Thursday, October 3, 2019

I can't seem to stop eating.

At my lowest, I was down to 140 pounds, and man, did I look great. I felt better about myself, too, but I still thought of myself as fat, which I think was ultimately detrimental to my weight loss. Since August of last year, I've really struggled with my eating and have put 35 pounds back on. It's humiliating, and I'm ashamed of myself. I'm getting married next year and bought a wedding dress that doesn't fit me right now but will with some weight loss, hopefully, but it's really freaking me out that I'll be fat for my wedding. There are several reasons that could be contributing to my eating, such as the insertion of a copper IUD, a 2-hour daily commute to work, the completion of my Master's, starting a depression medication, and several more things. I'm seeing a therapist, but it's been more focused on me being happy with myself, not necessarily why I'm struggling to eat well when I was successful on CICO for over a year, and she is leaving her practice, so this will probably be it for awhile. Plus, it's expensive, and I'm on a tight budget. Ultimately, I guess these are just excuses, but I feel like if I figure out why I'm overeating so badly, I might be able to switch it back off and get to where I want to be. I don't know how to do that though and would be interested in hearing others' input who have had something similar and successfully turned it around. I'm sad and scared and angry that I'm here and just want to be back to where I was.

submitted by /u/libthroaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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