Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Getting to your goal, quickly.

Good morning all,

I am officially 7 months into my weight loss journey. It's been a life long battle with food that led me to my obesity. My highest known weight was 477lbs in 2015, which surely got higher since. I punished and neglected my body for the last 20 years stuffing my face like a fat slob only to have the scale creep higher, and higher.

It wasn't until March of this year, with my 28th birthday coming up that I needed to make a serious life change.

I opted to redesign my relationship with food, not just start a diet but introduce a lifestyle change. Knowing full well that I was destined for failure if I didn't apply things correctly, the end result was a full on ketogenic regime that included daily workout sessions. Losing weight has become an addiction for me, I chase the numbers on teh scale and see myself fighting my old self to reclaim my well-being. I opted for a quick approach to weight loss as I am/was damn tired of not liking myself in pictures, tired of having to wear large clothing to conceal my body, tired of being insecure about my image, tired of feeling bad and worried that I may lose a limb or my eyesight to diabetes, tired of... missing out on life.

I knew full well that I wasn't going to change overnight, I knew that the 2 decades worth of stored fat wasn't going to come off in a few weeks, but the idea of it possibly taking years to lose was an absolute no-go for me. I needed to change, and change fast. I know that the mantra here is to be slow and steady but I like to dive headfirst into things, so I strapped a turbo on my weight loss and shot out of teh gate...

Here we are in mid September (~7 months) and I am down a whopping 170lbs!

I have another 60lbs to go, and somewhere within the next 40lbs or so ill begin a body composition transformation to build more muscle and tone out. I estimate that by the end of the year ill be at my goal weight with another 6 months of strength training leading me to be at where I want to be.

To those of you who are like me and want to make significant strides quickly, know full well that you can do it! Just remember that YOU are your biggest obstacle, YOU ate all that food, YOU decided to neglect your body, and its only YOU who can make it correct.

Best wishes on your journey, and may you reach your goal in no time ;)

P.S. I made sure to check in with my doctor periodically to ensure that I wasn't harming myself, he wasn't aware of my diet or lifestyle changes. He was just in shock at my progress and told me to keep to it!

submitted by /u/Alexander_Sextus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2LVNvn1

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