Saturday, October 5, 2019

Lost 6 pounds in a month bc of CICO!! + insights and realizations

Just a warning that this’ll be a long post! Hi! I’ve been lurking on the subreddit and this is my first post hehe I’m so excited to share what I’ve learned! 20, Female, 5”6.1, 152 pounds. Target weight: 130 pounds.

I might be average height internationally but I’m pretty tall for a Filipino and I always felt I was the “fat friend”. All my girl friends are petite and thin. And my weight was always something that I’ve been insecure about especially when I compare myself to them. I was alright all through high school (was around 130 at my lightest) but I started gaining like crazy once I reached college. Having so much freedom and easy access to cheap junk food (my university is a haven for street food!), and being able to go wild with drinking, made me gain a grand total of 28 pounds. The worst thing is, I was totally in denial about it. I knew that some of my clothes weren’t starting to fit. I knew that my face was starting to look a bit chubbier every time I took a new profile picture. And you know about Asian relatives, every time my grandmother saw me, she’d say “you’re gaining weight”. Or “you’re so fat, what’s happening to you?” Which made me snack and eat even more just to piss her off.

One day, it hit me while I was eating lunch with my friends and one of them said that she wanted to gain weight, as she’s been underweight her entire life and it’s been one of her personal goals to go to a normal weight. My other friends, who were fitness junkies started giving her advice and I was so inspired by her, it made me start thinking about myself. I didn’t make the change yet though.

What really made me start on my weight loss journey was when I was staring at my face in the car mirror while stuck in traffic. I kept looking at myself and thinking about how bloated I looked, how I really let myself go and at that point, I barely even looked in the mirror because I hated my face so much. It was at this point that I was facetuning every single picture I was in- editing my jaws and cheeks so that I would look slimmer. I wanted to stop doing that. I wanted to look at myself in the mirror and feel beautiful again. I wanted to get rid of the need to facetune because I felt my face was so big.

I downloaded MyFitnessPal again because that was the app my parents used when they were losing weight. I also used it when losing weight for my prom in my junior year of high school (that was me at my lightest!). CICO has been so damn effective - I love it. It works with my lifestyle - as an engineering student and in the college student council, I barely have time to exercise since most of my time is spent in studying and in meetings so I just focus on eating less and at the right times. The first week was definitely the hardest though, not gonna lie. I was so used to eating a lot and I felt my stomach grumble so many times. But I powered through even with cheat days!

What really made me want to post is because we had a laboratory experiment where in we had to measure our BMI and our height and weight, stuff like that. I was so anxious about getting on a scale and I was so happy to find out that I managed to go from 158 to 152 in 30 days. Even better, on that day, one of my councilmates asked me if I was dieting because he noticed that I look thinner. I was so happy and we had a photoshoot on that day to promote one of the council’s mental health projects. When I looked over my photos, I didn’t feel the need to facetune it - for the first time in months.

I know it’s only been a month but here are the things I’m already learning: 1. Find the system that works for you. For me, it’s CICO because I’m really scared of keto and I can’t do intermittent fasting because I love eating all day lmao. I also have my phone in hand a lot so it’s no problem for me to plug in what I eat every time. In fact, I find it really fun! I love that I don’t feel like I truly have to give up any food, I just have to portion it well. Also, the fact that you have to plug in what you eat makes you really think if what you’re putting in your body is really worth it. So you end up eating less. 2. Find the exercise that works for you. Aside from having a busy schedule, I’ll admit it, I hate exercise. As in, I hate using the treadmill. I hate lifting weights and doing sit-ups, all that. I’ve never gone to the gym since we have exercise equipment at home. But, I actually do like using the stationary bike. And it burns more calories than going on the treadmill! To be honest, I mostly exercise just to have room to eat hahahah I do 1 hour and 30 minutes on my stationary bike when I can. And I’ve found a way to not get bored while doing it which leads me to number 3. 3. Exercise doesn’t need to be boring! I love watching Let’s Plays of video games on youtube since I spend most of my money on makeup and I don’t have enough to buy a console/video games. But I still love video games which is why I watch playthroughs and they’re usually like an hour long per video. I end up watching these videos while I exercise and the time just flies by. 4. A solid support system is everything. I’m also at this point because of my family and friends. I’m so happy that my parents have been nothing but supportive- my parents have stopped buying junk food for me and give me fruits to snack on. My friends have also started calorie counting! And when I found out I lost 6 pounds in that lab class, I told them and they congratulated me and one of them gave a thumbs up. I understand not everyone is as privileged as I am when it comes to having a support system but really, even one friend makes all the difference.

That’s all I have so far!! Thank you for letting me gush!

submitted by /u/beneficentartist
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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