Sunday, October 6, 2019

I don't think I trust my stomach anymore.

25F SW 100 KG CW 75 KG GW 60 KG

Hi Reddit. Longtime lurker first time poster on this sub though I've been here for 3 years now.

At the beginning of 2019 I hit my personal rock bottom (in terms of weight) when I tipped the scales at 100 kg. (I also learned I was prediabetic which was pretty scary.)

I decided then and there I had to do something about my weight and my health.

I cleaned up my diet and hit the gym. HARD. I downloaded MFP and logged every calorie that went into my mouth, hit the gym 6 times a week (very proud to say that I haven't missed a scheduled workout at all this year, rain, pain or shine) and ate my bodyweight in vegetables.

I've since lost 25 kgs and am 15 kgs away from my goal :).

My problem was a common one, I had an overeating problem, a wicked sweet tooth and my standard response to stress is chocolate. (And I have stress by the bucketload, law school, full time job and soon to be a homeowner).

As a result I stuck to the calorie guide/ TDEE very strictly, I still ate sweets but within my daily calorie limit. I eat 1700-1800 calories a day but I net 1200 after exercise. (1.5 hour workout everyday except Sunday. Alternating cardio and weights, I'm on Strong lifts 5x5 at the moment.)

I haven't hit a plateau yet but my weight loss has slowed down (which is to be expected as I inch closer to my goal weight).

The problem is I am EXHAUSTED every single day. I've had blood tests to identify deficiencies particularly iron, but they all came back normal. I make sure I eat 80 grams of protein everyday. I eat my fruits, vegetables and calcium and follow the advice of both my nutritionist and personal trainer.

In short I feel like I'm doing everything right but I still feel so hungry and tired everyday.

I'm starting to suspect I'm not eating enough but I'm absolutely terrified of eating more calories. I feel like I've gone through so much to achieve this weight loss that I can't do anything to jeopardise it. Can I continue eating like this or do I have to eat more calories? If yes, how can I get over my irrational fear of eating more food.?

I don't trust my own sense of hunger/satiety anymore because that's what lead me to be so overweight in the first place. Numbers and scales seem so much more objective than my own subjective feelings/perceptions. Not sure how to proceed.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far. Apologies in advance for wall of text and formatting, I'm on mobile.

submitted by /u/mitochondriadreaming
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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