Saturday, September 7, 2019

It ain't easy

I started my weight loss journey back in 2012.

Back then I had just hit 280lbs and my wife was pregnant with our first child. I knew this wasn't a healthy weight so I came here, got inspiration and downloaded myfitnesspal. After a few months of calorie counting and tracking my weight I'd lost over 10lbs. I was feeling pretty good. Then I stopped using the app, my daughter was born and with a newborn ain't nobody got time for that. I checked in again 6 months later and was up to 290. UGH!

I felt defeated and gave up until 2016 when I was getting close to 300. At the encouragement of my doctor and after explaining that calorie counting alone had failed in the past I subscribed to Nutrisystem. The meals were pretty meh, but I started losing weight immediately. I spent nearly 3 months on Nutrisystem and lost 20lbs. The problem was that is was extremely cost prohibitive and difficult to cook for 2 + microwave for 1. We moved cross country and what I told myself was a temporary suspension of Nutrisystem became permanent. I said to myself "I've got this just eat smaller portions like Nutrisystem and you'll be fine. Nope.

Fast forward to 2018 and now I'm over 300lbs. My wife is pissed, I'm depressed. Basically life sucks. I go to the doctor and he says my blood pressure is concerning and combined with my lipid panel I'm at risk for a heart attack. He tells me I need to get on statins, stat! I do, and I promise myself to do something about this. But I never did. The statins made me feel like I was protected and that one of these days I promise I'll start exercising to lose weight.

Well a year goes by and I realize that I'm out of refills and have about 2 weeks left of my current prescription. Shit! I'm drinking 3-4 beers a night, I'm eating out all the time, and all my clothes are on the verge of not fitting anymore. At this time I realize it's now or never and I start making changes. I stop eating out. I cut back to one beer at dinner. I start tracking my weight again.

Two weeks later, as I'm about to run out of meds I come across an article about Intermittent Fasting. I had heard about this many years prior from a friend who did it, but at the time I thought they were just starving themselves. This article helped me understand the whole process and two things clicked with me from the advice my doctor had given me a year prior to cut out night time snacking and eat smaller meals. I hardly eat breakfast as it is so it seemed like a no-brainer to give this a try. I jumped in and despite some early struggles found it to be really great. At this same time I realized I just needed to stop the daily drinking. I stopped eating almost all foods with added sugar, and limited my intake of highly processed foods. I also started using myfitnesspal again for calorie counting and set a goal of 1700 calories. I ran out of meds and I decided I was going to go 3 months before checking in with my doctor to see what I could achieve.

I am pleased to report that in these past 3 months I have made some serious progress. My weight is down 30lbs as of this morning. I saw the doctor two days ago and my lipid panel is looking a lot better. My triglycerides are still high, but I'm still obese so that seems expected. My cholesterol and all my other numbers are within range. I've opted to stay off statins as I never wanted to be on them in the first place. My Blood Pressure is back in the normal range @ 115/75 and I am feeling sooooooooo much better. My clothes are fitting loosely/baggy, I'm down 4 belt sizes, 4 notches on my watch, and my wedding ring fits for the first time in 3 years. I have a lot more energy and the motivation and determination to continue. IF + CICO has been the combination I needed to succeed.

I read people say this all the time that weight loss is a marathon not a sprint, and I never really understood that concept. Because I never felt like I was rushing. But with Nutrisystem and CICO alone I was always expecting dramatic huge results and upset when I didn't achieve them because I lacked discipline. IF has given me the discipline I needed to make CICO work. Sprinting doesn't require discipline, running a marathon does. Every day I acheive a goal that I can be proud of and that's fasting for 16hrs for 7 days a week from 7pm to 11am. It makes me feel good to resist temptation to raid the fridge at night, or the pantry in the morning. It gives me the strength to make proper choices for my two meals a day. It got me to incorporate fruits and vegetables into every meal. Like I said in the title, it ain't easy, but I am so proud of myself for doing it. If you're struggling like I have just know that you can do it, too!

SW 304, CW 274, GW 185 M-6'2

submitted by /u/fullmanlybeard
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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