Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Shamed for trying to ‘lose weight’

Background about me. I am 5’2”, Female. Student. Currently 117.5 lbs (Starting weight 131 lbs). My goal is to get down to 114 lbs. I do play sports 2x a week but otherwise my exercise is very minimal. I honestly hate cardio and strength training therefore I’m more calorie focused. I eat around 1200-1300 calories a day and have multivitamins/ protein supplements. I have been on a cal deficit for about 2.5 months and have been dropping pounds which I’m ecstatic about! I always used to be very closeted and closed before I started losing weight. I hated myself, ate tons of processed foods, was extremely antisocial, ....Therefore when I started to lose and eat healthy, i started to feel much better about myself, put myself out there, dress up nicer, apply makeup, wear the clothing I could never bring myself to.. etc. My mom and dad have always been scolding me on my low confidence and self esteem. So with my goals of losing some stress weight I thought I could count on them for support. Especially since I always believed that my family would be the one to support me through thick and thin. Boy was I wrong. My mother is also trying to lose weight, she isn’t following a calorie deficit but is doing mild workouts 4x a week. She has not lost much weight yet. Conscious of my goals, she keeps trying to over feed me and has vocalized her actions. She claims I am starving when In reality I’m not, I’m simply eating foods packed with fiber as opposed to processed cup noodles all the time. I would be going along my day when she suddenly starts scolding and guilting me on how I look like a stick, how she can see my collarbones (oH hOw sHoCkInG). She randomly has these outbursts of anger towards me. My dad hates what I’m doing. He calls me a stick, weak, thin, ugly, etc... He seriously guilts me about my choices by telling him that I remind him of poverty stricken children. (It’s as if they are straying from their point of me being healthy to have bigger children to showcase their family back in Asia to show the luxury of food we have here due to their(my parents) hard work) It’s again how my parents think they know everything about nutrition. As if their forgetting that I have enough self respect to research the side effects and my diet choices before implementing them (as well as discussing with health professionals) My younger brother is anything but snide. As a high achieving athlete he believes that he knows everything about nutrition. He makes tiny snide comments about my journey, who and what I’m trying to do, etc.. he knows I’m sensitive so I purposely brings the topic up in front of my mom to instill anger in her against me again. At first I believed that all this reinforcement was because my parents cared. But there is a line between caring, and shaming. I can perceive how my brother and dad use my diet to get a reaction from me. No longer to just inform me. My mother has also crossed this line, where I feel they no longer care again and are actively trying to downplay my efforts. I don’t understand. I am trying to be the best version of myself. They always conveyed the importance of confidence and posture. When I’m finally achieving this (and have to lose a few pounds and some negativity on the way) I don’t understand why they are upset. I have time and time again explained them the science and the safety bits by bits everything, yet they still believe they have more knowledge on nutrition than my doctor. Anyways, I just wanted to get that off my chest. I was wondering if anyone here had similar experiences or close ones being nonchalant or ignorant of your weight loss/gain/change in general journeys. Thank you for reading😊

submitted by /u/smellydonut__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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