Saturday, October 12, 2019

One year of trying to lose weight, from 470 pounds to 285

Pics first since that's what I always look for first

Why I decided to start

About a year and a half ago I was able to go to Japan to teach English on the JET program. I came at about 485 pounds. Before I came I got emails asking me how big I was because people were afraid I wouldn't be able to fit in the doors here. Let me tell you, if you didn't have issues about your size before you will when you get questions like that. At my highest weight I was over 500 pounds, which is hard in America, but in Japan its completely different. Here I was touched by random people, most everyone asked me how much I weighed as soon as they met me and just overall did nothing to help with my self confidence.

About a year ago BTFC here on reddit started up. I always felt that since I was so large that if I joined it I would no doubt win. I joined it last year and... didn't win haha. But it kicked off my weight loss journey. I'm currently living in a very small town with no fast food which really helps me. It doesn't help that whenever I go out to another town I want to all the western food but I'm working on it.

What I did

I've done a lot of diets in my life like most any bigger person has. I did the HCG diet (500 calories a day and 'hcg' drops) and lost over 100 pounds. Then got depressed, went off of it (of course) and gained back it all with some friends. I have thought about weight loss surgery but I hate the idea of the side effects. Now I just watch what I eat. I aim for about 1500-2000 calories a day. Some days (some WEEKS honestly) I'm not close. I am addicted to food and its a daily struggle. Especially, like I said above, when I go to where I can eat western food. It's a comfort and I hate that.

I'm struggling to separate my feelings and my eating. Before I would eat for every emotion. Happy, sad, angry, bored, all of them just eat. Now I try to drink more water and think if I'm actually hungry or if its another reason.

I walk a lot. Much more now that winter is over at least. I really enjoy walking. I have done half marathons in the past when I was on my weight loss journey before and I love the feeling I get when I finish. I want to tour the US some time and do all of the rock'n'roll marathons. I really love the medals haha. I also joined kyoukushin karate here in Japan. The language barrier is tough but the teachers are so great to me and cheer on my weight loss. I love going in and seeing a teacher I haven't seen for a few weeks and they go "oh! slim! good!" It helps me to keep going.

What next?

I still have a long way to go. My first goal is 220 pounds. I honestly cannot remember the last time I weighed this much. I think even in high school I was 300 pounds or more. I honestly didn't weigh myself much back then. I am trying to be happy with myself. I know I have come a long way but all I see is a fat guy who has a long way to go and now has a lot of extra skin too. I really don't like the way my stomach looks and how its lopsided. I don't like a lot of things honestly. Some days I get really down and eat too much. I try to forgive myself for these days and remember that I am human. I didn't get to over 500 pounds by ALWAYS eating terribly and I won't get to 200 by ALWAYS eating perfectly. My goal is to make each day better than the last. Thank you for reading and if you have any questions I'd be happy to try to answer them for you.

submitted by /u/abhikaha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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