Thursday, October 17, 2019

I just need some guidance.

Hey guys, just wanted to make something official, and have some accountability. I had a physical today and turns out I have high blood pressure (151/80). Now, I’m 22, so you can see my issue with that. I’m 6’3 and at this point probably 240 lbs. I don’t eat a TON of junk food, but I could definitely eat better.

I came here because I need help getting started with my weight loss journey and steps to getting healthier. I’m due to get married in April 2021 and I want to be in my best shape for that as well as myself.

I’ve looked into this before and it’s just very overwhelming to me. I just want some help deciding what to eat, how much to eat and what I should do physically. Having somebody to hold me accountable is what I need because trying to keep myself going only works so long until I am really in motion. So please, any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I’ve seen all of these great achievements and I really want this to be my turn.

submitted by /u/Kobie333
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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