Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A New Struggle With Binging

So, I don't know if anyone has had this problem in the past or is currently struggling...I know before I started my weight loss journey I didn't think I binged. I was under the impression that I just snacked a lot throughout the day and chose junk food over healthy foods or had massive portions during meals.

What's more interesting about this newfound problem is I've lost a lot of weight. I started at around 200-210 (didn't look at my weight on the scale too much because I didn't like what I saw) and this journey began about 3 years ago. I've progressed, hit plateaus, changed diets, counted my calories and started working out religiously. I'm so close to my final goal that suddenly I noticed I'm binging and I'm not taking care of myself as religiously as I was before. Doing work outs has become a chore. My discipline to say no to a whole pizza has been thrown out the window.

I'm not sure how normal this is because I obviously want to get to my goal weight and a 20% body fat (I sit around 25%), but for the last month I've been stuffing my face full of sugar. Not just any sugar, stuff with milk (I can't have milk because of allergies). But obviously I must not care enough because I keep doing it. Every. Single. Night.

I feel like I'm sabotaging myself and even though I recognize it, I keep telling myself well it's because the stress of finishing school and a new job. It's stress of getting used to being in the medical field with no lunch. It's the stress of eating breakfast now (I used to intermittently fast until lunch, but because I don't get lunch breaks I've had to change my eating schedule.)

I'm feeling these excuses and where I used to be really forgiving on myself, I'm beating myself up now and I just can't seem to break the chain. My weight and body fat percentage are going back up and I'm starting to panic and feel helpless.

Ugh, I feel like I'm whining.

If anyone has any insight I could sure use some. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do in this situation.

submitted by /u/coffeeandteaplease
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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