Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Over 250lbs lost with diet, exercise, and cutting out the negative self talk in my head. Here’s some tips and advice to help you on your weight loss journey!

Here are my progress pics if anyone is interested

Hey guys! I use to be severely morbidly obese. Back then I was depressed, socially anxious, and I thought about suicide all the time. That is until I started to learn more about the power of healthier eating, and most of all about the power of the human mind. Within a short time I went from 480lbs to 210lbs and my life has never been better. No matter how much weight you have to lose, you can do it too! Here are a few tips that have helped me in my journey.

▪️This is a lifestyle change and not a diet. If you want to live long and healthy than you want to eat foods that will promote your health and not decline your health. This means that the majority of what you eat should be unprocessed foods. Yes that means cooking and prep time but it’s so worth it! Processed foods undermine your ability to lose weight because a lot of them contain additives that actually make you crave more of the food. Processed foods are a vicious cycle. Stick with mostly foods Whole Foods to break the craving loop.

πŸ”³ Processed foods also undermine your ability to lose weight because rather than nourishing and giving you energy, they deplete you of your energy. Who wants to cook or meal prep when they feel exhausted? No one! Eat the foods that put some pep in your step and not foods that drain you and you’ll not only have time to make the right types of food but you’ll even have time to exercise and enjoy life.

πŸ”³ Get moving! Honestly exercise was a small part of my weight loss journey. It’s very easy to lose weight with food alone if you’re eating the right types of foods that are low in fat (if your not keto. Keto is pretty good for weight loss) low in sugar, sodium, additives, etc. But when you do get moving make it be something that you absolutely love! Don’t do something that you dread or else you won’t stick to it. I like to bike. I like to do qigong. Maybe you like to walk or run or swim. Just do whatever will keep you motivated in the long run.

πŸ”³ sustainable weight loss mainly comes from eating healthier Whole Foods. But the other most important aspect is the mental. If you don’t have the right mindset than you won’t be successful at losing weight or at keeping it off. I use to be so hard on myself. The voice inside of my head was so harsh. I would tell myself that I couldn’t do such and such and that I would never lose weight. That it was too hard. You must change this negative self talk in your head! You really do create your own reality with your beliefs and your negative beliefs can turn into a bad self fulfilling prophecy. Realize that you can change the way you see yourself. Realize that your thoughts do not define you. Realize that you can be and do whatever you want as long as you believe in yourself and you have the will to change.

πŸ”³ Mirror-work is powerful and it’s one of the greatest tools for personal transformation. Instead of looking at yourself in the mirror and being disgusted look at yourself in the mirror and envision the you that you want to be. See that beautiful body that you want. Know that it’s within you under the layer of fat that you’ve been hiding under. Tell yourself good things instead of bringing yourself down. Soon your positive mental state will begin to manifest a positive outer physical state. Yes our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves can change our physical appearance! It’s possible! Physical change really does start in the mind.

πŸ”³ Most importantly don’t keep junk foods in the house. Know yourself. Know what triggers you. To this day I only keep Whole Foods in the house. Actual ingredients and not packaged foods. If there were Oreos and Doritos in my house I’d eat it. Period. I know myself. And once I start it’s hard for me to stop. So know yourself. If it’s not around then you can’t eat it. This doesn’t mean deprive yourself either. Healthy foods can be absolutely delicious and these days you can pretty much healthify any of your favorite junk foods with a bit of work. And that’s the key. Make yourself work for that treat. If you want something sweet than pull out the ingredients for it and make it yourself. Put some love and time into making it just as you’re putting love and time into caring for your body. If you want that healthier treat then ride your bike or walk to the store to get it. Build up your will power everyday. Show yourself that YOU CAN and you will gain the confidence to overcome anything and lose the weight.

I’d never thought I’d be where I am today. I’d never thought I’d be eating like how I am today. This is coming from someone who binge ate ridiculous amounts of food on a daily basis. I never thought I’d be able to give up the junk but I did. Once I realized how much better I felt inside and outside for letting it go, it was a no brainer and now this a permanent way of life for me. If I can do it you can do it too. I believe in you whole heartedly but you must believe in yourself.

submitted by /u/abhikaha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2IU0yoe

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