Thursday, April 15, 2021

NSV: I have back dimples!

F - 5’3” - SW 242 CW 200 GW 140 I hit my highest ever weight in August, had a job that I hated and was just generally miserable. After a lot of consideration I left that job in January and decided it was time to try to take control back over my life. I set out to make sustainable life changes and things have been going well so far!

I am thrilled that the numbers have continued to go down, but the most fun thing so far happened a few weeks ago when I happened to catch a glance at my lower back in the mirror and saw shallow dimples appearing there! I’ve been heavy for almost my entire life and I didn’t even know I had them since they were lost in the extra pounds. Every once in while I’ll check in to see how much more defined they are as I continue to lose weight. It’s like a funny little treat from my body as a “thank you” for finally getting my act together. 😆

I still have a ways to go, but I feel like I can do it. My advice to those starting out we be to know that starting can 100% suck - the first month or so was a challenge for sure. But eventually you’ll notice subtle changes. “Oh, my legs feel stronger from walking.” “Huh, I feel full sooner than I did a few months ago. I also don’t crave sweets constantly.” Use those changes as motivation to make more changes! It’s all so gradual that sometimes you have to step back to see them.

I also started doing a daily mindfulness session when I began this process. It honestly has been a huge help to keep things in perspective. Observing how my mind works also helped me find my personal line between what motivates me and what is a step too far. In previous weight loss efforts I would weigh myself everyday, sometimes twice a day. I felt like I needed that to know what I was doing right or wrong and keep my spreadsheet-centric brain engaged with the process, but I realized that what I was actually doing was burning myself out. On the days when the scale didn’t budge or went up a little, though logically I knew that was totally normal, it would throw me into a tailspin for the rest of the day. Now my lovely and understanding husband and I have a deal where he will literally hide the scale from me so I can only weigh in once a week. I know I wouldn’t be able to help myself otherwise. It keeps me motivated without throwing me off.

Thank you to this community. Y’all inspire me everyday and I am excited to keep going. :)

submitted by /u/MaryMaryNora
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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