Friday, October 18, 2019

This is general question about weight loss protein shakes.

hello. I literally 4 days ago walked into a health care store that was selling protein shakes for weight loss. And I was curious about them and wanted to try it out and bought one.

I have drank it 3 days in a row now. Today being the 4th. And I can already see a visible change in my body and I am really impressed with it.

But I have heard some people voice their complaints about protein shakes and how they may be adverse to health in general. So I was slightly concerned and wanted to know more about them.

As far as what I could sum up after reading about them on google myself was that at max:

A) They could not be good for the lactose intolerant if they are milk based. And if they are soy base then they could have issues relating to hormone imbalance with the increase of oestrogen.

B) That they are generally being produced following no rules or guidance of any regulatory body and people are buying them at their own risk. And there have been reports of some containing toxic metals like lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium.

C) And last of that there is none to not enough recorded data on wether they are good or bad for health bc they are a relatively a brand new introduction to the world and all the people using them are basically all guinea pigs for the future statistics about the effects of them.

Bc there were sites linking them to a string of illness they could be the cause of. And then there were other sites linking them to the same string of illness and considering them a cure for at the same time also.

So in conclusion all I cloud say is they have nothing on them as of yet except lactose intolerance, hormone imbalance. And that consumers are using them at their own risk and there are is no one watching over what's actually in them.

So I just thought I'd ask Reddit bc Reddit is a place to ask/talk/discuss about everything. I hope this is safe question to ask here and not something that is hurting anyones sentiments here?

Bc honestly I posted this question on a fitness Sub also and my post just got removed and I don't understand why?

But then a lot of my posts end up getting removed or I end up getting banned from posting on a lot of other unrelated Subs on Reddit also for reasons I don't understand.

And Idk if its a me thing or a Reddit thing. Bc I am relatively new to Reddit and maybe I'm just come off as a N00B here or something idk?

But I am honest to god only posting here bc well what else is Reddit about?

submitted by /u/thewtfcat
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