Wednesday, October 2, 2019

In the middle of a health flare which is making my diet harder to stick to these past couple months

So something you should know about me is that I have a disease called Interstitial Cystitis. The tl:dr of it is that I no longer have the lining in my bladder which helps protect it from acids. So whereas a normal person can drink a glass of orange juice and be completely fine, if I drink it then I can end up in the hospital (it feels like pouring literal battery acid into my bladder. 0/10 do not recommend). Because of this I have a very restricted diet. No acidic foods. Ever. Which is...difficult. You don't realize how acidic everything (and I do mean everything) is until you're not supposed to eat it. And I'm not just talking about junk foods like chocolate or pizza, but even healthy things like apples and tomatoes. I'm basically relegated to vegetables, unseasoned meat (not even salt and pepper. Super appetizing right?), and bread. Now normally this isn't too much of a problem. I've learned to adapt my diet and work around it. But this means putting in a lot of time and effort into cooking my meals from scratch. Which is fine if I have a spare Saturday to meal prep a bunch of stuff for the rest of the week...but not when I'm lying on the couch that Saturday in the throes of agony. Thus my recent dilemma.

My diet was going super great up until recently. I've lost 15 lbs and want to lose more, but then I hit a brick wall. And that wall is a massive IC flare which came out of nowhere in the middle of July. Ever since then I've been in constant pain and it's been next to impossible to find the energy (chronic pain is exhausting) to cook for myself. Which of course means that I've been stuck eating snack foods (eggs, safe cheeses, crackers, etc) and bread. Lots of bread. Which, as you all know, is super high in calories. I'm not eating an insane amount (my daily calorie count still hovers anywhere between 1500 and 1800 on average), but it's enough to stall my weight loss which is just making me more frustrated (though thankfully I haven't actually gained any weight, which would obviously make me feel worse). I want to do better, I really do, but I've also been in pain for three months straight (something which I haven't had to deal with since just after my diagnoses over a year ago) and I just don't have the energy to make myself anything more complicated than toast or eggs. I'd just really appreciate some moral support because the whole situation is just making me even more bummed than I already am.

submitted by /u/ankhes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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