Monday, April 5, 2021

I've lost 18.3 lbs in a healthy way and I think it has to do with therapy

25F SW 350.1 lbs CW: 331.8 lbs

Over the last ~10 weeks, I have lost 18.3 lbs. Maybe it doesn't seem like a lot, especially considering by starting weight, but this is the most weight I've ever lost in a healthy, sustainable manner.

Last year, I lost 40 lbs...but I lost it because I stopped eating and sleeping properly due to depression. I've had similar situations happen throughout the course of my life.

I've struggled with binge eating for 15 years and I have tried every single diet on the planet: all-fruit, cabbage soup, cleanses, Atkins etc.

For me, none of them ever worked because restriction is the easiest way to trigger a binge. I've been doing that cycle on and off for more than half my life.

However, I am learning that some of my lack of progress was due entirely to self-sabotage, thanks to some pretty heavy past trauma.

I rejoined Weight Watchers in January (not an endorsement, just saying that's what I'm doing) and for some reason, this time it's sticking. I've never been able to lose on any weight loss program previously and I think what it comes down to is...I'm finally in therapy to deal with all of my garbage.

I have used food as a tool to deal with my emotions for a long time. I have sabotaged all of my success because, for me, my weight is a good way to stay invisible and ensure that people - especially men - leave me alone. I've punished myself by eating things I knew weren't good for me, because I felt like I didn't deserve success. I've psyched myself out and said "Have that whole cake. You'll never succeed in losing weight anyway, might as well embrace it."

I've been down this road dozens of times before...but I've never had anyone else's hand to grab for help until now.

If any of the above sounds like you, I would really suggest trying to focus on the inner self as much as the outer. Therapy is an option, and I personally think a good therapist is a fabulous tool, but unfortunately that isn't always accessible to everyone. In that case, look into authors like Louise Hay, Brené Brown, Dr. David Burns, Dr. Andrew Weil all have some really great books that can help. Again, not an endorsement or anything like that, just saying what I personally connect to.

Good luck all. May the force be with us.

submitted by /u/fightingforfit1118
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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