Wednesday, September 25, 2019

[NSV] Got two comments that made me realize I'm now seen as a skinny girl

I went camping with my boyfriend over the weekend. I find that I'm far more excited to go to events now that I'm more confident in my body (go figure, right?) but I never really thought about how other people saw me, I just love feeling good. I love behind able to curl up between my boyfriend's legs at night to keep warm, and actually be small enough to do that and not have to feel like there's all this fat in the way.


I got TWO comments over the weekend that really showed me how people view me differently now than before.

The first one was when we were talking to an old friend about my weird eating habits. I love savory and sweet paired together, so at buffets I will often take one dessert plate and one dinner plate and eat them side by side. My boyfriend finds this horrifically strange and was telling a group of people about it. At the end of the story, one of our friends goes, "Okay, but how do you eat all of that and still stay so skinny?" I was speechless because I'd never gotten a comment like that before. In my silence, my boyfriend pipes up, "She calorie counts".

The next one happened when I went up for dessert. This camping trip was an event and so there was a table where you could get dessert. I love getting one of everything so I put one of every dessert in my dish. The dish was overflowing. The woman who was up there serving said, "I don't know where you put it all!"

Here's why these comments struck me more than a compliment ever did. Compliments on weight loss are great, they make you feel really awesome for having achieved your goals! But COMMENTS indicate that these people have never seen you any way than you already are. It connotes that I'm seen as a girl who is just naturally skinny. I'm past the point in my weight loss journey where people are thinking of me as someone who was once not thin becoming thin, and at the point where people look at me and assume I've always been thin, and am naturally so. It just reminds me that I'm at the final stage of my weight loss journey. I still want to lose a little bit more, but I'm in no hurry. I'm going to continue calorie counting probably for the rest of my life. It works for me.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this with people I knew would understand deeply, viscerally, what this means!

submitted by /u/thegoddessofchaos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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