Saturday, October 5, 2019

Feeling on track again! (Highest 195, today 152)

(F/27/5'6" - HW 195+, CW 152, GW 135)

I'm new to the sub but have been lurking for a few weeks now and it's been amazing to scroll in the morning or before bed to stay focused on my goals!

This is my first post and I wanted to share my story a bit and where I am today. Sorry, it's a tad long but I haven't laid it out like this before!

Since grade 3, I've been the bigger girl. Emotional eating is what got me and not having a good understanding of health and wellness until much later in my life. My journey with weight loss has been, like most other, a roller coaster. I was my heaviest when I was 16, nearing 200lbs, and I generally stayed in the realm of 175-180. Grade school and university were tough in many ways. I had a great social life but dating wasn't a thing for me and it took me years to feel confident in my skin.

Around 5/6 years ago, I started going to the gym regularly, eating better and being mindful about calories. But alas, I got into an unhealthy relationship where the weight started piling back and it wasn't until we split that I got the motivation to get my health in check again

Around that time, I lost around 30lbs, found a lot of love for myself, felt confident, and worked a ton on my mental health. But recently I realized how complacent I became. While I did lose weight, I didn't reach my goals. I got to a place where I was like meh, this is good enough. I stopped watching what I ate, being active (mainly due to fears of hurting myself from an injury that took me out of the weight room), and participating in health conversations which I remembered was so important as it held me accountable and made me feel proud of the work I was putting it.

About 2 and half weeks ago I realized I was compartmentalizing my life. Due to other stressors, I was like okay I'll go to the gym again or cook healthy meals more when this, this, and this fall into place. I realized frankly how dumb that is because I wasn't giving the proper energy or care to my wellness. I remembered how happy and good I felt when I was taking care of myself and eating a bag of chips for dinner was not helping me. It was my wake up call.

The next day I weight myself, did a meditation, completed a workout video and started tracking my food. 16 days later of semi IF, CICO, and a little bit of added activity, and reducing alcohol intake, I have gone from 160.8 to 152.8 (8lbs down). I have a goal of reaching between 135lbs to 140lbs by new years which I feel is realistic and healthy.

Some days have been hard with folks telling me I dont have that much to lose, because I'm not overly overweight but I'm done with being complacent with my health. I want to be the best version of me and since I've always been a tad heavier, I want to know what it looks and feels like to be a slimmer and fitter version of me! It has felt so good to be focused again, have goals, and be cultivating a new me to love.

Will continue to lurk and be motivated by all the wonderful self-care and hardworking folks out there, so thank you!!


submitted by /u/amusedcoconut_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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