Monday, April 5, 2021

I lost 43lbs! I'm finally weigh less than I did in high school! But it's only the begining!

I've always bounced between the 300-340 range, in high school I was at about 325 when I buckled down and dieted and gymed. I dropped down to 300 before just giving up. In 2020 I noticed I hit 340 and wanted to make permanent change.

I started dieting again and going to the gym, but it also took me some introspection. Weight loss is an internal and external change, and after finally (not killing, but at least recognizing) my demons, I was able to stay motivated. Today I weighed myself, which I seldom do because I had this asanine idea that I wouldn't do it till I "thought I looked like I lost some weight" (which just had to do with my self image problems. I will never see myself as loosing weight unless a scale tells me otherwise, which I finally realized), and I saw I was at 297!!

Without even realizing, I lost 43lbs. If you asked me if I thought I lost weight prior to stepping on the scale, I would probably say no and even suggest I probably gained weight. One of my minor goals was to hit 320 by April 2021, and I was actually scared I didn't, but it feels so amazing to see that I not only reached that goal, but blew it out the water!

I'm so glad, but I also know this is just the begining. 180 is my goal, with no set date. However, for the first time in all my weight loss attempts, I truly feel I can push through and complete it. Realizing sub-300 was just the initial step, but the fact that I reached it makes me hopeful that I can someday hit the sub-290, then 280, 270, ect.

Anyway, I'm just glad I finally reached this! Don't give up!

submitted by /u/rantgarbagethrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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