Thursday, April 8, 2021

If You're Going Through Hell Right Now - Keep Going

When I started this weight loss journey about a month ago eating healthy and working out was terrible. Not annoying. Not unpleasant. Legitimately horrible. I had major headaches and brain fog, couldn't sleep, and spent most of my day feeling ill. I was also constantly hungry even though I was definitely getting enough calories. The first month sucked royally. Most days, I felt like I was hanging on by a thread. Hence, this post.

After 5 weeks, I'm now on a regular sleep schedule and for the first time in years am able to wake up pretty easily at 6:30am for my workouts. Sometimes I get afternoon lulls, but no pounding headaches or brain fog confusion anymore. My depression has gone from moderate to mild. I've found myself giggling out loud like I'm a little kid again. The food I've been eating for most of my adult life was making me sick. But kicking it made me feel even sicker. I never would have expected that reaction from my body, or for it to last as long as it did.

So if right now you're going through hell whether that's cravings, sleep deprivation, brain fog, migraines, muscle fatigue, overactive bladder, or the nine million other ways our bodies show us they are displeased when we force them to move more, and deprive them of excessive and empty calories, please know there is light at the end of the tunnel. You will adjust, and feel a million times better for it. Keep walking through that fire because you, yes you, got this!!!!

submitted by /u/ChubbyDill
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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