Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Please do it slowly! It is so worth the effort.

Hi everyone! First post on any sub so please bare with me :)

Here are some progress pics: https://imgur.com/gallery/0lPJiTB First is feb 2018-sept 2018 and second is May 2019-July 2019-September 2019

Change sucks. When I was a freshman in college two years ago, it absolutely broke me. I went from being the outgoing funny girl to the girl that hid in her dorm because she had no friends and was embarrassed about it. With no friends to hang out with and nothing to do, I ate. I ate whatever the heck I wanted. It’s weird when you gain weight in a short period of time because I honestly didn’t even notice it was happening, no matter how obvious it was to everyone else. I didn’t realize until I stepped on the scale one day in November and it read 188. I was a 5 foot 4 18 year old female nearing 200 pounds. I was always bigger than my friends, but not THAT much bigger. My toxic relationship with college led me to continue this happens on a slightly smaller scale and I did probably lose a few pounds by the time finals were over in May. And that’s when I went diet CRAZY. I was eating from 800-1100 calories along with playing softball and going to the gym 5x a week. I lost weight and I lost it fast. I was scared of “bad” foods and when I ate one slice of cake for my moms birthday in August I immediately went to the gym for an hour after because I was so freaking guilty. Not cute. I got down to 145. When I got back to school for my sophomore year, down 40 pounds, the compliments were exhilarating. I was obsessed with people telling me how good I looked. However, turns out eating 800 calories a day wasn’t sustainable??? Who would’ve thought??? Dining Hall food with no calorie counts made my life hell and led to binging. I was stuck in the classic binge-restrict cycle I told myself I would never get into. By the end of Sophomore year I had completely given up and was back to 173. This past summer I tried the whole weight loss thing again but without, you know, starving myself. I ate a more reasonable amount of calories (around 1300, I know it’s still probably too low I’m sorry I’m trying my best) and worked an active job as a camp counselor. Being on my feet all day and fueling my body properly made me feel damn GOOD. I grew to appreciate my body. I educated myself. I knew if I wanted this done right, I had to lose weight slower and with less restriction. So that’s what I did. I am down 26.6 pounds from May and I and feeling GREAT. By going slower I was able to teach myself that it is okay to eat “bad” foods, skip the gym every so often, and I worked really hard to try to stop saying no to social events because of my fear of the food there. I’m not perfect, but I’m sure as hell better mentally and food/body-wise than I have been in YEARS. I’m not sure my reason for posting this. Partly because I don’t feel comfortable talking to anyone in my life about this, party so that I can hopefully convince one person to DO IT SLOWLY. You didn’t gain it in 3 months you won’t lose it all in 3 months. Put in the work for yourself. You deserve it. Move more. Eat less. Act like you respect your body and eat like you do. Thank you r/loseit for the constant motivation, education, and comfort. We’re all in this together!

submitted by /u/missghettii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2HYxsUz

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