Friday, April 16, 2021

M(33) 3 month experiment results

I am a dad of 2, always been overweight but not to the point it was a problem... until this year. I was at 250 and decided I was gonna try and figure out sustainable habits for me— here’s what I did.

  1. Bought an Apple Watch
  2. Committed to doing 20 or 30 min Applefit+ WALK workout every day
  3. Goal no fast food for first 2 weeks
  4. Routine Breakfast and lunch (no guesswork same thing every day)
  5. Planned out M-F dinners

Ok so here’s the thing - I hate diets, I don’t particularly enjoy vegetables and I know if I starve myself (CICO ) when it’s all said and done the Lbs will come back. This is just my body I know this.

Starting weight 250~

  1. The Apple Watch was a must and I am so glad I did it. Allowed me to really see my goals constantly and even compete with friends. It’s super user friendly (of course all Apple products are) and I really like how it’s reduced social media platforms bc I don’t have my phone in my hand as much. So mental health +++

  2. With the watch you get a free trial of their Applefit+ workouts— I’ve done p90in the past years ago and figured hey if I do this trial and commit to just a walk every day I wanna see what the minimum will do for me. I love the programs there’s new workouts weekly and I found the first 3 weeks were a mental argument to get on the treadmill but I kept saying it’s just a WALK for 20 min anyone can do this there’s no good reason not too.

Ok this became bigger than I expected and I’m sure a large contributed to weight loss. Wife and I eat out 3 sometimes 4 a week. We committed to the first 2 weeks of our 3 month trial no fast food. During this time to solve the problem of deciding dinner which often lead to us getting fast food we sat down and planned our meals out M-F (weekends were ok to do whatever with friends just no fast food ) Here’s what I believe made this so successful one it was awesome not having to put thought into dinner we had planned it but are you ready for this... we are what we normally eat! Pizza one night BBQ next tacos next.. we decided not to force ourselves down a altered food path bc we want what we are doing to be sustainable. 2 weeks turned to 4 and now at the end of this free trial of 3 months we still haven’t eaten out.. also found our portions have decreased probably bc fast food portions are ridiculous and our bodies have adjusted 🤷🏽‍♂️. Also I mentioned I made the choice of having routine breakfast and lunch. Less choices equals more success in my mind. Now did I deviate sometimes yea. On weekends did we go out to eat breakfast or dinner sometimes yes. And guess what we made a point to bc that’s normal for us and we don’t want to infuse something fake into our routine that won’t be sustainable.

Conclusion ~ after 3 months of the above I am proud to say we’ve learned a lot. I’m even more proud to say what we are doing not only feels way sustainable I’m not burnt out or anything but some of our practices are forming new habits which in turn are leading us to healthier thinking and newer habits. So here it is I stepped on the scale this morning and 225 so down 25 lbs in 3 months of waking every day no fast food but still eating my norm. Next goal another 3 so I’ll see y’all in July ;)


submitted by /u/HuskerATX
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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