Monday, September 16, 2019

One year of 10,000 daily steps

Fitbit graph:

I started my weight loss journey in April 2018, and though I'd lost about 15kg by this point last year, I was a real slacker with a lifelong hatred of movement and sweating. I tried some cardio and lifting here and there but always got bored. So, on this day a year ago, I set myself a goal of getting 10,000 steps every day. At this point, I averaged 1,500-4,000 steps a day.

A year later, I have not missed a single day. At first it was really hard as it was a pretty big step up from my usual activity. I would usually just pace around my house or my bedroom, or literally just march place while watching a lecture or something. I added stuff like parking further away, making multiple trips (for putting groceries or laundry away etc), and walking around on my breaks instead of just mindlessly playing on my phone or eating. Soon my attitude towards 'movement' started to change; asked to go for a walk? Hell yeah, that's less boring than walking around my room. Need to go to the store at the other end of the centre? Hell yeah, easy steps. Drive to Subway or walk 10 mins down the road? Might as well walk, then I can get cheese without feeling guilty.

I've been made fun of more than a few times when visiting someone or using my breaks at work to pace around 'doing my steps', but I don't care I'll do it anyway. A couple days I was bedridden with stomach bugs vomiting all day, I waited until I was at my least wooziest to do a few steps here and there. Nothing was gonna stop me getting those steps. Last month I started playing Pokemon Go more seriously and that's made getting the steps super easy. I have anxiety and PTSD and leaving the house is very difficult for me, but since I've been playing I love going out every morning and I'm not even checking the faces of everyone I pass in case it's the person who caused my PTSD. I barely think about any of that stuff anymore, it's pretty good.

And my weight loss has gone well too, I reached my 440 day streak on MFP a couple of days ago. I'm down from 96.7kg to 63-64kg (goal is 60, but those last few don't wanna leave me). Been overweight/obese since I was 7, and I've never liked 'healthy' stuff, so there's been a lot of changes, but I still spend 90% of my free time playing video games, watching movies and just generally being lazy so it's not too bad after all.

submitted by /u/mightysparks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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