Friday, April 16, 2021

10 pounds down. I feel more like myself.

28F, 5'7" 205lbs. I started my journey at 215lbs. My goal is 180. A little over a month ago my older brother came to visit. He is 40 and 6'. He was telling me about his diabetes diagnosis and how it scared him into doing something about it. He talked about how he had lost 45 pounds and was now at 210lbs. It was like being slapped awake. My 40 yr old 6 foot tall brother weighs less than me? My big brother is a diabetic, my aunts and uncles are diabetics. I am going to be diabetic if I don't figure my life out. So thats what I am doing. I changed my diet. I am at roughly 1500 calories a day. If I am eating it then it needs to be nutritionally beneficial in some way. Unless it's something I truly enjoy like my aunts homemade lemon bars because we all need a treat now and then. I started exercising. Baby steps for now. I do 2-3 miles (up from 1 mile) a day walking/running with my dog (who loves all the exercise btw). I also make sure to listen to my fitbit when it tell me to feed it steps. I told myself I could get a gym membership if I could commit to walks after work for three months. My logic being if I can't go outside my front door and walk around for free everyday what makes me think I'd drive to the gym. I am weighing myself at the end of each week making sure I dont exceed 2lbs of weight loss a week. I'm trying to be a healthier me not just a skinner me. Its working 10lbs gone. The crazy thing is how good I feel. I hadn't realized how self conscious I felt or that I was a different person because of my weight. I wasn't comfortable in my own skin and it showed in my dag to day interactions. I love making people feel good about themselves but I stopped because I didn't feel good about me. I'm so hopeful and can't wait to see where this journey takes me.

submitted by /u/PeanutsMakeMeItchy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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