Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I got call 'fat' today in front of my kids and I feel so deflated.

I'll start by saying I have Irish Twins my youngest is still an infant; I put on a lot of weight with back to back pregnancies and am currently around 235 lbs and to date I've managed to lose 35 ish lbs since my youngests' birth with a combination of WW and doing the Bikini Body Mommy Challenges with some extra exercise as well. I wake up for the day between 5 and 5:30 so I can workout and this week I was actually starting to feel ok about myself and really starting to see the weight loss. I was proud of myself I guess.

Well this afternoon I managed to get both kids out to a large grocery store known for it's bulk items and free samples. I get my kids each a sample of some kind of sweet bread; it keeps them both busy even though my youngest is still a baby and eats like a baby (messy). He starts dropping some of this bread; its crumbling all over the floor. I tried to pick up some but ya its just not worth it. I end up leaving it. This woman circles around me with her cart staring at me in the eye and shouting "WOW! WOW! WOW!" over and over again (I'm assuming over the crumbs but I don't engage because my kids are with me and I don't want to scare them..this woman is already kinda scaring me and I figured it was best to ignore her).

I carry on kinda shaken but we keep shopping; this woman circles around the meat section and passes by me again (definitely on purpose) and stares at me the whole time. When she gets behind me she yells "you're FAT!". Ok, well at this point I just keep going. I don't want to cry and I don't want my kids to see this scene I'm afraid is about to unfold. Again we keep going and I decided to just finish my shop. She just glares at me every time we are near..finally I go to the clothing section in the middle; where I stop to look at an item and pick up my fussing baby. She passes again behind me and whispers "your Toddler is Beautiful" as she slowly walks away. (which yes my oldest is a beautiful little girl I know this as her Mom and we often get stopped and people gush about what a cutie she is..she's a doll but why say it after everything before). At this point I'm extremely freaked out; I wait there a minute until I'm sure she is gone gone and then leave.

I'm going to give a bit of context about her here: she's probably the same age as me (early 30's), she had her 4/5ish year old son with her sitting in her cart while all this was happening. She was very slim, large fake breasts, bleached blonde hair, and HEAVY makeup (not judging or shaming I love makeup as well..just for context). I'm not trying to be a jerk..but imagine the kinda talent you would see at a strip club. Which again I only mention because I'm sure she get's judged for her appearance; and there was a huge part of me that wanted to yell at her to "shut her stupid whore face" but I didn't (I would never speak like that). I just don't get it; why the heck do I deserve to be harassed just because I'm fat? She has no idea how hard I'm working to lose weight and that I'm actually doing well so far but it doesn't even matter if I was or wasn't dieting no one deserves to be treated like that. I can't even wrap my head around what took place today. I haven't been called fat since Junior high by my bully and today just brought me back to that place. Do people hate overweight people so much? I can not even fathom behaving like this towards another person and making this kind of example in-front of my child. I feel so deflated; like my effort was for nothing.

submitted by /u/ImpressiveAbies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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