Saturday, April 17, 2021

I'm doing everything right but I can't seem to lose the last 15 pounds.

I'm 32 F, 5' 9", SW 193, CW174.8, GW 160. I'm no old hat to CICO style dieting. I spent most of my 20s using it to maintain weight. There was a time when I was 22 I got up to 187 and used CICO to get back down to 160, then the same for when I was about 25. So usually I hover between 160-165 and use CICO to maintain. Now and then I'll give tracking calories a break and run up to 170 and use CICO to jump down a couple of pounds. When I was getting married I used CICO to get me down to about 150.

So the pandemic happened and I was super depressed and decided I wouldn't count calories for the "month or so" while it was happening (I know so naive and dumb). I ate whatever I wanted then, but did continue to do a 2-hour walk a day. Well as everyone knows a month turned into the guts of a year and suddenly my leggings weren't even fitting correctly. So I stepped on the scale on 1/2/2021 and with a gasp learned I was up to 193! This is the fattest I have ever been!

It was ok though because I could use my old friend CICO to help. It went great at first, using MFP I would do about 1200 calories a day + include calories from exercise. I got a personal trainer and would go to the gym every day doing a 3-day rotation of arm day, leg day, cardio day. Then on top of this, I would walk about 2 hours a night (this is kind of my meditation/me time and is more than just exercise for me). Anyway, the first two months and a half of this went so great! By 3/17/21 I was down to 176.4.

That leads me to today, a month later, still doing all of the same things and I stepped on the scale today and I was 174.8. This is up from yesterday when I was 174.4 and yesterday: I ate 1525 calories, exercised 765 calories, which means that I was negative 440 from my goal. This is a pretty typical day for me too. I understand that in the beginning, weight loss is easier and that it gets harder and harder to lose the pounds as you get closer to your goal. In the past, though I don't usually struggle this much until I hit the 160's.

Maybe it's getting older? Maybe what I did in the past wasn't healthy and screwed up my metabolism and now I'm paying for it? I admit in the past I solely focused on the calorie part of CICO, but in this last try, I've been trying hard to make sure that 1200 calories are good food for me too. I make sure I get enough protein, and iron, and watch my carbs and fat.

Also, I want to note here I cook from home 90% of the time and weigh EVERYTHING I eat. If I do go out to eat, I go to places that put their nutritional info on their menu and leave 150 calories wiggle room. I use the same scale in the same position every single day for my food and myself. My trainer seems to think it's fine and just tells me to eat more protein (I eat about 100g a day already) but he's not a nutritionist and I think this is a food issue, not a workout issue.

Anyway please help. I'm in a plateau and I need help.

submitted by /u/catsatoncomputer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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