Friday, October 11, 2019

-5kg in 5 months. I wanted to share my experience

It started a few years ago that i wanted to loose weight, but i kept gaining and gaining. A few months ago i hit a new maximum and i though "okay, thats it! I need to loose".

I think the most important thing was the mindset. If i restrict my life and take away the things i want i will not keep getting through. If i change it in a way that i feel bad overall i will just gain afterwards again and end up where i started.

So i reduced, and experimented. But i didn't cut out. For example: i looove chocolate. So i ate less, restricted my intake, bought dark chocolate which i still like but wouldnt binge so quickly, etc. I also reduced my meal size and ate more frequent - that way the small portions added up to less calories in the end than a big one in the afternoon and a binge at night. My friend who lost with me did the opposite - one big portion but then almost nothing else during the day. We were both happy with this and I found that very interesting xD

Another thing was to see where i had excessive calories for no reason other than eating. One of them was in the morning. My body really needs some energy after getting up, otherwise i will feel dizzy, so i always drank a big glass of milk, then ate some chocolate muesli, maybe a snickers and leftovers from the day before... you see where this is going. Now i make green or chai tea, take a banana with me to university and if i am really hungry i might eat a small sandwich (usually with fresh cheese, tomato and a small slice of ham). The most important part was tea - over the years i just drank WAAAAY too little in the morning.

It was SO HARD at first, because i was trained to look mainly for food throughout the day. But after a few weeks i realized something - eating big portions now is a chore and the feeling of being stuffed is... bad. I also started to realize when i am really hungry, and when i just want sugar. In the mornings, after eating the exact amount i need to not feel dizzy, i seriously cant eat more than that anymore. Just seeing a big toast with nutella now in the morning makes me want to throw up. On the other side i can pay attention in class easier - probably because my body doesnt need the little energy i have in the morning to digest xD. I'm so not a morning person...

Exercising was one thing i didn't do. For me exercise is good for my overall health, but not necessary for weight loss. I still don't have many muscles, but that was never my goal and still isn't. I do walk a lot though, it just feels really good.

But i have to say, after the first month of nothing happening at all i was shocked how fast i lost just from this change. I started counting calories to see if i might have a deficit thats too big, but i do eat between 1200 and 1500 calories each day.

So yeah, this was my experience and looking back, I'm glad i did change! Seeing how i look differently is a bonus, but i still do feel better as well. I found many recipes i like, i experimented a lot and i do value food in a completely different way.

I wont add a before and after (which i don't have anyways) or what i weighted before and what i weight now - it doesnt matter. 5 kg loss is 5 kg loss, 5kg that your body doesnt have to carry around anymore, no matter if you started at 80 or 200kg. Currently i don't have a set goal for my weight yet either. I had one but I'm not so sure if I really want to hit it or not - i am happy the way i live now and i will see how it will turn out in a few months or years.

submitted by /u/randomcarrotaf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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