Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Secret to Maintenance? Any Tips?

Within the past year I lost roughly 25 lbs from 140 to 113. I'm 5'4" F. I did this with the CICO method and I've pretty much been tracking calories everyday since July of last year. I've slowly transitioned into maintenance over the past 6 months, working my way up from a 1200-1400 calorie limit to about 1800-1900.

Some days tracking calories feels very easy. I can eat 1300 calories with no effort and not feel hungry. However, that seems to sometimes come after a day of eating up to 3000 calories. And some days squeezing into my 1800 calorie daily guideline feels like an oppressive struggle.

I have finally gotten better about allowing myself to eat more of my previously "bad" foods and allowing myself more calories within a day. This makes me happier. I'm trying to make no food taboo and also eat more calories consistently in the hopes that it will limit my desire to overeat when the opportunity presents itself.

But I've been struggling with over-eating on occasion, especially at parties where there is a smorgasbord. I try my best to focus on accepting it and moving on.

But the whole reason I decided to lose weight came from an epiphany I had one night when I was so full and bloated; I felt like I couldn't move, and I HATED the way I felt. My stomach hurt. My body felt like crap. The very next day I started my weight loss.

So I ask you, how do you find the balance between calorie counting or not? Having a good day where calorie counting is easy and having a bad day where it's pure oppression? Eating healthy and loving it or eating until you feel near the brim of too full after your third helping of macaroni at a party and trying not to beat yourself up over it?

TLDR: If you've kept the weight off, what are the methods that work for you? How do you find the balance to sustain a feel-good lifestyle AND a feel-good weight throughout the ups and downs?

submitted by /u/skyofthoughts1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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