even let me take Karate. I don't know why she didn't like the idea of ME working hard. I wonder if it just made her tired to see, or if she just didn't want me to have too much of a life outside of home because I'm her youngest. I always kind of felt like more of a valued pet.

"You can eat as much cereal as you want and lose weight!" She'd tell me, but I decided to have three portioned servings of Special K, barely wetted with soymilk. I went from 160 pounds to 140 pretty quick. I branched out and had 15 teddygrams or a slice of bread with peanut butter and honey sometimes. I played DDR until the game said I'd burned 500 calories. It "worked," but the doors at school were pushing back pretty hard! Some protested my weight loss, but that made me stick to it even more.

Then I severely sprained an ankle while chasing the school bus in winter and wanted real food again. Weight shot up to 175, and after several more failed fads I managed to get up to 205 as an adult. I've been 5'2 since middle school, so waaay too many lbs for me to have.

Now that I'm trying to just be reasonable and track my calories, and have started running, I'm doing a lot better. Yesterday I just weighed in at 189.8! It's been great to see what happens when I'm not constantly sugar crashing, running enough to see the soreness go away, and my breathing get better!

Shout out to my gf for being the kind of person that likes to do things which require effort. My mother keeps telling me to "Just go back on your cereal diet!" to this day. TO THIS DAY!

submitted by /u/SpecificEchidna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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