Sunday, September 15, 2019

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be

I wanted to pass off some of my knowledge here for all you fellow losers out there. Maybe it will be of benefit for you along your weight loss journey.

I haven't always had a problem with my weight. I remember a time when I was actually underweight. However when I was younger, I had a lot of emotional, mental and financial issues within our family that put a lot of strain on all of us. For me, it led to a massive weight gain, as I went from being 120lbs to 200lbs to 245lbs at my highest. As problems arose, it would trigger me to respond by eating.

I remember time in college when I was under so much stress due to school, that I ate an entire tub of ginormous cookies in one sitting. And then I proceeded to cry due to what I just did.

While I was in school, I actually took a personal health class and we went over something the first day that really hit years after I heard it.

It describes our health as a web of intertwined categories.

  1. Physical
  2. Mental
  3. Emotional
  4. Financial
  5. Occupational

There were smaller categories, but these are the big five. So what was taught to me was that if tug on one of the ends of this web, the other ends would be effected in one way shape or form. Our physical health can be negatively or positively effected by how we feel mentally, how we are feeling emotionally. How much we love or hate our jobs. How our finances are doing. Everything has to be balanced for proper health.

So I remember back when I was younger, I would always eat Ramen noodles and other unhealthy foods because those were our only options because we were poor.

Or like when my mom got sick and became depressed, I was mentally exhausted and I wouldn't work out.

So if you are going through your weight loss journey, I think it would be beneficial to examine other areas of your life. Ask how are you doing in other areas of your life. If you work on some of those other issues, it can have a great impact on your physical health and losing weight.

Since applying this advice and really taking control of my life in all 5 areas, I've lost over 50 lbs. It's the lowest I've weighed in over 10 years, but it's also the most content I've felt in over 10 years. I feel great about myself and that's allowed me to be successful at my weight loss, where at other times in the 8 years of trying to lose weight, I haven't been successful.

I'm going to finish this off by saying that sometimes, you aren't in control of every aspect in your life. But seize the control you have. Be aware of the underlying roots of your health issues. And remain perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

submitted by /u/baesicallysteve
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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