Monday, September 16, 2019

I’m below 350!

I started out at over 400 pounds. 47F, 5 foot 8. I am a Type 2 diabetic and I was not taking good care of myself. Basically I was just taking my meds and eating whatever I wanted.

Then I found you guys, and I realized what I was doing to myself. I was out of testing supplies, and was soon (hopefully) going to be able to afford more.

I woke up one morning, and a kind person on the r/diabetes posted that they had a bunch of testing supplies they were giving away for free- and it was for MY monitor! I messaged them, and within a week, I had over $1k in supplies for less than $20 shipping.

That kind Redditor may have saved my life.

I started testing my blood sugar several times a day and I saw what I was doing to myself. Then the anger set in. Anger at myself, and anger at my former doctor that originally diagnosed me with diabetes. I still didn’t even have a clue as to what levels I SHOULD be at, or how many carbs I should eat.

Reddit saved me again. You guys helped me get on track with CI/CO and MFP, and r/diabetes helped me see that I needed no more than 30 carbs at breakfast, 45 at lunch, 60 at dinner, and blood glucose of 140 after a meal.

I did everything in small steps. I started with cutting carbs, especially rice, bread, pasta, and sweets. I started meal planning and portion control. I made sure that I didn’t do anything I couldn’t live with for the rest of my life.

Next came coffee creamer. I was using 1 1/2 to 2 cups of 2% milk in my cold brew each day! It took a bit to get figured out, but now I use 2 tablespoons of heavy cream. That’s 24 carbs down to about 3.

I was addicted to diet Mt. Dew, but I was finally ready to give that up. I switched to water with Kroger brand flavor enhancer, and that was a game changer! No longer do I crave sweets and carbs. Diet soda definitely held me back.

I know I was over 400 pounds in the beginning. Today I went to the doctor and I was 349! When I was there 3 month ago, I was 376! My doctor is very happy. My blood pressure is also way down.

Thank you so much. I still have a long way to go, but I’m taking it slow and steady. It’s not about the weight loss for me- it’s about feeling better and being a healthier person.

Next goal: Under 300!

submitted by /u/KimberLovesTMBG
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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