Friday, October 4, 2019

Michael Greger: "Sustainable weight loss is not about eating less food, it's about eating better food."

Long time lurker here. I think for a lot of us, when we first started out losing weight, we focussed on cutting out food in our diet. With the principle of CICO, I thought the only way to lose is to eat less of what I already ate (and move more, but I quickly realised that it is easier to not eat a donut than to run for 45 minutes). This resulted in having this hungry feeling for half of the day, which was not something I could keep up for a longer period of time. After some weeks I regained all the weight I lost. Even though I wouldn't descibe it as a crash diet, the rebounce effect was still there.

Some months ago I changes to a whole food plant based diet and I started to learn a lot of new recipes focussing on eating fresher and healthier food. This wasn't for losing weight reasons, so I didn't track my food. I just ate until I felt full and I haven't had any moments where I felt hungry, but couldn't eat because I already spent my calorie budget for that day. Still, I've lost 9 kilosgrams of weight without it being the intention.

I was watching this video of Michael Greger, where he talks about some of the mechanics of losing weight. And it clicked for me why I lost weight when I wasn't really pursuing it. Yes, losing weight is about cutting out food: no more candy and processed junk food. But it is also about eating better food: more vegetables, more legumes, more whole grain grains. They fill you up without being as calorie-dense than other foods. If you have some of the same problems I've had before, I would recommend checking out this video I linked. Also, his other video's are very interesting if you want to learn more about food. At least, there were very helpful to me and I hope they will be for others as well.

submitted by /u/GebakkenPastinaak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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